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That you are racist? I am not racist, I am AGAINST ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, keyword is ILLEGAL! And I also hate spanish being spoken in this country when everyone should speak ENGLISH! That's not racist. Racist is like the KKK or the Nazis. I am not a KKK member or a Nazi!

2006-10-12 02:05:09 · 24 answers · asked by Pure American 1 in Politics & Government Immigration

24 answers

This is a country built on immigration this country is a melting pot of different cultures/backgrounds. I dont see anything wrong with speaking Spanish. Everyone should not have to speak English.

2006-10-12 02:08:07 · answer #1 · answered by . 6 · 2 4

If this country was called Mexico,then Spanish being spoken here would be correct.I don't care what language anyone speaks but the people of an English speaking country like the USA should not have to send their children to schools that are teaching children of illegals in Spanish.The time spent in teaching children is divided in two .Our children are only getting half a day of real education.For the children that don't speak English,send then to a magnet school in the city's until they are proficient in English.Then to the regular schools to learn academics.Of course its a good thing to speak more than one language but it should be a choice for legal American parents to make ,not the government.to force on us and then make the tax payers pay for it.Where is the rational in that thinking.?On this forum if you do not echo the views of the posters question the scream,and throw the race card at you,but that doesn't prove that the person is a racists.Yes there are card carrying racists on this site but they come in all colors and all nationality's.Most of them are not white, black,yellow or brown,they are the people that try to suppress the views of anyone that doesn't echo their own views and agendas.
Perhaps the racists they are seeking is no farther away than the reflection they see in their own mirror.

Jessica.I speak several languages including Spanish,but it was my choice to learn as it should be.Its not up to the illegals to press that point.If one wishes to learn another language other than the one spoken by the majority here in the USA ,then more power to them.But they as Americans deserve the right to choose.Thats about our freedom in an English speaking country.I love speaking different languages but no one forced me to learn them,it was my choice.

2006-10-12 02:59:53 · answer #2 · answered by Yakuza 7 · 1 0

Do you even realize how difficult it is for people to learn to speak a new language correctly, not to mention well? It is the variety in languages and peoples that make this country beautiful and narrow-minded people like this who tarnish it. Why are you so against Spanish anyway? It is a beautiful language that is very fun to speak - as are all languages in this world. Please don't be so quick to hate everything except English. Knowledge is power and knowing another language instead of hating it can expand your mind.

One more thing to Brian M: the KKK and Nazis are not only against other religions; they are against all people who are not white and not Christians or are gay. Nazis extinguished many people just because they had dark skin and dark hair, even some whites. Nazis were looking to create a perfect race.

2006-10-12 03:21:57 · answer #3 · answered by Jessica B 1 · 0 1

Let's face it...if you oppose any reform of immigration as it's been hapening, you're going to be labeled a racist. You want a national language? You're racist. You want immigrants to come here legally? You're racist. You refer to latino immigrants (because they seem to be the only ones crawling under the fence between the US and Mexico and what got this all started anyway)? You're racist. Face it pal, no matter what you do, no matter what you say, someone is going to label you a racist. Some of the worst racists there are are the ones who will be first to call you a racist. Kill a minority and it's a racially motivated crime. Kill an anglo and it just plain old murder.

2006-10-12 02:21:20 · answer #4 · answered by Spud55 5 · 3 1

America was founded as an English speaking country, so why is it so offensive that we want the people moving here to learn English. If I were to move to Italy, I would be expected to learn Italian so that I could assimilate more efficiently, and communicate with the people I would do business with during everyday life. The same would go for France or Germany. None of the other countries are going to cater to me if I don't speak their language. When I was in the Navy and my ship pulled in to an overseas port, I had the courtesy to at least try to speak the local language. The natives appreciated that more than me trying to make them speak to me in English. Even if you mangle the language, you're still making an effort, and they were more willing to do business with me than with all the other people on my ship that didn't make an attempt. The people who immigrate here LEGALLY learn English, so that they can assimilate into our society and become productive citizens. Pure American is ranting about all the ILLEGAL immigrants (Hispanic mostly, but yes, there ARE illegals here from other countries.) It IS mainly the illegals who sneak past the immigration process that refuse to speak English, and expect the citizens of an English speaking country to conform to them. I'm sure that when you make a phone call to a customer service center in another country, you don't have to choose between different languages. America is an English speaking country, and we need a constitutional amendment to make English the official language. We need to stop catering to the ILLEGALS who refuse to learn the language, by stopping all the bilingual signs and billboards and radio/television ads. I'm all for LEGAL immigration, and totally against ILLEGAL immigration. There shouldn't be any amnesty allowed for any of the illegals who are here. All illegal aliens should be apprehended and deported. There also needs to be a change to the 14th amendment (that's the one about citizenship and immigration, for those of you who don't know) that states that any child of illegal aliens born in the U.S. does NOT automatically become a citizen just because they were born here. It should state that children born to parents who are already citizens are automatically citizens. Maybe that would slow down the flow of all the illegal immigrants popping out "anchor babies" so that they don't get thrown out of the country. And I don't think that makes me a racist. It just makes me proud to have been born an American citizen, of American citizen parents. There's an immigration system in place for a reason. Use it the right way or stay out of my country.

2006-10-12 03:46:12 · answer #5 · answered by j.f. 4 · 1 3

First comment goes to DOG! He never said that he hated Spanish speaking people.

I agree that we are all considered racist because we do not want to let illegal aliens coming in here and ruining our way of life. We have our own people doing that for us already.

People that call people racist are actually the people that are racist. It is easier for them to cry racism than it is for them to understand where we are actually coming from. I work a restaurant and I had some Cuban customers that could not speak English, but that is okay because he had someone with him that could speak English. He was very nice and respectful. I have a lady from Spain that comes in on a daily basis and she can not speak English, either. Her boyfriend, who is also from Spain can. These are very nice people and I enjoy having them come into our store. It does not make me a racist because I think that people should learn English and that the Illegals should not be here. Sure, if I treated these customers rudely and refused to serve them, that would make me a racist. So, do not pass judgment on people for what they believe would be correct for the immigration issue.

2006-10-12 02:48:57 · answer #6 · answered by mcgrawm7 2 · 1 3

Since others were mentioning your other questions, I took at peek and noticed a gem entitled "Why don't Mexicans take showers?" Would you still like to argue that you aren't a racist? Why are you obsessed with English-only in the United States? Because that is your language and the only correct one then? Hate to tell you, but millions of Spanish-speakers in the US are not going to disappear overnight. You'll just have to face the facts-and get over it. Or better yet, you move to some white-only English speaking area so you won't have to deal with it.

2006-10-12 02:18:44 · answer #7 · answered by stuckinamoment 3 · 3 2

Agreed. I'm against illegal immigration as well. Why should we let them come to our country illegally and for free? Americans would definitely not be allowed to enter countries such as Mexico and Canada illegally. So why should they be privileged? Another reason is we have enough people in this country and don't need "aliens" over crowding our society. I feel the same way you do when it comes to foreign languages and culture. When you come to America you need to speak English. For those that bring their culture to American for instance, Afganistan and other countries in Europe and Asia need to leave it behind until they go back home. Most Americans know their history and culture those that have knowledge of World History know what I'm talking about. So there is no need to bring it to America. They need to learn American history. I'm sure they know little about our country other than the fact they hate us. So, why come to America then, right? That to me is racist. Your certainly aren't being racist and neither am I, just speaking the truth. Racist's are indeed the KKK and the Nazi's which I am totally against. There's no need for such hatred or violence in our country. We are suppose to set examples for other countries. Therefore, to show other countries that America is a great way of life we need to be a friendlly and peaceful country that takes NO crap from the ememies! In other words, we're right and they're wrong! Enough said.

2006-10-12 02:33:45 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

People think that way because it is an obvious fact. Who cares what you think about Spanish and thank God you are not the Government. Hitler wasn't a racist either he just didn't wan the Jewish religion in Germany. The Jews are not a race (they are a religion) so the KKK & Nazi were not racists they were just extremist nationals just like you are. What a silly blind ingnorant statement "everybody should speak english". Get educated before you open your mouth again.

2006-10-12 02:21:02 · answer #9 · answered by Brian M 4 · 3 3

i'm unable to even carry myself to observe Fox information, Limbaugh makes me puke andI'm not even extremely specific who Glen Beck is. I additionally totally depise GWB, Pelosi, Paulson, Bernake GoldmanSachs, Sumner, Geithner, Obama etal. yet what the HELL does that ought to do with illegals invading our usa? carry bagk our out-sourced militia, needlesly dying for oil-prosperous international places to gouge us as much as $5 according to gallon and positioned them to paintings for the the interest they signed up for. protecting this usa. positioned them on the border, re-enact the Monroe Doctrine, settle for 0 toleerance with illegals and fix this usa to the yankee people! Oh, yeah,and quck answer on your important question, illegals will and already DO vote immediately DEM in Cali - seek for Cali vote casting standards and tell me illegals do not vote. a minimum of a few can examine the ballots we so conveniently positioned up in Stupido Stronzo Messicano

2016-10-16 02:47:43 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

No, I don't think you are racist based on that. I think you're racist based on your last few questions when you said nothing about illegals, but said many things about "those latinos". Who are those Latinos? Citizens with Latino Heritage? Illegals come from all over the world, so we call them illegal immigrants, once you put a nationality or race to identify with all illegals, then it becomes more of a bigot issue.

2006-10-12 02:07:58 · answer #11 · answered by Enterrador 4 · 4 3

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