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He was a loving father of two young children, has a wonderful wife, and was very active in the community. Now, I found out that the members of Westboro Babtist Church are planning to be there to Mock and protest his funeral!!!! This was an honorable man and decorated American hero and his family deserves the right to pay their last "RESPECTS"

Is there anything I can do? Is there anything that our community can do? What would you do if this was your close friend/family member?

I know that these people are not true Christians and give the Christians as a whole a bad name. They are nothing more than a "We hate everyone and everything organization"

2006-10-12 02:13:08 · 23 answers · asked by Shamus 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I dont want to turn his funeral into a circus, but would like to do something or organize something to show these fools that this will not be tolerated

2006-10-12 02:17:58 · update #1

23 answers

its really sad to hear this. may his soul rest in peace and may God protect him in His Loving Care..

second try keeping them as much as possible. i mean they should respect other's beleifs and why even at a funeral?. let them not disrespect ur freind. may God bless u for standing up for ur freind.

have a nice day and peace.

2006-10-12 02:44:41 · answer #1 · answered by marissa 5 · 2 0

Well, I loathe and detest every aspect of the war in Iraq, but one of the things I hate most is the expenditure of young and brave lives in the service of a malign foreign policy. Your friend deserves all the honour you wish to give him, and more. And I am appalled at the behaviour of these 'Christians' - I'm reminded of the Bill Hicks schtick where he describes being assaulted by some Christians for his beliefs and, when they say that they're Christians, he says: 'So forgive me ...'

Practical stuff. Does the pastor of this church know of his parishioners' intentions? If he does, then you should speak to him and ask him to discourage them with all the force that he can command. Ask where Christ would be when the funeral takes place ... remind him that the people who received the strongest condemnations were the hypocrites and whited sepulchres. (A spot of urgent Bible study awaits you, I'm afraid, as you look up some especially suitable quotes). It may be worth having a word with the pastors of some other local churches to see whether they can bring any influence to bear.

Use the media. This is one of the few occasions where the Fox news channels may have something useful to contribute. Alert them. They will almost certainly be on your side. I would try to get a reporter to interview two or three of these protestors in advance of the funeral - preferably the most confrontational kind who can scare the living daylights out of them.

Talk to the pastor who will be taking the funeral, of course. He may have encountered this before, or there may be other pastors in his church who have had similar experiences and know how to handle the situation. If the names of the potential protestors are known, he might write to them in advance in the name of Christ asking whether they are directing their anger in the appropriate direction.

Get some security if you can - you might have to pay for it, you might find a security firm willing to do it for free (or your friend's army buddies). Many security firms have personnel who are ex-military and likely to sympathise with your point of view. Emphasise an intimidating presence and 'we don't want any trouble, do we now?' rather than a fight. I believe that you have the right to keep them out of the church, but I'm not sure about that.

And if after this they still maintain a presence, then please have everyone act with dignity, ignore them; and the only bow you might want to make in their direction is to include a prayer for peace on earth - all the earth - as part of the service.

I have the feeling that I'm only tiptoeing around this ... I wish I could suggest more. But I hope that this is helpful.

2006-10-12 03:23:08 · answer #2 · answered by mrsgavanrossem 5 · 0 0

I really don't have an answer but I'll give you some insight on what happened in my community about 2 months ago. Basically the same situation, Mormons from Utah came here (1000miles away) to protest. They were confronted by a group of veterans who travel and attend similar funerals. Before things got way out of hand the police were called, two vets were taken into custody, they Mormon group was escorted out of town by the police. After this was all taken care of the two in custody were released. The police did a good job of diffusing the whole mess. It's a shame people have the audacity to ruin someone's only chance at a decent and respectful memorial, no matter what it's for. Groups like these give Christians the bad name they cry and whine about. I wish you luck and I hope yours does not get to this point for everyone's sake, especially the soldier's.

2006-10-12 02:41:16 · answer #3 · answered by Hellsdiner 3 · 1 0

I am so sorry for the loss of your friend! I extend my deepest condolences to his wife and children. As the daughter of a retired military man (both Army and Navy) the death of a soldier always hurts me. But what hurts me more is these monsters from Westboro Baptist! They are evil incarnate. And I think they're inbred. They should all be sterilized and never, ever be allowed to breed! (Okay, you can probably tell that I hate them immensely.)

When they show up to picket your friend's funeral, the community should gather around his family to shield them from ever seeing those imbeciles. Speak with the authorities in your town and see if they can make the idiots stand a good distance away so perhaps the family won't be able to hear them or see their ridiculous signs.

One of these days, they're going to be hurt or killed doing their little "protests". And, though it may seem callous of me, that day can't come soon enough.

2006-10-12 02:26:57 · answer #4 · answered by Avie 7 · 1 0

First, I would notify the mortuary that is handling the funeral. They should know the ends and outs of the legality of the protest. In some areas (communities, states) there are actually laws against these protests. Second, you might contact your local VFW and see if they have any ideas. There are veterans groups that are active in helping families when this pseudo-church comes to protest. Third, community members could establish their own human barrier around the mortuary or church to help protect the family and friends as they come in and out.

Please give your friend's family our heartfelt condolences. Our youngest son is currently serving in Baghdad in the Army.

2006-10-12 02:19:25 · answer #5 · answered by servinggodalone 2 · 3 0

Contact your congressmen. Legislation is being looked at to keep protester from doing this. You have my sympathy on your loss of a friend and I pray for the families of all our soldier over there, esp. those who have paid the ultimate price. You are exactly right that these 'people' give Christians a bad name. I would defend their right to protest, but not at a funeral. That is disrespectful and they if they need to protest, protest the war, government, etc. Not the people who honorably serve their country and defend their freedom.

2006-10-12 02:22:35 · answer #6 · answered by Charles B 4 · 2 0

this really upsets me personally as anyone who has given their life for freedom deserves to be treated with all the respect and dignity this country can bestow. all gave some some gave all. sadly though these veterans also fought for these people to have the free will to protest these honoring ceremonies. would suggest strongly that you and the community plan on the services and forget those who are so despicable to protest a soldier's funeral.

2006-10-12 02:51:36 · answer #7 · answered by Marvin R 7 · 1 0

There is a Motorcycle Group, I cannot remember their name, hopefully another poster can, they go to these Funerals, and shield the Family from the protesters.

They line the road with their Bikes, and American Flags, blocking the protesters. They do a good service to the Families of fallen Service Men.

2006-10-12 02:17:03 · answer #8 · answered by Minister 4 · 5 0

Oh for crap sakes, is that the jerk Rev. Phelps again? Infuriating - this guy may be a relative of mine by marriage. That DOES NOT earn him the privelege of dissing my fellow veterans, and you can take that to the bank! If it's the same guy I think it is, he needs a good ol' family talkin' to! Like, with me shillelagh!

You can contact the veterans' organizations in your area - the VFW, American Legion, DAV, Amvets, Vietnam Veterans of America, the Marine Corps League - who will be more than happy to provide security and counter these so-called "Christians" and their freaky pastor.

And most importantly: contact your local District Attourney's office - there is a new federal law regulating behavior at military funerals, and your DA can advise you. Don't put it off - better to be prepared than not.

2006-10-12 02:35:56 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

You'll want to contact the Patriot Guard Riders. This is the Motorcycle group that others are talking about and the ones that will block these pathetic communists from having ANYTHING to do with the funeral.


Westboro Baptist "Church" can go to Hell

2006-10-12 02:32:46 · answer #10 · answered by Dr. Linder 4 · 3 0

THE TIME you gained your city the race We chaired you interior the path of the industry-place guy and boy stood cheering via, and domicile we extra you shoulder-severe. To-day, the line all runners come, Shoulder-severe we carry you domicile, And set you at your threshold down, Townsman of a stiller city. clever lad, to slide betimes removed from fields the place glory would not stay And early however the laurel grows It withers quicker than the rose. Eyes the shady evening has close can not see the checklist decrease, And silence sounds no worse than cheers After earth has stopped the ears: Now you will no longer swell the rout Of lads that wore their honours out, Runners whom renown outran And the call died till now the guy. So set, till now its echoes fade, The fleet foot on the sill of colour, And carry to the low lintel up The nevertheless-defended challenge-cup. And around that early-laurelled head Will flock to gaze the strengthless ineffective, And discover unwithered on its curls The garland briefer than a woman’s. A.E. Housman.

2016-10-19 06:30:24 · answer #11 · answered by avey 4 · 0 0

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