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I often have the feeling that (many) atheists look down on those who believe in a God as less intelligent people who act as sheep and believe in fairy tales.

I used to be an atheist myself before reverting to Islam and I was aware that many atheists thought they were superior to religionists

Is this true? Do atheists really think like that?

If you see me now dressed like a Muslim woman do you see me as having else braincells than when I was dressed like a western woman? Has my personality changed? Do you have a different stereotype of me now?

2006-10-11 18:51:58 · 38 answers · asked by Baaad Dokhtar 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

38 answers

Sadly enough your observation is true.

There is a group of Christians, a group of Atheists and a group of Muslims who represent their own group in a very bad way. They are the intollerant few.

Bad Christians condemn gay people, bad Muslims condemn infidels and bad Atheists condemn believers. Thank God, Allah or whoever that it's only a small group who are like that.

Yeps, those bad atheists feel superior, which has something highly funny to me.

We are all people who made a decision on the biggest doubt this planet has. "Where do we come from?". We all have no clue. I picked 'probably no God' as my choice. Others picked God. For the rest we are all the same people.

Funny enough, the outcome will be the same:
-if there is a God, the bad Christians, bad Muslims, bad Atheist will all end up in the same Heaven or Hell. It depends on God's sense of humor where they will end up together.
-if there's no God, those same people will all end up in the mud of our little planet. All of them, together.

Don't you just love poetic justice?

2006-10-11 19:04:30 · answer #1 · answered by Thinx 5 · 5 0

This is not an answer that will win support, but I do find it hard not to look down on religion. And with all the problems that religion brings the world every day I feel I am justified every day.
It is a fact that those countries where the populace is generally econimically comfortable results in a drop in religious activity. It is also a fact that the more religious countries have more crime. I believe that religion is dying in the UK because people do not need it - their lives are comfortable enough. Religion began long before the modern day religions and it was all about survival - praying to the sun god and such. It's no different today. We are just a very clever animal with insecurities about survival and death.
As animals we will always find a reason to fight because it's in our nature. But in modern times how can anyone believe that the world is a better place with religion. I see it as archaic and hope that one day we'll all wake up to the myths.

2006-10-13 04:07:54 · answer #2 · answered by David J 2 · 0 0

I'm an atheists and I don't feel superior to any theists.
My wife is a lapsed catholic and I respect her and her opinions very highly.
She is a very smart and well educated woman.
However, if you ask me a question about religion, I will tell you how I feel about it.
I guess my biggest beef isn't religion, per se, but how people interpret their religions and how they treat other people based on their religion.
If I were religious and as adamant about religion as I am about atheism, I would never, never stray from "the" path.
If your truly believe the words of your god, how can you possibly, ever, ever put your "soul" at risk?
I don't understand it.

I personally don't think any more or less of a woman in a veil or burka.
I'm not sure if I should speak to a woman in a veil or burka, although I haven't been in that situation.

2006-10-16 08:15:00 · answer #3 · answered by timc_fla 5 · 1 0

Yes, I believe that many atheists(not ALL of them by any means) think they're smarter than everyone else and come across as self-righteous, condescending pricks. Then again, so do many theists.With atheists though,I think it's rather hypocritical to preach freedom of thought and open mindness and then look down on anybody who dares to believe in something other than what you think is right.
Trying to get your point of view (wether an atheist or a theist) across to someone else of different beliefs, while treating them like a species of lesser intelligence isn't very clever, in fact it's downright stupid.
Most of the problems in the world are not caused by religion or lack thereof , they're caused by people failing to see that they have more similarities than differences and the inherent desire some people have to feel superior wether they're atheist, muslim, christian, jewish, buddhist or anything else.

2006-10-16 06:49:55 · answer #4 · answered by crystal_fire_18 2 · 2 0

The big three religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam have done more harm to our society and humanity in general than any other religion or ideology. When one considers that people give up their lives for this notion of an all powerful god that does not exist, then it's difficult to accept such a person or persons as being rational and intelligent. Considering that most atheist also have an axe to grind with the big three, then it's very easy to look down on such people.

2006-10-11 19:04:52 · answer #5 · answered by Wonder Weirdo 3 · 1 0

The big difference between the atheist and the theist is that the atheist will accept god (or goddess, or whatever) if, and only if, somebody can provide evidence or proof of his/her/its existence.

So far, nobody has ever demonstrated anything of the sort and, over the years, more and more of God's province has been explained by science, leaving ever less and lsee room for a god.

As for your Mohommedanism, well, it merely shows that you are more gullible and of lower intelligence than you (and possibly others) once thought. Yes, your personality will have changed as you can now "pass the buck" onto a mythical god figure who's to blame for everything (assuming he vreated it all in the first place). Since you've accepted a cult that approves lying, murder, torture, rape, forced conversion and incitement to hatred, can you blame people for considering you a "lesser being".

2006-10-11 22:23:13 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

There are some who will look down on religious people for being close minded and intolerant, but really they are just being exactly that. I, for one, completely accept the beliefs of others, as long as they are not harmful. I want people to accept me the way I am, so I accept others they way they are, no matter if we disagree on how the universe was created or what happens after we die.
Obviously there are certain things you may have trouble escaping when dressing like a traditional Muslim woman, such as people thinking you are extremely conservative and religious. Most people, I hope, will not think you are less smart, less feminine, or less strong just because you follow your faith, but there will always be ignorance. Just be who you are, and the people who matter will see that.

2006-10-11 19:03:36 · answer #7 · answered by queen42anne 2 · 3 0

7 stable reasons to not have faith in god. a million. All information factors to there being no God. 2. you reside by using rules made up by using you. 3. No-one judges you different than your self 4. you at the instant are not made to experience accountable or valueless for doing what comes of course. 5. you will have extra time on your palms to examine different books than the bible. 6. You understand that existence definitely has no which potential. Sounds undesirable on the start, yet you're definitely set unfastened, and there's a weight lifted off your shoulders. 7. you may sleep in on Sundays! And now for some thing thoroughly diverse, 7 stable reasons to have faith in God! a million. the guidelines of existence are planned out, you do not even ought to think of. 2. in case you may behave in the international, you're able to do despite you like for eternity in heaven. 3. unfastened wine and unfastened food with each communion! 4. All those holidays! And the provides that incorporate them! 5. Your existence all of sudden has a which potential, and you're forced to be charitable. 6. you may besides have faith in God, by way of fact in case you do not and there's a God, that's the fiery depths of hell for you! 7. You get to positioned on a cricifix around your neck. (yet you may not positioned on a guillotine, electric chair or the different procedures of capitol punishment)

2016-10-16 02:37:57 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

First, I would say that atheists' personal takes on such things can greatly vary.

Some may be rigid and cynical and view anyone who doesn't believe as they do to be idiots. But to be fair, religionists can act the same way ("holier than thou" attitude).

Some may be tolerant and merely agree to disagree on certain matters.

Secondly, theists/religionists can be very intelligent, and have just as much potential for intellectual greatness as any atheist.

The deal is that while theists and religionists and supernaturalists may be able to use logic and reason to its intellectual fulfillment is worldly endeavors, believing in a god or other supernatural forces or beings requires the suspension of logic and reason, for it is impossible to belief in such a thing without resorting to fallacious reasoning.

This is not to say that atheists are 100% logical all the time and are immune to fallacy, but theism and supernaturalism is a quantifiable lack of logic that persists for periods of time.

2006-10-11 19:21:45 · answer #9 · answered by Logan 5 · 2 0

There is no typical stereotype for both theists and/or atheists. . . . Virtually no reasonable person would look down on anyone else based on what they believe in. It is the most fundamental sign of stupidity to look down on anyone. . . . I would say that both genuine theists and genuine atheists would feel sorry for the "ill-minded" other! . . . . . Who cares anyway?!!

2006-10-12 22:30:23 · answer #10 · answered by Romeo 5 · 1 0

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