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How many of you people that talk crap actually know an illegal and what really happens?Everyone sais how we spend millions of our tax dollars on health insurance, foodstamps and other welfare, well if you really knew what your talking about, then you would know that illegals can't get those things.You all are so busy listning to the government and all the rumors but can you tell how you know for sure it's true?Do you really believe every little thing the government sais?Also if you feel the same way I do let me know.

2006-10-11 18:56:37 · 25 answers · asked by LeighAnn D 4 in Politics & Government Immigration

25 answers

Sorry, I don't.... I have seen the illegals get free health care, free welfare because of the anchor babies, they get subsidized housing because they are "migrant workers" who are there ALL year and at a location where farming is NOT all year. I know illegals, have seen them and dealt with them. Many of the young ones are cocky, they have a zillion names and trade off health care cards. So the "crap" you think is not happening IS happening. You need to investigate this further and not listen to the liberal press and their rumors.

2006-10-11 20:08:08 · answer #1 · answered by msfyrebyrd 4 · 3 3

Ignorance and misinformation what creates the talking crap about Mexicans. First, gotta realize the politicians and society smoking the screens on the issue. Second, Language thing is that Americans should know more than just English being in the western Hemisphere. Finally, welfare system should be designed for use of American citizens, and ban Anchor Babies, mothers, becoming American citizens. Should make it easier people come in willing to work, and discourage illegal immigration thru fines on employers hire illegals, and tightened medicaid and social benefit requirements thru the use of additional documents. Need to move from income taxes to pay for social services and compumstion taxes, so even illegals are paying in more, so than they ever would with income taxes.

2006-10-12 03:51:51 · answer #2 · answered by ram456456 5 · 0 0

This goes out to Oldfart or anyone else calling my grandson an "Anchor baby"...............just who do any of u think u r to call names and to judge anyone according to race or any other reason????? Jesus loves all of us and He does not care what color we r or what race we r. We r not to judge others. The only one who judges is our Lord. God created all of us with His breath so why are Mexicans different? I have a beautiful grandson who is half Mexican, half white and yes my son-in-law is Mexican and unfortunately illegal but that doesn't make him a bad person. He has learned the english language and works very hard to support his family but they just can't come up with enough cash to get him legal. Someday I hope to change this for them. This is suppose to be the land of the free but man and our wonderful government has changed all that. How can we all live together and get along when so many think the way some of u think according to ur responses to this question. All I can say is that I was not put on this earth to judge anyone but I am allowed to have opinions. Judging and opinions are two seperate things. Shame on u for judging someone whom u don't even know or understand their situation. Yes, illegal is illegal no matter how u slice it..........does this mean that none of u have ever done anything illegal??? Be very careful who u judge because one day He is coming and will be judging u!!! I think it's sad that Mexicans or any other nationality has to leave his or her county to come to the so called land of the free to surive and then to have to hear these insults that I have just read.

2006-10-14 12:31:15 · answer #3 · answered by whozangel 3 · 1 0

A lot of people talk crap about illegal aliens because they make places more populated, they dont speak english and because they dont assimilate into our culture. They take up jobs that highschool students and college students could used to get through college and they take up a lot of space they make children and they start familes. The main problem people have is the clashing of the cultures. Ever since america was discovered and england sent colonists over and they developed a new country and the irish and french came over there was always hate and racism towards them because they were different. Its not something that is going away. And a key word that you should remember is ILLEGAL. It means that they can not legally be here and in order to legally be here they need to help pay taxes for the old people and for our roads and stuff. And yes I have many Illegal immigrant friends I know what I am talking about. When immigrants come into our country and we did a better job of assimilating them into our country there would be less racism and bias towards them because we could be able to undersand them. People get mad when they cant understand things.

2006-10-12 02:08:17 · answer #4 · answered by zebraprntslinky 2 · 4 0

I not only know one - I know many - they are honest, hardworking members of our society. Most people also don't care to know that there are a lot of Mexicans here legally - they are all grouped into the "w*tback" category. I don't know any illegals who get foodstamps or welfare or who have even tried. I know several who have had babies and had to make monthly payments to the clinic where they delivered usually to the tune of $7,000 in total. I personally have a lot of respect for someone who is brave enough to come to a foreign country usually with only the clothes on their back, not a penny to their name, not speaking the language and can find work right away and build a life out of nothing. I think Americans are just lazy and the Mexicans are making them look bad. btw...I am a white American.

2006-10-12 03:33:00 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Wrong!!! Maybe people talk crap because they are ILLEGAL in the first place.

Do you ever think about why they would be illegal? They cannot get legal because of stuff in their background check or they simply just don't want to wait like they are supposed to. The system has been the same but since more and more people are coming here illegally and getting away with it, then everyone there thinks its ok.

They can also use our school system for their children and that is thousands per year for EACH child!! Yours and my tax money!!!

Single people should be ranting about this subject. They still have to pay school tax on their property! I already know it is unfair to have to pay for the citizens children of this country--now you know you are paying for all the illegals children as well.

2006-10-12 03:31:41 · answer #6 · answered by AveGirl 5 · 1 1

Anyone that lives on the West coast most likely knows about the problem we are having here. I have worked hard all my life and didn't always have health insurance but illegals seem to get better care wothout having to pay a dime. I have also been told a number of times that I should learn how to speak spanish so I can communicate better with our community, which is mostly hispanic and a lot of them are illegals!! Our schools have classes for them to learn english which is a big change since my German ancestors had to learn english on their own, had to work hard and didn't expect any handouts!! They came here legally and worked hard, I expect everyone else to do the same!!

2006-10-12 02:34:55 · answer #7 · answered by ~MEEEOW~ 5 · 3 0

i know many illegals in my town personally and work with a few, i also have two sisters married to illegal men so i have seen how they live close up i know a illegal family that lives on my block most of them i do know work under the table and some of them at the same time even have their wives collecting food stamps and money from the state . my job wants to hire more not because they work hard but because they are cheaper to pay and they cant complain and the tax breaks ,and they are using fake SS cards . and in my town i could even drive you to where they buy their fake documents heck look up novelty badges or ids online you can get fake SS cards and drivers license right on the web . so its all around me sweet heart the government doesn't have to tell me a thing !

2006-10-12 02:53:11 · answer #8 · answered by hayleylov 6 · 2 0

I'm sorry, but your misinformed. I personally work in an E.R. along the Texas Border. Illegal aliens came across all the time to get free health care in our ER and hospital. Pregnant women came across in Mexico Taxi's to our ER, had their babies, who instantly became citizens, who instantly became eligible for Medicaid. I can tell you many stories of illegals taking advantage of our system. What you don't realize is that they are stealing you and your children's children tax money that could help you when your old, when your kids need health care, college and so on. I truly feel for any immigrant wanting a better life. Legal or not, but the USA is like a life boat that's overloaded. What good does it do anyone if that life boat sinks and everyone is lost? I'm sorry life is so cruel and that the world has come to
this reality. It's like caring for the wounded in battle. You can't save everyone. You have to let some die, so that you will have time to save others.

2006-10-12 02:32:45 · answer #9 · answered by White Knight 3 · 3 1

Illegals are just that Illegal, there are laws in forced in countries for a reason. To protect the legal people living in the country and the country's environment.Yes they may do it hard but that is their choice and no I do not believe every thing the government has to say.
Here in Australia I'm glad that we have such laws, Mr Howard takes the duty of care for his fellow Australians very serious thank GOD.

2006-10-12 02:13:59 · answer #10 · answered by kate 4 · 4 0

I know several of them because I managed apartments that rented to illegals and you are wrong, they can get all those services the minute they have a child or can get papers(fake birth certificate and id). Several in the apartsments that I ran thought it was funny and made jokes about ripping off the government and how easy it was. I don't know where you got your info but mine is from listening to them talk about it(in English if someone was around to hear them). WIC can't turn them down regardless of status and hospitals can't either so you need to go back and research your idea a little longer.

2006-10-12 02:18:55 · answer #11 · answered by 51ain'tbad 3 · 5 1

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