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I posted this question:
If god is so forgiving, why does he stop forgiving when you die?
How could an all forgiving, all loving god, not forgive his son/daughters after they are dead. Does he have the power to watch his children burn for eternity. Does he have the power to give another chance, or forgive him for his sin? Why watch your children get tortured. I would not do that to my father and my father would not do that for me. He would trade places.

Out of 30+ comments not ONE person addressed my question. Why would god stop forgiving someone after they die. Every single one of you brainwashed weirdos just basically said Id better repent or its fire for me. or that "God is fair" The church must force that phrase down all of your throats "god is fair" . When people ask for your opinons they dont want to hear bible quotes. If you want to get across a message you have to see where the other persons coming from. duhh! Be a human and talk like you have your own soul.

2006-10-11 21:35:05 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

26 answers

i'll take this on,
1. Hellfire is a false teaching. When adam died he went to the ground. He did not go to a burning place. Also, the bible is very clear when a person dies, it says their thoughts perish. thrid on this subject, Jesus was resurrected, as well as other person's in the bible. The bible promises that there will be a resurrection of righteousness and un-righteousness.

2. So to answer the first part of you paragraph, because God had Jesus his only Son ( look at proverbs 8:22) Jesus was created and was loved by his Father Almighty God. To balance the issue of Sin, God allowed his son suffer and die so that we may have the opportunity to live forever. In this is our second chance if you will. to be resurrected and live again.

3. People suffer because Satan raised the issue Does God have the right to rule over his creation. What God has done is allowed people and Satan rule themselves. As you can see in the world Satan and people are unsucussful. This has lead to all the suffering and runing of the world. But God promises he will set up a kingdom the results of the kingdom are in rev. 21:4

4. Second paragraph, Not that God stops foregiving, when a person dies, the bible mentions that our names can be in a book of life. What this is, is a symbolic for God memory. After God destroys the wicked persons of this world, he will remember all those that have died, both his servents, and ones that did not have an opportunity to here the good news of his kingdom, which include think of all the children that have suffered and died in disease, wars, etc.....

Proper understanding of the bible, and reading the bible clearly can help you understand the reason why people suffer, what God requires of us, and the benefits of what we can expect in the future. This help see the personalty of God and how loving he is and why he has allowed things to progress. God will settle the issue of why he has the right to rule over his creation one and for all time. None of his creation will need to suffer like this again.

2006-10-11 21:57:02 · answer #1 · answered by fire 5 · 2 1

This is a nice question if it is asked seriously. God is all forgiving and he love humanity more than the love of a mother for a child. Even more than the love of many mothers combined.
Now the question arised if he is so loving why dont he forgive us once we are dead? He will forgive us thats for sure. But logically speaking just keep one thing in mind. This Universe has to be run on a code of conduct like any PC has a software. That code of conduct says that do good things and avoid bad thing. If some one do bad things with the intention that God is all forgiving than all nice individuals will find it very hard to live in peace in this world. However if bad people realize at any stage that lets start good things, he will be forgiven and sent to heaven.
In order to get the forgiveness of God you have to obey the commands of the code of conduct just like command of PC to be able to run a programe.

2006-10-11 22:03:49 · answer #2 · answered by saz 2 · 1 0

I read the answers you got to your question. Here is the deal, if you ask a question and the people answer it to the best of their ability then you have to accept the answers don't you? You asked why God stops forgiving after you die. I don't know the answer to that question. I don't know that anyone does. I think that it comes down to free will. You have the option to choose what you will or will not believe. It would seem that one would turn to the Lord while he is alive (on earth). If a person doesn't choose to do that then that person will suffer the consequences of the decision. As for watching your children be tortured, if you don't believe in God then you aren't really one of his children are you? You can't have it both ways and I think that is where the misconception comes in. If you don't believe in God then you can't be one of his children, so it stands to reason that you shouldn't worry about something that in your mind won't affect you. God's children believe in him and they will not have to go through the eternal tortures of hell.

2006-10-12 00:49:14 · answer #3 · answered by Only hell mama ever raised 6 · 0 1

I don't think god has a choice to allow bad people into heaven. If your soul is bad and you don'r repent then your soul will go directly to heaven. Many people have seen dark shadows, when someone dies, many dying individuals claim to see light. I see no reason not to believe them. I think if your bad an angel doesn't come to quide you to heaven and also that you don't just magically appear at some sort of turnstile at heaven's entrance when you die...... no ticket.....sorry!

To answer your question, i believe all religions are brain washed to an extent. This is mainly through misguided priests, clerics, church policy or mosque policy misreading their holy books. You cant take everything your read in the koran or the bible as true. They are stories which may have applied at the time and others may have been written by powerful men at the time to accomplish their own goals.

Hope this answer was satisfactory and if you believe your question wasn't answered properly this time, then you haven't asked it correctly either.

I'd also like to add that you dont have to be christian or jewish or muslim etc to go to heaven or any of its other names. All gods are the same god, just worshipped under a different name and all good people will go to heaven at the end of our days.

Also I believe you got 5 answers which were quite good from your last question. Read again the answers from sickthascholar, chris, maria g, scottakrohn and betty boo. They all make valid points for the most part.

2006-10-11 21:43:04 · answer #4 · answered by survival_paul 4 · 1 1

Allow me to act as the voice of reason here...

At no point in time did the bible ever make the claim that god is fair. I've mentioned this before, but if you read the first 3 chapters of genesis, not only is he unfair (giving free will, and punishing A&E for using it), but he is also a liar (he told Adam that he would die when he ate the fruit). Let's not forget the fact that god is also not the only god as he claims later on in the old testament. God speaks to the Elohim (its been removed from later translations, but its still in the KJV). Elohim is a word that, when translated properly, means brethern or pantheon. Hebrew and Christian scholars are the only two groups to denote this word as singular. Further evidence of the existence of other gods would be the people that Adam & Eve met after being kicked from the garden.

The new testament god is a lot more forgiving. Do a historical study and you'll realize that has more to do with the ethics and morals of society changing, than it does god changing.

Now, with all of that said, there is a reason for god's failure to forgive at death...THERE IS NO GOD.

2006-10-11 21:53:20 · answer #5 · answered by Bill K Atheist Goodfella 6 · 2 2

Do you have any idea that this world is shortlived (seems forever though), we were sent here having two options: to be bad or to be good! you have a life time and you can choose to be good or choose to be bad! God is most forgiving, for we sin every moment, therefore its never late for asking for forgiveness. But if you re good why should one be punished. Regard this world as an exam, you ace or u go bad the results or id rather say ure graded when ure dead! thats all.

2006-10-11 22:08:09 · answer #6 · answered by MO 1 · 1 0

I don't follow a religious life but I am a believer ,,,,, It sounds like you have read parts of the bible well enough to ask these questions but you don't want to read far enough to find the answers ,,,,,,Instead you obviously prefer making a jackass of yourself with your ignorant and uneducated statements ,,,, The Bible isn't the easiest thing to study ,,,, That's why they have scholars and clergymen to assist you when you need it ,,,,,But have to put genuine effort into it if you want to learn something ,,, You are someone who obviously has nothing to do with it or have any other interest than to just look for fuel with which you can take shots at religion ,,,,,, But that's fine ,,,,, If you are an atheist then more power to you ,,,,,, I personally don't care what you believe ,,,,, But your questions clearly indicate that you haven't read anything in it accurately,,,,, Like the first question ,,,, ""if God is so forgiving ,,, then why does he stop forgiving when you die?"" ,,,,,, Well,,,,,, when you are full why do you stop eating ???? I will admit that my knowledge of the Bible is limited but most likely more than yours ,,,,,, But there is no where in the Bible where it says he hates his people or stops forgiving ,,,, It sounds to me like if you think you did read something like that then you misread it or you misread it on purpose ,,,,,I'm not going to dignify your other questions trying to answer them because they are so ignornt that they aren't worth of the effort ,,,, And I persnally don't care if you ever get them answered ,,,,,And I don't think you care if you get them answered either ,,,,,, You are just looking for an argument and I won't give you the satisfaction ,,,,, If you don't like what the bible says then don't read it ,,,,, If you don't like religion then don't bother trying to dabble in it ,,,,,If you don't like what the Bible represents then stop thinking about it ,,,, People following their own brand of religion is what this country is all about ,,, It's one of the major things it was founded for ,,,,,, It's every Americans right ,,, including yours to do with it what he wants,,,, I don't know who you are or how old you are but your questions and statements are those of an ignorant ,,,childish blithering idiot ,,,,,, Yoda said that ,,,,,

2006-10-11 23:23:51 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

You are a giving every chance while you are here on earth to ask for forgiveness, God sent Jesus Christ down here to die on the cross for our sins, all you have to do is accept Him into your heart. The thing about forgiveness though, YOU have to ask for it, because very sin you have committed, you have committed against God, so YOU need to ask His forgiveness.

2006-10-11 22:08:56 · answer #8 · answered by tracy211968 6 · 1 0

With all due respect,

What's the meaning of justice? Would there be justice in 'forgiving' murderers and rapists and letting them go free?

God is first of all, a Judge. He cannot let the unjust go 'free' because then there would be no justice in that. Someone has to pay for the injustices that have been committed.

Instead of making those who committed the injustices pay, He chose to pay it Himself.

However, people must be willing to accept their gift of freedom that God Himself had paid for, by the life, suffering, death and resurrection of God the Son, Jesus Christ.

So your question is flawed.

It's not that God does not forgive. Rather, it's that people do not believe in and accept his forgiveness.

Once we're dead, we must somehow be changed, as that choice becomes no longer available to us.

2006-10-11 21:56:39 · answer #9 · answered by sweet_unicorn 2 · 1 2

Good point! It is annoying when they post a bunch of bible verses for their answers instead of thinking for their self. Likewise you can try to be nice as possible and just asking an honest question and they will be rude. I asked before for them to give their reason for them being against gay marriages and asked them to please answer with out saying because the bible says so. because state and religion are to be kept apart. Every single Christians answered by giving bible verses or saying " In the bible is says its a sin so I am against it.". They could not read nor could they think for their self. Plus several told me I was going to hell for even asking and insulted me.

2006-10-11 21:51:45 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

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