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which cause death of innocent people, if reckless youngsters shoot around?

2006-10-11 20:19:49 · 13 answers · asked by Steven A 1 in Politics & Government Law Enforcement & Police

13 answers

LOL, look at the numbers first.

The UK has about 10000 murders a year by firearm.

The US has 16000. seeing that the US has 4.6 times as many people, thats pretty damn low.


Oh, and we cant just walk around shooting an ak47. we can go hunting with one, on state land, but we cant just walk down the street with one. It also has to be unloaded if its in a car.

Personally, I own a .223 rifle, and a chinese type 88, the newest kalashnakov out there. I dont keep them for the firepower, But I saved my own mother when I pulled out the 88 on a meth addict who forced his way into our house when my she opened the door. There arent many people who are stupid enough to hang around when you have a rifle pointed at their face.

I guarantee you that there is at least a few other people on here that have stopped a criminal just by showing a firearm.

2006-10-11 20:28:11 · answer #1 · answered by Doggzilla 6 · 3 0

No, that is called the Second Amendment to the Constitution. See here, the guns used in the hands of reckless youngsters are not legal guns. Legal guns are used to defend home and family. They are used for shooting contests against paper targets, sporting and completely legitimate.

It has often been said that if guns were outlawed, only outlaws would have guns. This is necessarily true. Also, the police would be the only people who had legal weapons, and Honey, that is what was the case in Nazi Germany. One of the first things Hitler did when he came to power was strict gun controls, so that only HIS people had guns. And you see what happened to that country? I think there was also strict gun control in the Soviet Union.

2006-10-12 03:32:15 · answer #2 · answered by auntb93again 7 · 3 0

A democracy is a form of government in which the people choose those who make, interpret, and enforce the laws of that nation. Firearms have been and always will be of preserving that form of government. Hitler banned civilian ownership of firearms and instilled one of the worst dictatorships the planet has ever known. In regards to the deaths of innocent people that firearms allegedly cause, far more lives are saved. An estimated 2 million or more cases of self defense with a firearm occur each year in the United States, that means that firearms are used to defend an innocent life from one who means to cause it harm. The possession of guns saves lives, allows citizens to defend themselves from criminals, and is a check on the government's power. With an armed populace, usurping power in a government and angering said populace would be a disastrous decision. Firearms are the line of defense we utilize against those who mean to do us harm.

2006-10-12 17:35:34 · answer #3 · answered by jerkyman45 2 · 1 0

First off, it has nothing to do with democracy. It's called our 2'ND amendment rights to bear arms. Did you know that right to bear arms is not just to protect yourself from bad people. It was really intended to allow you to protect yourself from your own government, should it turn against it's own people, like during the revolution against great Britain. Second, guns don't kill people, people do. Third, more people are killed yearly by cars than guns. Should we do away with cars? I've owned guns most my life. I've never shot anyone, hope never to, never been shot either. My guns are kept locked up and even though I never keep a bullet in the barrel, I consider my gun to always be fully loaded and never, never point it at anything I don't want to shoot. I have a concealed permit, carry it, feel and know me and my family are safer for it in this increasing dangerous and crazy world. It is my choice not be a helpless victim, hoping the police arrive in time.

2006-10-12 03:35:05 · answer #4 · answered by White Knight 3 · 1 1

guns in the hands of the people are the final line of defense for democracy. every gun death is a tragedy, and violent offenders deserve to be punished severely, but democracy is in danger in a society where the powerful has nothing to fear from society. perhaps the rise of the military-industiral complex has made the second ammendment quaint, but it is still the final check against the government overreaching its power.

2006-10-12 03:39:04 · answer #5 · answered by lsquad70 3 · 2 0

Having weapons ensure our civil liberties from government oppression. Look at countries today that are trying to become democratic. They still have a tough time because of the overwhelming military might of their governments.

It is a small price to pay for our freedom to have gun violence on the streets. However, it isn't to say that I don't support stronger gun control measures. I do support denying guns to people who've committed crimes. I also support a stronger gun registration measure. The government keeps better records on who owns a car than they do about who owns which guns. Lastly, I do not think conceiled weapons should be allowed. If you want to carry a gun, it should be seen. Violations should come with stricter penalties for breaking these rules.

I think these measures would greatly reduce illegal guns and violence caused by guns. We should not be so dimissive about their function in helping to protect our rights.

2006-10-12 03:33:02 · answer #6 · answered by Tristan K 2 · 2 2

No it is not called democracy...it is called greed. People know the dangers of guns in the wrong hands yet the laws are not stringent enough.

So many children are dying mostly because of rich politicians who are at home safely tucked in their beds in their safe neighborhoods. I hope they realize that the blood of every child that is shot, is on their hands. If you are not hunting with a rifle, law enforcement, or in the military their is no reason to possess guns.

Which ever amendment that it was that said "right to bare arms" was made at a time when people had to hunt for their food. Now it is about the almighty dollar and "Mr. man" with his pistol that represents his penis. Some of you don't know the mentality of many of the young people out there with guns.

2006-10-12 03:33:18 · answer #7 · answered by Jacks036 5 · 0 4

Guns don't kill people ,people with guns kill people. If guns are outlawed than only outlaws have guns. Cars kill people! It has been proven that states with open carry laws have less crime!

2006-10-12 23:31:53 · answer #8 · answered by spyderman131 3 · 1 0

Anti gun people are just plain ignorant. Ignorant. You've head it a million times but I suppose it needs repeating... Guns don't kill, people kill. A gun is a tool.

More guns = less crime: See http://www.press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/493636.html

Guns save more lives that they destroy overwhelmingly: See http://www.beast-enterprises.com/kleck.html

2006-10-12 06:33:27 · answer #9 · answered by K_Man1998 2 · 4 0

I would much rather live in a country where guns are legal. Think about it, criminals are always going to have firearms. Why because it is illegal and they are criminals, duh. So have fun living in a place where only law abiding civilians have no ability to protect themselves from criminals and oppresive goverment militaries (who also have guns). ***.

2006-10-12 03:31:04 · answer #10 · answered by twistedpirateblade 2 · 4 0

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