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This is pretty straighforward, although I'm issuing a challenge with this. Whoever is the first to get all of these correct will receive best answer. Christians, if there are any I've forgotten, please let me know, and I will post them either on this question, or another.
Everyone else, I encourage you to do this for your religion (or lack thereof, if you're an atheist.), that's my challenge.
This is on Christians. The next part will be on Christianity.
SO, true or false?
1. Christians hate science.
2. Christians love homosexuals, but disagree with the lifestyle.
3. Christians are not allowed to question their beliefs.
4. All Christians attend church.
5. All Christians are uneducated.
6. Many scientists have been theists, or Christians.
7. All Christians are hypocrites.
8. Some Christians believe in evolution.
9. Christians are racist.
10. All Christians only listen to Christian music.

2006-10-12 02:09:44 · 30 answers · asked by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Of course the list is flawed. I came up with it, lol!

2006-10-12 02:14:32 · update #1

If anyone from another religion (or lack thereof) does this for their religion (or lack thereof), please provide a link, and I will gladly answer yours as well. Thanks to everyone who's answered so far, and everyone who WILL answer!

2006-10-12 02:19:03 · update #2

These are NOT a representation of how I feel about Christians. That's why some of them are true, and some are false.
And it IS true that some of them are a generalization. That's my point, actually.
I'm only trying to debunk some common misconceptions.
I AM a Christian, thank you! That's WHY I'm doing this!

2006-10-12 02:21:59 · update #3

I'm going to go ahead and put this up for a vote. I know who was first, but there were so many other EXCELLENT answers besides that one, that I don't know who to choose, lol. Happy voting, guys!

2006-10-19 04:08:33 · update #4

30 answers

1. F (Several Christians have won nobel prizes for their contributions to science)
2. T (Judge not, lest ye be judged...hate the sin, not the sinner)
3. F (God gave us free will to CHOOSE, therefore: evaluate and decide for ourselves)
4. F (It is recommended that Christians come together to worship, but not mandatory)
5. F (please refer to answer 1)
6. T (again, please refer to answer 1...Nikola Tesla, Copernicus, Galileo, etc)
7. F (some are, some aren't. None should be)
8. T (I sure do)
9. F (some are, some aren't. None should be)
10. F (is Van Halen a Christian band?)

ADDED: Aw CRAP! edsawyer nailed it! (Except for the questions that begin with "All")
Nice job ed! =D

2006-10-12 02:13:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

How clever:
1. False- many Christians work in a Sience oriented profession.
2. True-you can disagree with a person's choices and still love the person.
3. False-If you don't question things then you can't continue to grow.
4. False-not all Christians feel the need for organized worship.
5. False-there are as many educated, well informed Christians as their are
non Christians.
6. True-the list is surprising.
7. False-not all PEOPLE are hypocrites.
8. True-but it is unclear how they reconcile their beliefs.
9. False-no group is ever all anything. Racisim is a very real part of this
society, it is unfortunate, but there are racists in every walk of life, religious
as well as non-religious.
10. False-we love all sorts of music. I personally am a Stones fan from way

Thanks for the fun time and making me think about things.

2006-10-12 03:33:49 · answer #2 · answered by Only hell mama ever raised 6 · 1 1

1. False, I am an ameture Scientist and I know many scientists that are Christians.

2. True

3. False, if we don't question are religion at some time, we can never really grow spiritually.

4. No, there are a small percentage that don't believe that they need to attend a church to believe in God and His Christ.

5. No, there are many of us that are highly educated or intellegant.

6. True, Some scientist rely on their finding so much that they end up not believing God.

7. No I know I'm not, I practice what I preach.

8. That's possible in Christianity we have all kinds in here.

9. False, I'm not racist, I believe that despite your color or nationality God loves you all the same.

10. FALSE, I can't stand listening to Christian music, I prefer Japanese Music, Yoko Kanno, Yoko Ishida.

2006-10-12 02:18:31 · answer #3 · answered by princezelph 4 · 1 1

1. Christians hate science. FALSE, science is a tool in our hands to make this world a better place

2. Christians love homosexuals, but disagree with the lifestyle. TRUE...love everyone equally, but not a precedent to agree with sin

3. Christians are not allowed to question their beliefs. FALSE...we are encouraged to ask questions, how else would we learn more of the unlimited God, unless he grace's us with enlightenment when we challange ourselves and grow?

4. All Christians attend church. FALSE...some christians, for one reason or another, do not attend church.

5. All Christians are uneducated. FALSE...I have degree, my christian friends are educated...so too are some of my uneducated friends who make great christians too.

6. Many scientists have been theists, or Christians. TRUE, but others may be athiest or other religious believers...irrelevant

7. All Christians are hypocrites. FALSE...falling week is not hypocracy, so long as the person admts fault, confesses and repents and try again to succeed and overcome weekness

8. Some Christians believe in evolution. TRUE, some also believe in creationism...most believe that truth is somewhere in between.

9. Christians are racist. FALSE...whatever happened to "love your neighbour as yourself?

10. All Christians only listen to Christian music FALSE...music is not a sin, its the contents and words of some that unsuitable music that may not be a good idea to listen to if it disturbs you

I hope this helps...I answered on myhalf, and I like to think that I am a devout Christian, still working towards becoming a better man...I believe that is what true christianity is all about.
Are you satisfied with my answer or did I not give you the answers you hoped to hear?

2006-10-12 02:20:58 · answer #4 · answered by copticphoenix 3 · 1 1

1.F 2.T 3.F 4. F 5. F 6.T 7. F 8.T
9. F (some unfortunately are) 10. F

2006-10-12 02:20:42 · answer #5 · answered by RB 7 · 0 1

1false, many advances have been made by christian scientists.
2. Christians are required to love everyone (not always easy)
3. Christians are encouraged to ask questions
4. not all Christians attend church
5. not true,there are several Christians with college degrees.
6. true many scientists are Christians or atheists
7. a true Christians strives not to be a hypocrite.
8. through God all things are possible. the world could have began with a bang. However no christian believes we came from monkeys
9. A true christian is not racists. If they are they are not true Christians.
10. Not true. Christians listen to a lot of different music.

2006-10-12 02:22:45 · answer #6 · answered by Stand 4 somthing Please! 6 · 1 1

Well done. It deals with a lot of the stereotypes of Christianity.

However, there are a lot of members here who don't care about the truth of Christianity. They like these stereotypes, and will fight to 'believe' them because they need to bash God and Christians and religion to feel better about themselves.

Christians are a varied bunch. I could only answer for my own beliefs.
1. I love science.
2. Love everyone, live and let live on lifestyle.
3. Allowed? Don't know about that, but I do.
4. No.
5. Myself, very educated.
6. Many scientists are theists.
7. Everyone's a hypocrite, at one time or another.
8. Believe it.
9. Not racist.
10. Not true.

2006-10-12 02:17:36 · answer #7 · answered by dave 5 · 2 4

1. False. (i love biology, psychology, and physical science)
2. True. I love everyone regardless of their sexual preference.
3. False. Everyone has done this before. Its human nature.
4. False. Im Christian, and i dont attend Church. Many preachers views are opinionated, and i might not agree with their interpritation on a particular Bible verse.
5. False. that it biased thinking. Anyone can be educated regardless of belief.
6. True. Albert Einstein was Jewish.
7. True. we all are sinners. but we can learn to repent.
8. True. its hard to link religion together with it, but im sure there is some logic to it.
9. False. i have to racial views towards anyone.
10. False. i listen to rap, r&b, rock, even some metal.

2006-10-12 02:18:09 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

1. False.
2. True.
3. False.
4. False.
5. False.
6. True.
7. False.
8. True.
9. False. (Although I'm sure some struggle with that issue).
10. False.

2006-10-12 02:14:57 · answer #9 · answered by Laura D 2 · 3 2

Christian answering:

1. false
2. true-ish, I'm not sure "disagree" is the correct word, but it's not too strong or too weak of an indication.
3. false - lots of questioning in the Bible
4. false - Jesus never said we had to go to church
5. false (you should meet all the people at my church, not only are they educated, they're educaters.)
6. true - A Case for Christ - great book
7. All? false
8. true
9. false
10. false (heavy metal fan here)

Hope this is helpful. Of course you can't say that my answers are true of all Christians. I just perceive them to be my feelings and experiences with my fellow Christians, and based on certain things stated in the Bible.

2006-10-12 02:58:47 · answer #10 · answered by luvwinz 4 · 1 1

1. false
I doubt there can be a correct answer to this in your eyes being that you most likely are going into some agenda with this....would you like a explanation for each t/f answer

1. Science is agift from god...how than can you hate it. all the scientific advances in medicine ect are blessings from god.
2.Hate the sin not the sinner
3. tough one ut i say no. because by beliefs i am assuming that you are reffering to core beliefs in christianity such as the death and ressurection and the virgin birth if you question those than you might as well denounce your faith.
4.All christians attend what the bible defines as church unless oppositon prevents it. Example: in parts of the world where christianity is persecuted they may have small worship services or family paryer meetings for there own safety. I think people automatically jump up and see church as building or cathedral. christ said that when two or more people gather in his name there he is in the midst of them.
5.this obviously false. Many great scholars have been believers. I think this stereotype comes from the atheists that believe that if they cannot see what they knowas "reason" than they must be "uneducated" . its funny that many atheist have a problem saying that christinity is close minded and bigoted yet they continue to breed stereotypical thought like this.
6.Again obviusly true.such as louis pasteure
7. all that is a generalization...so obviously false. nobody can say all of anyone with a certainty
8.no that is parallel with number 3 the creation is a core belief you cannot compromise and stilk keep your faith
9. see answer to number 7
10. again with the all.....

2006-10-12 02:16:10 · answer #11 · answered by Robert K 5 · 3 2

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