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were about to start potty training our 2yr old, any tips or advice, coz we really dont know where to start!

2006-10-11 23:04:25 · 19 answers · asked by Mad Dog 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Toddler & Preschooler

19 answers

dont bother with pull up pants!!! waste of money!!! Just put them in pants/ knickers...and obviously be prepared for accidents. Lots of praise when they go on the loo, dont tell them off for the accidents. Good luck!!

Careful though they may not be ready. My son wasnt raedy till 2 and 9 months then it literally happened in a space of a week!!! where other kids can go as early as 18 months!!

2006-10-11 23:08:25 · answer #1 · answered by Sara P 3 · 3 0

People are right to say about pull up pants, you pay more because you get much less in a pack and they end up being the same a as normal nappies. Just put a pair of pants/knickers on.
Give them an incentive!
I managed to find a sticker chart so that every time my son did use the toilet he got to pick which colour he liked and stick it on the chart. Also (when there were no guests in the house!) I left the bathroom door open so he could see people using the toilet.
I found that a gradual approach didn't work and after about 6 months of gradual training I just through away nappies during the day and on went the pants, obviously are still few hiccups but going well!!!
All children differ just lots of praise even if they do have an accident just tell them well done for letting you know they are wet!

2006-10-12 11:44:54 · answer #2 · answered by K 1 · 0 0

Buy a potty and a seat that goes over the toilet, and let him choose the colour in the shop. Explain 'its for when you;re a big boy and use the loo'.
At home, keep the potty somewhere he can see it, don;t make a big deal out of it. Keep the toilet seat near the loo, and take him with you when you go to pee. Explain what you're doing, put the lid down before you flush in case it gives him the willies.
Say 'I feel like I need a wee' and then go. Let him get the idea that you feel like you need to do it, then go and do it.
At some point he'll cotton on, and will start to tell you when he is doing a wee (the language is toe curling, I know) or poo.
Then next step is for him to be able to tell you he is about to go.
Keep it stress free, stay relaxed and reward him with a well done when he can tell you. He'll do it in his own time. No kids reach school in nappies!
When he can tell you he needs to go you can start sitting him on the potty, or give him a turn at using the seat.
Plus as a Dad its your job to teach him to pee standing up. You can get loo roll with targets printed on the sheets, put one down the pan and teach him to aim.

2006-10-12 06:24:27 · answer #3 · answered by sarah c 7 · 0 0

Make sure there are some toys near to the potty, maybe put it next to a little table with the toys on top so the child can sit at the table, or maybe in front of a program they love whilst sitting on the potty.

Do not make a big issue of any mishaps, in fact ignore them, only celebrate the achievements.

Get them used to sitting on it at any time, not just when toileting,
Please, also, do not all stare at the child when doing so, its very common that parents do this without realising!

2006-10-12 06:14:33 · answer #4 · answered by michelle a 4 · 0 0

Have you got a boy or a girl? We bought my son a potty at about 18 months and he just sat on it for hours watching Noddy and looking at what was coming out of his body. He really enjoyed it for about 2 days but it's obviously not practical! so we said 'come on, time to use the big toilet now,' and thankfully he just agreed and never went back. My daughter never had a potty and just used the toilet with a trainer seat on it. Maybe this was because we never excluded the kids when we went to the toilet, I don't know, but I never really saw any point in pottys. Whatever you do, be firm and stick to it!

2006-10-12 06:11:26 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

prepare for mess!!!
i thought me and my daughter had it sussed until she weed five times on my floor in the space of two hours yesterday!!

make sure they are ready and relaxed, try putting some books by the potty/toilet so they can read whilst going, as i find my daughter would only go when thinking about something else.

lots of positive praise and encouragement is best, avoid words like disgusting and dirty as it may make kid feel shamed! i give my daughter a reward such as a sticker or promise of a lolly, when she uses potty, but only if she goes on it.....(she got wise and just sat on it demanding sweets!)

dont buy pullup things, too expensive may be easier to stick them stright into pants/knickers then when they do have accident, they know it feels uncomfy and may spur them to use potty. my daughter wears her 'big girl' knickers and seems to encourage her that she's no longer a baby and goes toilet where mummy does.

i had no idea either and was really dreading it, but its not as bad as i thought, though prepare for using potty as excuse to get out of things like going to bed or eating vegetables!

remember all kids are different so find a way that feels right for you and your child, it may take a while to find a way that suits you so don't expect perfect results straight away!

good luck :)

2006-10-12 12:23:30 · answer #6 · answered by sinnedfairy 5 · 0 0

Loads! The one thing I find works best, it to let the little one to run around without a nappy on. Then you will find, that they stand still and look down when they realise they are doing a "wee" coz it runs down their legs. Then quickly (but nicely) say "quick quick lets get that into the potty!!". They are more than happy to try - and it is a matter of try try try again, but you yourself need to keep at it. Little one will eventually get the idea. Another thing, ask them every 5 minutes "do you need a wee wee?" that helps too.

2006-10-12 06:09:21 · answer #7 · answered by stephaniehudson50 2 · 1 0

Hi my daughter is 21 months ive just bought her a potty, some wipes (kandoo) in her own little box and her own foam handwash to make it more fun, other than letting her pick her own potty etc I havent a clue! Im new too! so if u get any good tips email me!

2006-10-12 18:52:47 · answer #8 · answered by Hannah 4 · 0 0

my little boy started potty training 4 months ago but he wouldnt use it
so i got a potty chart and a music potty
i also got loads of potty books and i read them to him 2 times a day and he is doing well
i also give him one sweet everytime he did somthing even it was tiny or he sat on it but didnt do anything
good luck:0)

2006-10-12 06:22:45 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Great!! But I have read that we do need to look out for signs that our kids are more or less ready... eg:when they poo they will tell us, overnight nappies not so full anymore indicating the bowels controlling power is better...

But i think patience and perserverence is crucial in potty training and be prepared for many cleaning ups to come!!! All the best!!

2006-10-12 06:11:02 · answer #10 · answered by callietanhf 2 · 0 0

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