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14 answers

My fav from the olden days: Higher or Lower? Take a deck of cards, shuffle and take turns dealing, to any amount of other players. Each must guess if the next card will be higher or lower then the last. If theyre wrong, they drink for however many seconds equal the number on the card. If theyre right, the dealer drinks. The dealer usually gets the drunkest, and generally deals out the deck before passing. Also, i did this with american beer. Wouldnt reccomend with the hard stuff. Have fun.

2006-10-12 00:38:38 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We often play fizz, buzz, bang. It's a simple numbers game, normally played for a round of drinks off the loser. Start with just fizz, which is a substitute for any number divisible by 5 or with the number 5 in it. After a game of that, it becomes fizz, buzz, where buzz is on 7's. Then comes fizz, buzz, bang with bang on 3's. So, the game goes clockwise round the table with each person giving one number until someone makes a mistake. It's very difficult with all 3 words to reach 30 and if you do it's difficult to keep track. Also, some numbers require more than one word. Such as, 15, which is fizz bang and 35, which is fizz buzz bang. Get it?

2006-10-12 01:32:22 · answer #2 · answered by Young1Neil 1 · 0 0

Run as many of these concurrently as you can:

Thumbmaster: The thumbmaster has to (subtley) put their finger on the edge of the table. Last one to cotton on and copy gets a penalty and DRINKS! Loser then takes over the role of thumbmaster.

Mr Obvious: Similar to thumbmaster but Mr Obvious can do anything obvious the last person (or anyone who refuses to copy) must DRINK! Favourites includes taking your belt off, putting your shoe on your head, getting naked...

Todo: 7 shot glasses of beer, one in the centre, 6 around it. Each of 6 people has a glass allocated to them. Take turns to bounce a coin off the table into a glass. Whoever's glass it goes in must drink it (even if it's your own). If it goes it the middle, everyone drinks and the last person to finish drink the middle glass also.

Fuzzy Duck / Nyow! / 21's
These 3 games are very similar. All games must begin "To my {left/right}... a game of [ad hoc rules] {Fuzzy Duck / Nyow! / 21's}" The game must proceed in the direction stated.
Fuzzy Duck: Each person says "Fuzzy Duck" when going in the original direction. If someone says "Does He?" the direction changes. Now you're going the opposite way, you must say "Duck Fuzzy". "Ducky Fuzz" skips the next person.
21's is very similar, but you must say numbers in order. Saying 1 number passes along normally, 2 numbers changes direction and 3 numbers skips a person. Whoever is forced to say 21 must DRINK! 21 is an arbitrary target, you can call "To my right, a game of 54's/33's/324's " should you wish.
Nyow! Requires hand signals so perfect for a noisier bar. Shouting Nyow! (like a car passing) and swinging your arm/punching in the direction of travel moves along. A screeching (car brakes) and holding up the arm away from the direction of travel changes direction and "Beep""Beep" and signing like a six in cricket skips one. No more than two people can Beep!Beep! in a row. Any mistakes or hesitation and you can DRINK, sonny!
Ad hoc rules can be applied if stated before the game. For example, backwards 21's starts at 21 and whoever says 1 drinks. You make up any rule you like if it's your turn to start. Some suggestions are "slowly getting louder nyow!", "in a welsh accent", "alternating between loud and quiet, in french, backwards 56's"

Didn't your mum ever tell you it's rude to point? Well, if you do you also have to DRINK!. Pointing with the elbow is allowed.

Drink must be drunk with the left hand. Unless you are drinking a penalty, when you must use your right hand. Left for leisure, right for a penalty.

Safety inspector: Remember, safety first. All drinks must be placed more than a finger's length from the edge of the table, otherwise you must DRINK!

Failure at anything, any games, bad calls, spilling drink, dropping something, mispronouncing any word in conversation - anything and it's - "DRINK!"

2006-10-12 01:10:49 · answer #3 · answered by Krop 2 · 0 0

beer shots is a good one i learnt in Japan. What u need is 10 1/4 pnt shot glasses for each participant, then put a shot of any nasty spirit you can think of in each and fill up with beer.
As for the game what you need is 2 packs of cards 1 dice 2 boxes of matches.

1st give each member 1 card any one with a card higher than 6 must stand to one side. The ones with numbers 1-6 will have to roll the number on there card if they fail they have to do all there shots, if they get the number they can choose someone who is standing to the side if they dont get the number they have to do there shots plus the other persons, if they get the number the bartender who served you has to do them

2006-10-12 00:42:39 · answer #4 · answered by Yoda 2 · 1 0

Here is an example of one and a link to the website :-)

Matchbox Drinking Game
A few drunks, a matchbox & of course beer. Plus the ability to throw?

To begin with, all players must sit in a complete circle around a table with their beers infont of them.

How to play
Each player takes it in turns to throw the matchboz into the middle of the table. If the boz lands on the large flat side, the turn passes clockwise to the next player in the circle. If it lands on the long thin side, add 2 fingers of beer to the count. If it lands on the end of the box, add 4 fingers of drink to the total. Keep doing this until it lands on the flat side.The turn is then passed on to the next person, who gets one throw. If this player lands the flat, they have to down the amount of beer in the count! Keep this going round the table.

Sit to the left of someone thats rubbish at throwing.

If a match falls out of the box, add a fingers drink. If the box falls off the table, add 2! If you throw the box in your drink, down the lot! If it lands in another players drink, down it and get them a new one!

And Finally..
Please remember to drink safely!

Also check out


2006-10-12 03:19:07 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

deck of cards. piece of paper for what each number and face card means. ie, queen means all girls drink. king all boys drink. 2 means that person that liften the card takes 2 drinks. (take a card, then the next person takes a card). you can do a card for a waterfall (one person starts drinking, then the person next to you starts drinking etc. and you can't stop drinking before the person who started before you has stopped drinking - bad for people behind someone who can chug really well.) you can also make a rule card, say the joker, you get it you can make a rule, say, if you don't like someone, you can make the 3 card mean that THAT person has to take 3 drinks or whatever. 4 means you get to dish out 2 drinks to 2 different people. make stuff up. it's fun.

2006-10-12 01:15:03 · answer #6 · answered by holyitsacar 4 · 0 0

I have never. Someone starts by saying something that they have never done, anyone who has done it then has to stand up and take a drink. Then the next person says something they've never done and so on. Very revealing and very funny. best to do it after you've had a few drinks already as people tend to be much more open.

2006-10-12 00:44:23 · answer #7 · answered by cw 2 · 0 0

Fuzzy Duck is usually a good one, although it can result in all parties getting out of their minds! Not sure if you want that!!

The play commences as follows:

one player is nominated to start.
They either say "FUZZY DUCK" or "DUCKY FUZZ" the choice is theirs.
If the first player said "FUZZY DUCK" then the player on their left can either say "FUZZY DUCK" or "DOES HE".
If the first player said "DUCKY FUZZ" then the player on their right can either say "DUCKY FUZZ" or "DOES HE".
If the second player in either direction repeats the first player then the play passes on to the next person round the table. They can say "FUZZY DUCK"/"DUCKY FUZZ" following the second player or "DOES HE".
The phrase "DOES HE" reverses the play around the group ie switches clockwise for anti-clockwise or vice-versa. It also has the effect of changing the phrase so "DUCKY FUZZ" becomes "FUZZY DUCK" and vice-versa.
Two people can say "DOES HE" one after another, this has the effect that the play carries on in the same direction as before and with the same phrase.
There are only two more rules, you cannot say the same phrase twice in one session. If you said "DUCKY FUZZ" last time and the order of play means that you should say "DUCKY FUZZ" again you must say "DOES HE" so reversing the direction of play and the phrase.
If anyone makes any form of mistake in pronunciation or in the order of play,ie saying the same phrase twice, then a forfeit must be payed. Normally this consists of downing your shot in one, any mistakes in carrying out the forfeit can lead to further forfits.

2006-10-12 00:41:53 · answer #8 · answered by tjb742001 2 · 0 0

a game called tap tap you sit in a circle and everyone has a coin and one person taps the coin on the tablethen the person sitting next to that person has to tap theres and so on but if someone decides to tap the coin twice then you go round in the other direction if anyone does it wrong they hhave to down a drink and they are out of the game.

2006-10-12 00:45:11 · answer #9 · answered by twinkle 2 · 0 0

when i played drinking games the best we played was "quarters" it is simple and adversarial, and makes for great conversation. Serious playing was with Bacardi Dark 151. But usually it was with beer

2006-10-12 03:47:29 · answer #10 · answered by wizardofthe3rdage 1 · 0 0

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