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Just because that many of the immigrants to that country are speaking the language, now they want everyone (from the real citizens to the non-latino immigrants) to conform to their bandwagon?

Go to any other normal country and you'll see that they require their immigrants to learn the language of the accepting country, not the other way around.

What is wrong with these people? is it arrogance, disrespect for the USA, or something else?

2006-10-12 02:14:04 · 19 answers · asked by betterdeadthansorry 5 in Politics & Government Immigration

Dane... I wont deny that learning new languages can be fun. But there is a difference between choosing to learn a new language (which normally can be done as an elective in most countries, mine included) and insisting or forcing that everyone does so to placate a certain group of people.

2006-10-12 02:26:16 · update #1

Wanda... just so you know... I am very fluent in Filipino (my home country's language) and English, and I am learning Japanese for my college foreign Language subject.

As for the rest of your answer... read my response to Dane...

2006-10-12 03:29:16 · update #2

19 answers

Wait a minute... I was not born to English-speaking parents, and I had to learn English, and both of my parents learned English, enough to communicate at the workplace and get alone in this country.

I am a proud Latino and am just as fluent with either language but I must say that it is not fair that Americans should have to learn SPANISH. It would be to their advantage to learn another language but not necessarily Spanish. Why not French, or German, or Swedish or Polish or one of the many African languages?

(RAM is correct; newcomers or immigrants to this land should NOT be treated differently from previous immigrant groups that were allowed to enter this country; that should also include the new proposed laws in immigration; the immigration laws should be the same as those that allowed so many immigrants from Europe during the 1800s and the 1900s)

Learning another language should be an academic requirement since it opens and expands our minds and our abilities to think in other languages. Those who oppose this are usually those who don't feel they can learn another language, and I can understand this. So, let's teach our children to communicate in other languages... it would only help them get jobs in the ever expanding globalization!

My ex-wife's college friend is a Black American who CHOSE to learn Spanish and is fluent in her Spanish. Her two little girls (bright and beautiful children) were brought up with a Spanish-speaking baby-sitter and my ex-wife's friend insisted that the baby-sitter speak to the girls ONLY in Spanish! Today, they speak, write and communicate English, Spanish, French and Italian FLUENTLY. And they graduated from high school by age 13 and have graduated with excellent grades from college!

I resent that people refuse to learn the language of the land; even some Americans have difficulties with Standard American English, but that's yet another topic altogether. Those of us that have come to this country (I was born in Brooklyn, NY) must speak the language of the land, and we must embrace the customs that make this ONE country. We must respect this land. We must respect this country as we make demands that they respect our right, freedom and liberty to enjoy and preserve our own cultural background. Unless we respect this country's culture, we will never be accepted and allowed into the mainstream.

All of these languages cause immese wastes in translating materials, applications, etc., hospital, school, DMV and other paperwork into more than 125 languages! How much can we continue to translate before we need a warehouse just to store the multiple copies of paperwork needed in one major hospital or school? Each translation costs money and time and are often riddled with mistakes that can and has caused untold problems and mistakes that can and may have endangered lives... when all they have to do is conform to one common language so that we can all communicate with greater ease. It makes no sense whatsoever! (I've had relatives serve this country's armed services and die in every war and conflict this country has had since WW I)

I also don't know why we have to have Bi-Lingual Studies and English as a Second Language Programs when all they have to do is leave the kids alone in a classroom and they will eventually figure it out on their own! I did. And so did every other Spanish-speaking and Italian kid during the 50s when I was going to elementary school... and we do NOT have an accent when we speak... why should kids be put in these programs in elementary school and still be in these programs when they graduate high school and expect to continue in these programs throughout college... they don't work! Leave well enough alone! Lowering standards is not the answer either! Let them learn, even if they get left back a few times, but just make sure they meet the standards before they graduate...PERIOD!

Let them learn to speak English or to take some relative or friend with them to translate when they visit the doctor or a government office or school. Translating to other languages shouldn't be the duty or responsibility of governments!

I don't mean to offend any of my hermanos o hermanas pero cuando ellos vayan a nuestros paises, que aprendan a hablar en nuestro idioma en nuestro paises y que respeten nuestras culturas como nosotros debemos respetar la cultura de ellos!

2006-10-12 03:02:56 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

You can learn whatever language you want, but I understand why people advice you to learn Spanish instead of Catalan. It's only because Spanish is one million times more useful than Catalan. Catalan is only spoken in Catalonia, Andorra, Valencia, the Balearic Islands, a small part of France and a small city in Italy, whereas Spanish is spoken in all of Spain, most of South America and it's a normal language to learn whenever you want to learn another language. You're correct, if you know Portuguese and French you practically understand most of the Spanish language. Same thing happens to me: I understand Portuguese and Italian perfectly even though I don't know how to speak them. So basically learn Catalan if that's what you want to do because, above all, it's your decision. If you don't feel like learning Spanish because you don't think you'll ever need it, don't do it. People just give you advice of what they think is best, but it's your life and your choice. So go ahead and learn Catalan, and if you need any help, I'd be willing to help. Good luck!

2016-03-28 06:15:54 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's mostly a combination of the things you mention--arrogance and disrespect--plus laziness. There may be other reasons why this is happening, but regardless of the cause, it is completely inexcusable.

And the U.S. is not doing them any favors by pampering them
in regards to this language problem you mention. Historically speaking, those who immigrated here legally but who spoke little or no English soon learned that it is was next to impossible to function in American society without learning the language. The result was that the vast majority of them learned English. As far as education is concerned, the main responsibility of the public school system back then was to mainstream their students (those who didn't know English) into American culture and society ASAP by teaching them to speak and to read and write in English. Somehow, I don't really know why, these most important goals have been forgotten or set aside when it comes to the latest group of immigrants that come from Mexico or other countries south of the border.

Why should they be treated any differently than previous groups of immigrants? (Setting aside for the moment the legal vs. illegal alien situation.) The answer is they shouldn't. Obviously, some people think otherwise, but I can not myself come up with any reasonable justification why this should be so. I really think it's something this country needs to think long and hard about.

2006-10-12 02:59:52 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

They are promoting Nationalism. We should all know where that leads.
One National Language unites in a country-two divide (history).
There is a purpose to one Nation Language in a country--it is called communication.
Knowing more than one is a bonus-promoting more than one is of no help to a Nation's unity. And it is costly. Le Francais est ma langue maternelle= French is the language of my Mother--but I speak English so people will understand. If I go to French parts in Canada I would expect them not to learn English--that would not be polite to their culture. And I would like to be considered a good and considered guest. This value seems to be lost to some. Pride can be an ugly virtue often.

A little off the subject--I would be cold in your outfit . As stylish as you are-please don't use real fur. Or don't buy new fur if you already have a fur (My feelings are if you already do-that animal has already paid the price-let it not be in vain) Thank-You.

2006-10-12 07:46:47 · answer #4 · answered by *** The Earth has Hadenough*** 7 · 4 1

I think that the people that are pushing for everyone to learn spanish want to get the vote of the legal immigrants in the latino community come election time. if i moved to another country i would make the effort to learn the native language, not make the people that are already there learn mine. america is so scared of discriminating against a certain group, but you are right, no other country is as ignorant as america

2006-10-12 02:26:02 · answer #5 · answered by ekenny513 5 · 6 2

As long as the hispanics learned English I'd be all for it. In fact, I think it shold be a national agenda to have everyone become at least bilingual. But here's the bottom line. English is the lingua franca of the world...THE WORLD!! English is the predominant language of the U.S. If I moved to Mexico (or Germany, Norway, Russia,etc) would everyone learn English for my benefit? NO!!

2006-10-12 02:26:27 · answer #6 · answered by Spud55 5 · 3 2

For your own sake, learn a new language, whatever it is!

Why do they recommend Spanish in here? Because it is one of the most common language spoken in the Americas.
Rebel against it? OK, learn Portuguese, then! Brazil's native language is one of the least commonly taught anyhow.
Think you'll travel to Europe? Pick French, Italian, whatever!

But for the love of gawd, expand your horizons and get to know a different culture this week.

2006-10-12 03:17:12 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

I have wondered that myself. I think knowing other languages is a plus to anyone to know. I accept all cultures and languages they speak. I disagree when certain individuals point out speaking Spanish only. We have other cultures and languages that people know in the good ole' USA and they never demanded we learn their language. Sorry, somewhat of a rant, but I know people who speak Danish, Cantonese and Japanese because that is their identity. You make a great point.

2006-10-12 03:19:50 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

I don't see a problem with it, what's the big deal about learning another language, I see it as broadening your horizons and learning about other cultures and places.

2006-10-13 04:58:45 · answer #9 · answered by saltamontes20 4 · 1 1

A voice of sanity in the wilderness of the politically over correct,thank you.I speak several languages because I chose to learn them not because an illegal immigrant and his/her supporters say that I should speak their language,in my own country.No other nation has this problem but the USA
Your words are very true and to the point and on target.We here in the USA are wondering the same thing

If you watch this short video it does offer an explanation

This web site offers up another more sinister reason

2006-10-12 02:38:33 · answer #10 · answered by Yakuza 7 · 3 3

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