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"Q Thank you. On a different topic. You've said you will sign the border fence bill to build 700 miles of fence along the U.S. border, but DHS has said it prefers a virtual fence of sensors and cameras rather than an actual wall. Are you committed to building the 700 miles of fence, actual fencing?

THE PRESIDENT: Yes, we're going to do both, Joe. We're just going to make sure that we build it in a spot where it works. I don't -- DHS said they want a virtual wall. I don't believe that's the only thing they've said. I think you might have truncated their statement, because we're actually building fence, and we're building double fence in particular -- in areas where there is a high vulnerability for people being able to sneak in.

2006-10-12 03:15:16 · 5 answers · asked by DAR 7 in Politics & Government Immigration

You can't fence the entire border, but what you can do is you can use a combination of fencing and technology to make it easier for the Border Patrol to enforce our border. I happen to believe, however, that in order to make sure the border is fully secure, we need a guest worker program, so people aren't sneaking in in the first place.

And so I look forward to not only implementing that which Congress has funded, in a way that says to folks, the American people, we'll enforce our border, but I'm going to continue to campaign and work for a comprehensive bill so that whatever we do in terms of equipment and manpower works better. If somebody is not trying to sneak in to work, in other words, coming through in a way where they're showing a temporary worker pass, where they're not using coyotes to smuggle across, where they're not going through tunnels, it's going to make it much easier for us to do our job, Joe, and that's enforce the border.

2006-10-12 03:15:51 · update #1

And so my judgment is, if the people want this country secure, we've got to do -- have a smart border, which we're in the process of developing now. It's a combination of fencing and technologies -- UAVs, sensors. I don't know if you've ever been down there, but it's a pretty vast part of country down there. It's hard to enforce that border. You've got some rugged country; you've got stretches of territory where you don't even know where the border is. You've got urban areas, like El Paso, or Southern California, where people have been able to sneak in by use of urban corridors. And so, therefore, fencing makes sense there.

I went down to Arizona, the Arizona sector, and saw a place where there's literally neighborhoods abutting the border, and people come -- a hundred of them would rush across the border into a little subdivision, and the Border Patrol would catch two or three, and 97 would get in. And they're asking, what are you going to provide to help us do our job?

2006-10-12 03:16:28 · update #2

And in this case, those who are in charge of coming up with the proper strategy to enforce the border said, we need double fencing with space, so that the Border Patrol can use that fencing as leverage against people rushing into the country.

And my only point to you is that the strategy to develop this border requires different assets based on the conditions -- based upon what the terrain looks like. And that's what we're doing.

2006-10-12 03:17:02 · update #3

But I repeat to you, when you've got a situation where people are sneaking in to do jobs Americans aren't doing, it's also going to keep a strain on the border. And so, therefore, a temporary worker plan, to me, makes sense, and it's a much more humane program -- approach, by the way. It will certainly help stamp out all these illegal characters that are exploiting human beings. You know, these coyotes that stuff people in the back of 18-wheelers for money is just -- that's not in character with how this nation works. And I think we ought to -- I think a good program that helps us enforce our border also will see to it that people are treated more humanely.

Thank you for your interest."

So, now that you've read it, what do you think he said?

2006-10-12 03:17:41 · update #4

Wanda, If North Korea ever gets their test to work, and if they ever get their rocket to work, the rocket would reach Alaska or Hawaii, neither of which are proximate to the Mexican border.

Also, why would we go south?

I'd go east.

2006-10-12 03:26:24 · update #5

Ans3r3r, I know what he said on that point, I am still trying to figure out exactly what he said about the fence. My position is about schools and total numbers. You want us to pay to educate the poor of other countries, across the board. I want my own children to get a good education, since I am paying for it. We won't always see eye to eye, clearly.

2006-10-12 04:57:27 · update #6

Katsulov, if the federal government would reimburse local schools and hospitals for the education and health care costs, I'd be ok with that. However, poor people don't pay enough in taxes, even if they pay taxes, to cover their education, etc. That is why immigration limits on poor people are there to begin with.

I'd be ok with a seasonal pass with no right to bring family and the employer pays housing, so long as the seasonal presence is enforced. Any thing else seems to lead to overstays, though.

2006-10-12 05:00:51 · update #7

5 answers

sounds like hes trying to serve both sides of this issue , too politically correct i would tell you what i think but you didnt ask to hear that lol

2006-10-12 05:05:17 · answer #1 · answered by hayleylov 6 · 1 0

Why are intelligent questions always flooded with nonsensical answers.I agree with what Bush actually said in the interview,and I live in Arizona,so I know first hand what you saw there.I could actually go along with a worker pass type of arrangement so that they come to the USA,work either daily ,or a guest worker card to work longer,with the ones that live in the USA paying all the taxes that legal citizens do,because their children would be attending school etc here.That would be a good thing for each side.The fence that will be built because it now has funding will be a deterrent to the smuggler and criminals,the honest working person would have a pass so it wouldn't affect him in any way.Its a really good plan and they should find a way to implement it ASAP.
Now tell me whats wrong with that plan ?

Wanda, we also can inflict the horror of a nuclear war,but we are not that ignorant,and for all its blustering neither is North Korea.They want recognition just as a small spoiled child does,we need to form new policy's towards some of these small nations.

2006-10-12 03:52:52 · answer #2 · answered by Yakuza 7 · 2 1

The fence is a farce. I tried to tell all of these people when they were ranting and raving about what these politicians were going to do.........Just like I thought they just talkin

2006-10-12 07:27:16 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

He spends money building that fence, he'll have to shove it where the "Sun don't shine" when we get a nuclear attack from North Korea.

See how mutants and mangled citizens will use the freaggin fence then...

2006-10-12 03:19:22 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

We need a guest worker program and a comprehensive immigration reform, there is no other way around it, why don't you want to understand it DAR???

2006-10-12 03:37:16 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

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