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And that certainly wall certainly did more harm than good.

2006-10-11 19:12:19 · 22 answers · asked by retorik75 5 in Politics & Government Immigration

I live in Arizona--REALLY CLOSE--to the border.

2006-10-11 19:40:20 · update #1

22 answers

Maybe Canada should build a wall to keep out American draft dodgers... This is all so silly. Walls!! Isn't' t there a better solution than walls. What century are we in again??..

fences. walls, what's the difference.. it's still silly.

I live in "Canada" real close to the border....so what's your point.

2006-10-11 19:28:10 · answer #1 · answered by gemma 4 · 2 2

Simply put loads.

I am guessing that you have never been to, lived in or speak German. So let me break it down to you.

The Berlin wall was erected to keep a people separate and living under differing ideals. On the West the Americans, Brits and our good buddies Canada. Helped a people grow into a self determining and free people.

Meanwhile in the east. Under the thumb of soviet communism, secret police roamed the streets. It was a dangerous and meager way to live. When all people have government imposed equality then they are all treated equally poorly. The DDR while not being a pit of horrors was far less open than the west. This caused from 1946 to 1962, when the wall was raised, for millions of people to flee to the west.

People will always try and move to a better place. A place to raise their children in freedom and a place where they can make more of themselves and afford their grand children something great. This is why people fled communism. This is why today millions of immigrants come to the golden shores of America.

Like it or not, America is a grand beacon of hope and freedom in the world. America is an ideal and a spark. That spark has started the fire that has liberated millions and spared billions.

While it is wonderful when people come to America they must do so legally. Most immigrants i know are more American than most native born Americans. They know first hand what freedom means and what freedom costs.

A wall on the border with Mexico is not the Berlin wall. It is not keeping one people apart. It is not a wall of imprisonment, but a wall of protection. The drugs, the guns and the terrorists that can today slip across the border should keep you up at night.

Building a wall will allow more positive control. It will slow the trafficking of humans and illegal good across the boarder. It will allow our resources to be put to better use than it is today.

When the Berlin wall went up people waved goodbye to their friends and family. They saw a split in their world. German against German. It had not been so since the end of the 1800's when they became one people. Trapped by the soviets, split by a military, divided by a cold war.

In 1991 when the wall came down. The press of people was amazing. It was not only the end of the cold war. But the reuniting of families and a nation after 30 years.

Next time you wish to know more about the wall please visit Yahoo Answers Germany.

2006-10-12 02:47:32 · answer #2 · answered by Crzypvt 4 · 3 0

The Berlin wall was designed to keep people in. The wall on the Mexican border will be designed to keep people out. However, Bush will never try keep people out because he wants a North American Union and dissolve the sovereignty of the United States.

2006-10-12 05:55:34 · answer #3 · answered by williamvanzant 2 · 0 0

The Berlin Wall was to keep people from escaping from the East side to West Berlin and freedom. A border wall will help slow the flood of illegal 'immigrants' and drugs across our borders. It is not a perfect solution, but they have yet to come up with any other good ideas.

2006-10-12 02:19:33 · answer #4 · answered by Mad Roy 6 · 2 1

The Berlin Wall was built to keep people in East Germany and shoot them if they tried to leave even for a visit to West Germany. The US border wall protects our border from invasion by illegals that can harm both our ecomony and people because they have not been screened to ensure they are not dangerous criminals or just straight out leeches. It will not keep anyone from legally crossing to visit or from applying & entering with LEGAL work or residency visas. It also ensures there is enough room for legal & deserving immigrants from other nations besides Mexico.

I love how people who live nowhere near the border all have opinions on the subject.

2006-10-12 02:24:34 · answer #5 · answered by nativeAZ 5 · 1 2

When did Bush say he wanted it? I thought he was the open borders guy? Did he start all this by saying the word amnesty?

I think the Great Wall of China is a better example (and solution).

2006-10-12 05:06:12 · answer #6 · answered by Jake Lockley 3 · 0 0

Um, its entire purpose is certainly a big difference.

The highly inadequate fencing on the southern border is intended to preserve our integrity as a nation, if you can't register people into the country before they come in then you get criminals who come in here without us having any idea he's around, and it's happened before. My sister lived right by an illegal alien who got charged for two counts of murder and one count of rape on different occasions before being deported.

We didn't used to be as popular a country to move to, since we were new, so we didn't have quotas, but regardless there was always a system where you had to register for citizenship, and if you had a criminal record or had any illnesses that could wide spread, then certainly you weren't allowed in. Without that system we can't do those sorts of regulations and the American people are at risk. It's hardly too much trouble to ask them to sign the guest book on the way in, which is how you know that the larger part of illegal aliens are coming in because they wouldn't meet the reasonable standards to be accepted into citizenship, due to crime.

What a lot of people don't realise is that many of them don't actually want to become citizens, whether for tax evasion, or if they have a criminal record and wouldn't be able to get citizenship, they intentionally stay hidden from the government.

The fact is, this fence isn't going to work, but certainly there's no similarity to the Berlin Wall. What needs to be done is that mexico needs to be fixed, aside from the tourist towns like Acupulco filled with American companies, Mexico is a third world **** hole. Even if they come up here and end up in an American prison, the quality of life is better in our prisons than it is to be free in mexico, there's no reason for them to stay there. We're never going to be able to shake this problem unless Mexico adopts a proper capitalist system with the necessary protections to preserve the integrity of capitalism's ideal, encourage investment and get the economy pumping, or they'll just keep rotting and the people will continue wanting to escape Mexico.

I've seen numerous press conferences with President Bush, Vincent Foxx, and the prime minister of Canada. People pose plenty of questions to Bush about what he's going to do about illegal immigration, but no one's ever asked Foxx, "Hey, when's Mexico going to stop sucking?"

2006-10-12 02:30:30 · answer #7 · answered by thalog482 4 · 0 1

The Berlin Wall was erected to keep people from LEAVING East Germany. If we were building a fence to keep American citizens from leaving and migrating to Mexico, then your comparison might be halfway lucid.

Also, if we were proposing to gun down anyone trying to get across that fence, again, your argument might hold water.

Contray to what you may have have been taught in public schools, we are still the United States of America -- NOT the United States of America and Mexico. Unless you are a citizen of this country, you may not come and go as you please. Grow up.

And thanks for the 2 points.

2006-10-12 02:40:22 · answer #8 · answered by Simon Templar 2 · 2 0

LOT of difference! The Berlin Wall kept people imprisoned within. The wall at our border will not keep people out or in. It will stop illegal entry by all, including terrorists, drug dealers, gangs and other criminals as well as people who just want to forego the legal procedures. Our wall will be a form of border CONTROL.

2006-10-12 02:21:38 · answer #9 · answered by ? 2 · 3 2

As others have already stated...Bush wall will keep unwanteds (terrorists, illegals etc) out. Berlin wall was to keep the people in because they were NOT a free people. That's a HUGE difference.

2006-10-12 02:21:06 · answer #10 · answered by Cinner 7 · 1 2

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