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So many people have had a blessed event, like a miracle, or the Holy Spirit come to them. Only those that have experienced this know within their hearts that this does exist, it is so special, that it is hard to convince others. It is their special secret between them and God. If you want, you can share it now. It is a shame that those that do not believe, cannot have this wonderful feeling of the Holy Spirit. When it comes to you, it is in many different ways. The Holy Spirit came to me one evening when I was asleep on the couch, it was a tall white spirit, I could see through it, no face, but white curly hair. I know it was an ark angel. I opened my eyes and saw it, and then closed my eyes and went back to sleep. It was telling me something or represented something. A friend of mine in church, said she had the same thing, about 5 yrs ago. Another time the lamp came on & went up two more brightness,just as I asked the Lord to come.It was completely dark in my room, then brite lite

2006-10-11 22:15:38 · 13 answers · asked by shardf 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

13 answers

I've been having the Holy ghost come into my heart more then very before recently, God holy Spirit was with me all day one a few Sundays ago.
About eight years ago on a job site I felt the presence of the Lord intervene to me in the moment of truth during a meeting, and I felt compassion in my heart for my Boss at the time. As soon as I raised my hand in the moment of truth, God was there for me, his presence was floating just above to my left, and I felt him in and around me, a happy warm feeling and I knew who it was, and I felt in my head God say," I am happy with you." When everyone else in the room thought I was going ti be fired, after the meeting my Boss came up to me and shook my hand, and said " it took a lot of courage for you to do that knowing all was involved and no one stood up for you. What my Boss, and everyone else in the meeting didn't know was God was there for me, standing be side me, and patting me on the back, basically.

These things happen when you trust God and when you push on through the bad things that you are going through, doing the best that you can and acting like as if Jesus would, praying and get close to God.

2006-10-11 22:55:33 · answer #1 · answered by inteleyes 7 · 1 0

The most dramatic for me was not visual and happened about 14 years ago.

Out of the blue, a friend walked up to me and said "Millie, I have noticed that you always seem happy, even when something goes wrong in your life. You always seem to find something positive to say, even when any of us (a group of my friends) come to you with our problems. You just seem to go with the flow and be at ease with life. What do you know? What is it that you have in your life, that can make you smile, even though we had to go to the Gulf?" (We were on a ship in the Navy)

At that moment, when I realized that I could share my beliefs with somebody and that they sought it due to the way I had been living, I felt this wave come over me. I cannot explain it very well. I got chills but felt warm at the same time. My insides did flip flops but felt good at the same time (almost like a new love makes you feel when they walk into a room).

So I shared the story of God and Jesus with her. I pulled out my Bible and showed her that I have everlasting life and explained that she could too.

We prayed together. She sought out her own church, met a wonderful man within weeks, and was married a few months later. They are still happily married and it has been more than 13 years! They are still very active in the church and she got custody of her daughter from her first marriage, and every thing is great!

Of course, i have shared the message before that and since then, but that was the time I think that I had the most profound and long-lasting impact. I think I may have heard angelic singing, actually!

2006-10-12 05:36:01 · answer #2 · answered by Barefoot Chick 4 · 0 0

Hi all. I am from Iran. When I was only six, I asked my mother who is God? And she told me you would understand when you grow up. The same night I asked God to reveal himself to me! And I saw a strange dream: I was walking towards an open window. Outside was a wonderful view. I saw a white bright light (much more brilliant than the sun) it was in the center and was shining. And it was surrounded by a beautiful red light (a beautiful color between red and pink) and small white lights (similar to clouds) were circling around the central white light. Suddenly I heard a soft male voice (a kind voice) that told me: I am God. All humans must obey me.
And I guess I woke up at once. I told my dream to my mother and she told me: see how kind is God? He made your wish because you are an innocent, pure child (all children are pure). Even prophets (no one in fact) could not dream of God. So it is very strange for me. But I have heard that once God took prophet Mohammad’s soul to the same place that I dreamed of. That is where we call “Arsh Ala” which is close in meaning to “supreme place”. I know that saying what God is like is a mortal sin but I only told you my dream. And I know that it is impossible to see God. What do you think? Do you think my dream was true? Regarding that as a six-year-old child I had no imaginations of God. I mean if it was not true then why did not I dream a human or something other than a wonderful view?

2006-10-12 05:25:29 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

God has been so good to me it is difficult to pick one. But I will tell this little thing that happened. I met this man who wanted to adopt a little boy and girl. The mother of the children did drugs and the kids were put in this foster home because of abuse. The little girl had been sexually abused by two boyfriends of the mother. The little boy was to go back to the mother when he recovered from heart surgery. I told the man I would pray about that. He said he had people praying all over the world, even some who prayed to Buddha. He did not know my JESUS! I said a prayer about it and about a hour later stranger sat at the next table at supper and we started to talk. This man had also been a foster parent and had adopted his foster child without cooperation of the mother. I ask him how he did it? He wrote the steps on a napkin..1 Go before the child advocate. 2. Go present your case before a judge..3. get a lawyer and take the case to court. That night I left the napkin at the bedside of the foster dad, he was so happy to learn this. The bible tells us that sometimes God is on his way to answer prayers before we ask.. amen! I never saw the stranger again.

2006-10-12 05:51:53 · answer #4 · answered by Godb4me 5 · 1 0

Being a pastors kid and also being in the ministry along with my dad, I have witnessed so many amazing, awesome stuff that I cant possibly fathom or explain.

This happened one evening, when we were renovating our place to better accomodate some ministers of God and good friends of ours who were gonna visit us and stay with us to minister in our church and other places. Dad ran out of money and it was around 9 in the evening. The painters were working on their final touch and so many stuff was being bought from the shops and all were given even without us paying a penny as they trusted us and knew that we will pay. But especially on that evening, it was the accounts closing night in all of the shops, they said that unless we were gonna pay it before 12 in the night it would be impossible for them to deliver the materials. So, dad told them that he will pay even before that and so everything was happening well. As we were working, the staff began worrying and I was worried and so we all began questioning dad (the founding and chief pastor of our church and an awesome man of God). We kept asking him of how we gonna pay and stuff. And he just replied saying, God will take care of it.

The total balance amount needed to pay including the workers wages and all was 6700 /- Rs. and amazingly, one of the office staff, after he completed all his official stuff, at around 9 pm, just headed back to the place of renovation and came to dad and reported about the days happenings and finally handed over the Money Orders which had come for the day. The total amount was 6700/- Rs.!

God is so good. He is amazing and I stand in awe before His great mercies, loving kindness, widom, majesty and strength! All glory be to Jesus Christ, the God most high!!!

2006-10-12 05:55:03 · answer #5 · answered by :EJK: 1 · 1 0

I've seen angels good and bad. I can't tell no more. Seeing angels doesn't mean we are having an spiritual experience. Being spiritual is if you are striving to be holy --- to do God's will, to become rich in the knowledge of God.

My greatest spiritual experience, ah... probably whenever i am to trusting in God with my whole heart, mind and body. Spiritual gifts like visions and the angels... are God's means to protect, warn, communicate with His children.

2006-10-12 05:36:48 · answer #6 · answered by Philadelphia 2 · 0 0

It says to lay your problems at the feet of Jesus and He will take care of them for you. I never really understood that until one day, I had a problem that had been bothering me for 10 years, something that I couldn't let go of, I finally broke down and cried and cried and layed that problem at the feet of Jesus. That was like being 100 pounds lighter and I don't think about that problem anymore, my life is a whole lot happier now that I let that go, but I give all the credit to Jesus, because without Him I'd still have the same problem.

2006-10-12 06:06:50 · answer #7 · answered by tracy211968 6 · 1 0

Not to be crude or anything, but the closest thing I have ever experienced to spiritual was an intimate moment with a woman whom I haven't seen since. It was like no other experience before or since, and it was so intense that it's as if my soul was burned from it.

2006-10-12 05:18:36 · answer #8 · answered by Wonder Weirdo 3 · 0 0

The most amazing thing I've experienced is the casting out of an evil spirit from a man in hospital.

His daughters asked me to come and pray for him, because He had not received Christ, and they had been trying for months to help him be saved before he passed on. As soon as we neared his bed, his arm started to shake. When we started praying, his body started to shake. It was as if he was telling us to go away. (He couldn't speak at the time.)

Then one of his daughters suggested that there must be an evil spirit in his body. I wasn't too sure about this myself, but on faith, we began praying that the spirit will be cast out of his body. Ten minutes later, his body calmed down and his facial expression changed to one of peace.

In the week following, he received Jesus Christ as His Saviour, and their church pastor came to baptize him. A few days following that He passed on.

2006-10-12 05:42:27 · answer #9 · answered by sweet_unicorn 2 · 1 0

the world is the body of god they are not separete,it is one reality.they are two because we cannot yet undertend the one. this is the difficulty with the mind-the mind can understent only by dividing,the mind can understentd only by analyzing. the mind olways divides; that is the way to understend.

2006-10-12 05:35:50 · answer #10 · answered by sultan 1 · 0 0

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