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At one point I thought Mormon was just a denomination of Christianity(like Baptist, United, etc.). Then I had someone tell me it is more like a cult. For curiosities sake, can someone give me the low down?

2006-10-11 16:08:17 · 15 answers · asked by andy_pann 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

It's just another denomination of Christianity. I dont know what you consider to be a cult, but I usually think of a group of people who cut them selves off from the world and practice things such as polygamy. The mainstream Mormon church does not do this. It's the 4th largest church in the US with over 12 million members worldwide. We live everywhere, not just Utah as some will say. We work regular jobs just like everyone else. Gladys Knight is Mormon. We go to church on Sundays to worship the Lord. We read the Bible, but also have the Book of Mormon which is what we believe to be accounts of Jesus visiting the Americas. We believe in the trinity but belive they are 3 seperate beings, with Jesus Christ being God's son. We do believe that astaining from alcohol and tobacco is the smart thing to do because of all the problems they can lead too. We absolutely do no think we are superior to anyone else or that we are the only ones who go to heaven. I was raised Mormon but stopped going when I went to college. I just started going again a few months ago and my husband, who was raised Catholic studied it and decided to get baptized. Most of the stuff people will post about us is totally not true. You can e-mail me if you have any questions.

2006-10-11 16:31:11 · answer #1 · answered by Melissa 7 · 2 1

Although Mormons claim to be Christian, there are significant differences between what they believe and Orthodox Christianity. Some of the significant differences are ther belief that we humans can become God (which kind of turns the temptation by Satan in the Garden on it's head). Satan told man if he ate of the fruit he would become as God. Christians believe their is only one God although we believe in three persons in one God. They also believe the teachings of Joseph Smith who they believe is the most relevant prophet. What is interesting is Joseph Smith claimed at one point to ask God what was the true church so he could join. He claimed God told him to join none as they are all an abomination to him. which is why I find it odd when some Mormons claim they are Christians like everybody else. Some interesting points are the books heavily plagiarize the bible and whoever wrote them wasn't a student of history as they contain some glaring historical errors. They had people using certain metals and a compass which had been invented in the time period they have in their books. Notably no archaeological evidence has ever confirmed any of the claims of the Mormon books in contrast to many places being confirmed by both the old and new testament. I don't dislike Mormons I just strongly disagree with their views on some issues. In alot of cases they are well trained and can talk circles arund alot of Christians this is why it's important to know the truth. One common argument you here is that Jesus called people god's so that must mean that men can become gods. What they don't mention is the false gods are also called gods and even satan is referred to as the god of this world. This was never meant to supplant the truth that the bible teaches that the Lord your God is one and will not share his glory with men. On the surface they are decent family oriented people, but many of their beliefs are contrary to the teachings of Jesus. Many religions are highly critical of the scriptures sighting age for being unreliable. Curiously they accept the versus that they believe confirm the religion. Fortunately when people make this claim about the scriptures they are coompletely unaware of how well preserved the bible and particularly the new testement is. There are over 25,000 partial to complete manuscripts written in a number of languages. By comparing these translations (some of which date back quite early to the orignals) you can see and emilnate the few discrepancies which arise. One of the deceptive manuevers you have to watch for to is the claim that they have changed many of their doctinal positions. This is just meant to throw you into confusion. they believe that they are the only true church and like their "prophet" Joseph Smith they believe all other Christian denominations are wrong.

2006-10-11 23:31:09 · answer #2 · answered by Edward J 6 · 0 0

It seems like most of the answers here are from people who don't have a clue, or have watched a cartoon on TV and take it as truth.
Only a few of the posters here have given you a true answer.
I would consider the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to be Christian. I am a member, and I consider myself a Christian. We believe in God, the Father, in his son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost. We do believe that they are each individual, and not 3 beings rolled into 1. I joined the Church as an adult, having attended a Baptist church sporadically in my very young youth. I was very comfortable with the Gospel that was taught to me by the missionaries, or Elders. It all seemed right to me, and many of the principles were things that I had pondered and personally believed.
I will give you a couple of links, if you are truly interested in finding out more for yourself. As one poster mentioned, there is so much to learn and know in the Church, I imagine it may take a lifetime - But that is what we are here for...!
What we believe as members: http://scriptures.lds.org/en/a_of_f/1
History: http://scriptures.lds.org/en/js_h/1
Non-member information: http://www.mormon.org/welcome/0,6929,403-1,00.html
Good luck-the best way to find some things out is to search in the right places!

2006-10-14 03:04:20 · answer #3 · answered by ewema 3 · 0 0

Mormons consider themselves Christians and do base their religion on Christ. They believe they are the only true church, which seems like they think they are superior to others. In fact, alot of Mormons do believe that, and many will only deal with others of their faith. The whole religion is so convoluted, it would be hard to explain it all. The missionaries have a very simple and almost childlike presentation to give and if you were to convert to their religion it might take a long time to ever know exactly what they believe.

2006-10-11 23:20:32 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Being Mormon is much like being involved with Christianity. Mormons have a book similar to the Bible, the Book of Mormon, they have prophets, like in the Bible, they have angels, and they have missionaries. I think that they are more hard core than Baptists, but they are not bad or anything like that.

The Mormon missionaries that may have come to your door to preach to you are just trying to gain respect in their church. One of them told me that in order to become an 'ELDER' in their church, they have to go on a pilgrimage where they try to win believers for their faith.

If you ever gt a chance to talk to a Mormon missionary, you really should. I did it over the summer. I read the Book of Mormon that they gave me, along with the pamphlets. It was interesting. I am not convinced that it is true, but what they believe is no more far fetched than what is in the Bible.

2006-10-11 23:14:40 · answer #5 · answered by Stevy L 2 · 2 0

Ye same until I saw that awful show south park and everything they said in it was true about mormons well mostly... they believe that That there was total apostay in the church so God th Father and God the Son Jesus Christ came to Joeseph smith and told him to make a new religion then this angel came blah blah blah he said that Native americans are ancient Jews and Jesus came to america.. and that Jesus was created by God to be a god and God the father was created by another god and one day we well al become gods and he made this wack book that he read off ancient tablets which he used "special" glasses to read and translated it to the book of mormons.... they believe in stuff like pre-existence and different worlds after the life aslo that God came from some planet and yee... they believe in all this other stuff that has nothing to do with the bible aswell ... sorry if this wasn't helpful it all came from my mind.

2006-10-11 23:16:04 · answer #6 · answered by STAR POWER=) 4 · 1 0

No they are not recognized as a Christian church. They deny the deity of Jesus, they consider Him as a minor prophet, a teacher, or an apostle, they believe that by works not by faith they will go to Heaven, and become gods themselves. They have special temples and only the hierarchy are allowed into such temples.They believe in polygamy, like the Jeff Warren guy that took many young wives and they outcast the young men to minimize the competition, they have unbiblical doctrines about foods and drinks. And the most important one, is that they believe that Joseph Smith found additional scriptures and him being so special was "told by God" to write the book of Mormon, where most of their doctrine is derived from, they rely very little on the Bible, and they basically choose verses out of the Bible to justify their religion, and that is where they are considered a cult, because they are deceived by satan into thinking that they are the "TRUE CHURCH" which is hogwash, they don't believe in the fruit of the spirit, and they totally are a very rich cult, because they take the people's money and developed a "community" where supposedly they church gets all the money, and allots the people an amount to live by.

PS The Jehova's Witness is a cult too. they too believe they are the TRUE CHURCH and wrote their own version of the Bible to deny Jeus deity. THey see Him as a teacher.

2006-10-11 23:22:37 · answer #7 · answered by twelfntwelf3 4 · 0 4

Well one major difference is that they believe in three separate Gods. God, Jesus and the holy Spirit are all God to them.
The religion started with John Smith finding a book called the book of Mormon. At one point they tried to take over the state of Missouri but failed and then they all moved to Utah. Also some of them are not as backward as people present them to be.

2006-10-11 23:12:56 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

a member of any of several denominations and sects, the largest of which is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, that trace their origins to a religion founded by Joseph Smith. they believe in Jesus so I guess they are sorta like Christians?

hope that helps.

2006-10-11 23:11:56 · answer #9 · answered by SunniGirl 2 · 2 1

It is not a denomination. They don't recognize the Historic Christian church as being authentic, they don't recognize any of the rites performed in a Christian church (baptism, marriage etc)

2006-10-13 00:37:17 · answer #10 · answered by Buzz s 6 · 0 0

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