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Please understand, I am not talking about tolerance for an individual’s right to freely practice their religion. I am also not implying that anyone one should disrespect any individual. I am talking about Christians saying they have great respect for religions that contradict what Christ has said. For He said, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. (Mk 16:15-16) He also asked, “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?”

If we believe Christ is who He said He is, and that He is the only way to eternal life, why would we preach tolerance for religions that deceptively lead people away from Christ?

Do we believe what Christ has said….or do we believe something else?

2006-10-11 20:05:14 · 16 answers · asked by whitehorse456 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

This question is directed to believers in Christ, not nonbelievers. I can understand, of course, why a nonbeliever would not preach that Christ is the only way...

2006-10-11 20:11:11 · update #1

Tenzin: I am quite baffled at how you can compare the intolerance of Christ toward false religions to the intolerance of those who came in hatred and brought death and destruction on 9/11...if we believe all that Christ has said, is it not love to stand boldly behind it rather than turning our backs to things that are untrue (untrue according to Christ, not me)

2006-10-11 20:41:34 · update #2

16 answers

You are absolutely correct. I believe that you see this because people are afraid of being politically incorrect. It's no longer about "What is right?" That concept has been replaced by "What is right for me?"

Jesus was clear when He said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)

Either Jesus meant what He said, or He cannot be trusted. His apostles all (except one) died violent deaths proclaiming that very message.

His church today needs to learn that lesson. It won't make us popular with the world, but then again, if you're trying to please the world, you have made yourself an enemy of God. (James 4:4)

2006-10-11 20:12:47 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

MT 10:11 "Whatever town or village you enter, search for some worthy person there and stay at his house until you leave. 12 As you enter the home, give it your greeting. 13 If the home is deserving, let your peace rest on it; if it is not, let your peace return to you. 14 If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake the dust off your feet when you leave that home or town. 15 I tell you the truth, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town
I think what you said is exactly what the gospel writers were trying to point out. After all, why have the New Testament at all, if it doesn't really matter. "Jesus died for your sins and saved you from a burning lake of fire, But hey, I wouldn't make a BIG deal out of it, believe what you like God will be cool with that too"

2006-10-11 20:30:42 · answer #2 · answered by CJunk 4 · 1 0

if you mean "Islam" by "other "religions" I would say in Islam we respect all religions and all prophets.If you have heard things up-side0down please blame your media.never confuse political issues with religion, God,Islam,....PLEASE! in fact they are driving you away from holy prophet Mohammad.we all love holy Jesus Christ.have we ever disrespested him?No,we haven't.because insulting holy people and holy religions like Christianity,Islam,Jeish and... is a mortal sin.and the only way for getting into heaven is "yourself" not prophets.they will just ask God to forgive you but in the end God will decide for your eternal life.and you are the one who will determine how your eternal life would be.(I mean by doing good or evil deeds you will determine whether you'll go to heaven or the other one.and I think Christians have misunderstood Christ.when he says no one will reach God exept through me he means that no one will reach God if he doesn't do what I say.(obeying God and being honest)you don't have to look at the shallow meaning of a sentence.you should dig it and seek for the true meaning.both Quran and Bible need to be explained.you can get deep meanings by reading a simple sentence in Quran.but it needs people who are capable of explaining them.not every one could do that.
TO TENZIN: sorry I agree with most parts of what you say.but how can you be so sure that Benladen is responsible for this 9/11 event?there's no proof on that.conspiracy theories are still more acceptable than that.so why was not Bush and his administration tolerant for the truth to be revealed?why did they attack countries without any evidences?they should learn tolerance.I think they just preech intolerance.(sorry I don't mean Christians or Americans I just mean Bush and his administration.)

2006-10-11 20:18:05 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I'm not currently a practicing Christian, though I have had experience with it throughout my childhood and have frequented various churches in the past. What I gather is that, for the most part, most Christian denominations do not adhere to the bible word-for-word. They (for lack of a better phrase) pick and choose what they want from the good book and practice what seems important. They set aside the material which seems unnatural or doesn't seem to fit.

One thing to remember is that most Christians (non-catholics) understand that the bible was written by a great many people, and though it is a holy text, it shouldn't be taken seriously down to every punctuation mark. It's millenia old, and progressive Christians understand that it's application now is going to be different from when it was written. Bible interpreters must filter it through a lense of modern sensibility in order to get the best out of it. That's only my opinion, however.

2006-10-11 20:10:25 · answer #4 · answered by Ender 2 · 1 2

some people do not believe Christ is the only way. They believe there were other prophets in the world and other messages to live by. Religion is about man's communion with God, so the individual details need to suit the individual needs. Perhaps your way is Jesus, but there are diverse cultures and ways of life, in this world it is suitable to have tolerance for everone's beliefs, even if they are not spiritual. Peace and patience is a virtue, regardless of what is right or wrong.

2006-10-11 20:09:17 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

The word Christian has become meaningless in this nation. we say we are a Christian because we believe there is a god, because we are good people, because my parents are Christians, or because we go to church on Sundays. That is not what a Christian is. A Christian is an individual that believes that Christ died and took the sins of the world from us to save our souls from hell. And that knowledge affects how we live our lives.

2006-10-11 20:41:52 · answer #6 · answered by Ima 1 · 2 0

I think some Christians try to practice tolerance as a way to reach people and not drive them away. I think others are just lost because they have bought into the politically correct thinking that as long as you believe in a "higher power" you are ok. I agree with you and with the Bible though and feel that we have an obligation to tell them the truth rather than embrace them and their false doctrines.

2006-10-11 20:11:03 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Because Christ himself was tolerant of various other gentile cultures, he himself was tolerant and was understanding of the people's hearts and mind. He knew they would need time to let the Holy Spirit infuse them If Jesus Christ is able to be tolerant, then why can't anyone who came after him?

Do YOU think YOU are better than Christ? Taking the bible line for line can bring many things out of context, READ the life story of Christ and see the big picture as well... close up cropped shots can easilly mis-lead (and misinterpretted) as much as the "misleading of other religions" that you so blantantly point out out.

Do you REALLY believe Christ and his teaching... or are you making up your own version of what christ taught according to your limits and experience?

2006-10-11 20:14:52 · answer #8 · answered by Tiara 4 · 3 2

I haven't seen that here. And I think that those that do are probably missing the boat. The last thing I want to do is allow fallacy to thrive while in a free platform like we are in here. I think that most complaints are that Christians do not give ground when it comes to the errancy of other religions. That's what I have noticed anyway.

2006-10-11 20:10:32 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Given what you say is correct, then think about this.... Were you totally saddened and shocked when extremists crashed that plane onto the twin towers? Did not more aggression and violence spring from that act of intolerence towards heathens and infidels? Modern Christians knowing how much damage can come from intolerence, work from Wisdom ( god given virtue) and Love, not blind stupidity like they did in the crusades... If you count how many had died from that Selfish act... terrorists of today dont even strike a match to it...

If you want to go down the road of being totally intolerant of other faiths, then be one who won't shout bloody murder when others do the same to you. Its got nothing to do with religion, its all about being human.

What about parts of the Bible that says: Do unto others what you want others to do unto you? ( ignore that? coz other parts of the holy book is more exciting?)

As you sow so shall you reap? ( Sow intolerance don't go crying to God for Justice when you have to harvest the grains of intolerace)

Be Christ-like is what Christianity is about... but where do we draw the line on what parts of the bible we adhere to and what parts we can forgo? Who makes the decisions? I believe Christians do eat "unclean" animals these days... but the Bible did say it is forbidden.... becareful what you wish for, for it may come back and bite you in the behind, Pray for what you want but are you ready to ACCEPT what you get from God?

2006-10-11 20:30:52 · answer #10 · answered by Tenzin 3 · 4 1

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