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What is the major difference between the Roman Catholic church and Prodostant church beside the Pope.
Why dose the Catholic bible have different books that the Protestant bible dose not ? They are both the Word of God.. Could there in fact be other scripts about the life and death of Jesus Christ that got lost, of hadn't been found yet ?
Where in the Produstant Bible dose it talk about, Pergatory ?
Why do Catholics and Protestants have to fight sooo much..
We are all in the same Christ, the same fellowship.
This world has too many issues to deal with out all the fight among, Catholic, Protestant, we need to get along.....
Where is a good place to buy arromic. annoyting oils ? Like in a Church. I tried a Christian book store but they are to expensive.. I don't want to buy from stores that also sell occult or new age kind of junk and garbadge, or have demonic, or anti God simbles on it..

2006-10-11 23:15:26 · 12 answers · asked by paula b 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

12 answers

+ Differences +

I think the major difference between the Catholic Church and Protestant Church is the sources of doctrine.

The Catholic Church does not use Holy Scripture as the only basis of doctrine. It could not. The early Catholic church existed before and during the time that the New Testament was written (by Catholics).

There were hundreds of Christian writings during the first and second centuries. Which New Testament writings would become official was not fully decided until about 400 AD.

Catholics believe that the Holy Spirit was guiding the early church (and is guiding the church today) to make the correct choices about things like:
+ The Holy Trinity (which is also only hinted at in the Bible)
+ Going to church on Sunday instead of Saturday (which is actually directly against one of the Ten Commandments)
+ The Communion of Saints
+ Which writings include in the New Testament?

Things that are even more modern like
+ Slavery is bad. Slavery is never declared evil in the Bible. This was one of the justifications for slavery in the Confederate States.
+ Democracy is good. The Bible states that either God should be the leader of the nation like Israel before the kings or kings should be the leader, "Give to Caesar that which is Caesar's." This was talked about a lot during the American Revolution.

This second source of doctrine is called Holy Tradition.

+ The Bible +

The New Testament canon of the Catholic Bible and the Protestant Bible are the same.

The difference in the Old Testaments actually goes back to the time before and during Christ’s life. At this time, there was no official Jewish canon of scripture.

The Jews in Egypt translated their choices of the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek in the second century before Christ. This translation, called the Septuagint, had wide use in the Roman world because most Jews lived far from Palestine in Greek cities. Many of these Jews spoke only Greek.

The early Christian Church was born into this world. The Church, with its bilingual Jews and more and more Greek-speaking Gentiles, used the books of the Septuagint as its Bible. Remember the early Christians were just writing the documents what would become the New Testament.

After the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, with increasing persecution from the Romans and competition from the fledgling Christian Church, the Jewish leaders came together and declared its official canon of Scripture, eliminating seven books from the Septuagint.

The books removed were Tobit, Judith, 1 Maccabees, 2 Maccabees, Wisdom (of Solomon), Sirach, and Baruch. Parts of existing books were also removed including Psalm 151 (from Psalms), parts of the Book of Esther, Susanna (from Daniel as chapter 13), and Bel and the Dragon (from Daniel as chapter 14).

The Christian Church did not follow suit but kept all the books in the Septuagint.

1500 years later, Protestants decided to change its Old Testament from the Catholic canon to the Jewish canon. The books they dropped are sometimes called the Apocrypha.

+ Purgatory +

"But if someone's work is burned up, that one will suffer loss; the person will be saved, but only as through fire." (1 Cor 3:15)

"So that the genuineness of your faith, more precious than gold that is perishable even though tested by fire, may prove to be for praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ." (1 Pet 1:7)

Are you perfect now? Most people would say no.

Will you be perfect in heaven? Most people believe yes.

Purgatory (or purgation) is the process of God's love changing our imperfect selves into perfect beings.

Depending on the amount of change needed by different people, this can be an easy or slightly harder process.

Everyone in purgatory is on his or her way to heaven.

I do not think Mother Teresa of Calcutta had a very hard time of it.

+ With love in Christ.

2006-10-12 16:33:24 · answer #1 · answered by imacatholic2 7 · 3 0

The real issue in every religious matter is eternal life. What does it matter if we go through difficulties here for 70 years or so, the issue is where will you spend millions ands millions of years in eternity.. In Hell in torment or in Heaven. So to ask the question why does it matter - it is important.
The main difference between Catholic and Protestantism is how to get saved. Protestants believe that Salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ and faith alone. Catholics don't believe that, so the issue is are they truly Christians, and the answer is no. The extra books in the Bible have never been accepted as Books of the Bible and even though they may have some historical information that has value they are not inspired by God and therefore have error in them, because they are human writings. That is where much of the error in Catholicism comes from. As far as other books, why do we need them, what we have shows us the way to heaven through Christ so why have more?
The Protestant Bible does not talk about Purgatory, that is a Catholic doctrine. Hell is eternal, clearly taught in the Bible.
We "fight" because we are not in the same christ, The christ of Catholics is a totally different entity than the Christ of the Bible, so we are not in fellowship with them.

2006-10-11 23:32:03 · answer #2 · answered by oldguy63 7 · 0 1

The Protestant Bibles used to have the deuterocanonicals(apochrypha) or extra books,until the time of the Puritans. The Bible has no such doctrine as Pergatory. Its pretty
much a RC tradition, that's all.
I have never seen any inexpensive aromatic anointing oils. You can try the Book Store at TBN.org. But I don't think they will be inexpensive, since they import them from Israel.
I personally use Extra Virgin Olive Oil. No aromatic necesary.
I Cr 13;8a

2006-10-11 23:24:20 · answer #3 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

The protestant reformation came about under Martin Luther. The hierarchy in the church thought they had absolute authority, and the people weren't allowed to read the Bible. Martin Luther fled to Germany and translated the Bible so that everyone could read the Holy Scriptures. There is no mention of purgatory in the Holy Scriptures. It was a way of extorting money out of people so that prayers would be said for those people who were supposed to be in purgatory. The extra books the RC. have are not really authenticated by Christian scholars. The Roman Catholic Church is more interested in keeping the Vatican going with its pomp and private police than it is in the Word of God.

2006-10-11 23:31:47 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Jesus selected Peter to head the early church, and through the years the head of the church was affectionately called the Pope. Through the ministry and leadership of the first Pope, Peter, the church's spreading of the Good News continued and through the traditions that began 2000 years ago, the church has continued generation after generation with successors to Peter.

Reference John 21:15-17:
When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?" He said to him, "Yes, Lord, you know that I love you." He said to him, "Feed my lambs." He then said to him a second time, "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" He said to him, "Yes, Lord, you know that I love you." He said to him, "Tend my sheep." He said to him the third time, "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" Peter was distressed that he had said to him a third time, "Do you love me?" and he said to him, "Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you." (Jesus) said to him, "Feed my sheep."

The Catholic Church compiled the Bible over 1600 years ago. During the Protestant Reformation 500 years ago, the Protestants chose to remove seven books from the Bible. It is speculated, that they did it to conveniently remove articles of Faith that they did not want. The Catholic Church has maintained the Bible in its original form (73 sacred texts). In fact, the Protestants actually also wanted to remove three books from the New Testament, but this met with such outrage, that they did not do it. So, the Protestants only have 66 sacred texts of God's word (although some Protestant bibles will include the seven books in the back). The seven sacred texts that the Protestants have removed from the Bible are Tobit, Judith, 1 Maccabees, 2 Maccabees, Wisdom of Solomon, Sirach (or Ecclesaisticus) and Baruch.

Purgatory claims Scriptural foundation in both the Old and New Testaments: 2Mc. 12:39-45; 1Cor. 3:15; and 1Pt.1:7. Note that 2 Maccabees was removed from the Bible by the Protestants.

2006-10-12 15:05:04 · answer #5 · answered by orquidea_0 1 · 0 1

My anws is that they are just religions and not Gods followers. Christians are united and are under Jesus guidance in his ruler-ship through holy spirit. I suggest look at the Bible's criteria as to what determines what is Gods " church" and how do you differentiate true Christians from the rest of the world.

2006-10-11 23:21:20 · answer #6 · answered by fire 5 · 0 0

.very good question

in the bible there are apocryphal texts, or texts "not inspired by the divine word of God" we disagree on which ones are and are not apocryphal, they leave out the chapter that mentions purgatory, not by name.

another common misconception is our "worship" of saints and Mary.

even there and our bible tells us to call her holy.
lastly scripture and tradition, the Protestants believe in scripture alone, the catholics believe in scripture and tradition, as it says we should within the bible.

as for oils and likewise go to a monestary or any one of the shrines

2006-10-11 23:20:31 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

listen carefully my friend, the catholic dominance in this world today has failed totaly. thier doctrine of deception can no longer hold any water today.first, there is nothing like< pergatory<. this is a lie from the pit of hell meant by the catholics to lead many ignorant souls astray.have not heard of all the sexual-abuse by so called clergy catholic priest'´.. this evil men in sheeps clothing are all everywhere taking advantage of young ladies.,by sleeping around with them. most of thier priest are chronic- homosexuals. so the catholic is a bunch of garbage. do u know that a catholic priest tried to have sex with me in rome- italy. when i refused, he and his friends wrote a petition against me that iam an illegal foreigner in italy. the told the politicians to kick me out of italy. so my friend, as long as u are not a catholic, u are considered an enemy, cos they know u can not be fooled by their demonic rev-fathers. finally, pls kindly stay away from them if u realy want to make heaven. go and buy this book

2006-10-11 23:38:54 · answer #8 · answered by amuma gee 1 · 1 2

I believe the Protostant doesn't collect money like it is done in the Catholic church. Every religion believes in the same God. There is only one God. We all just call him something different in each religion.

2006-10-11 23:19:06 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

the basic differences are the way the Ritual and Ceremonies are performed. other than these minor differences they are all about the same as far as I can determine in my own mind.

2006-10-12 02:32:32 · answer #10 · answered by Marvin R 7 · 0 0

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