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28 answers

Oh, we be tolerant as long as you agree to convert!hehehehe

CRAP! you can say crap, try it ....CRAP!

2006-10-11 16:11:36 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Define Christianity first !

Let's blame all christians - afterall, it was the Catholic Church that called for all believers to fight in the Crusades, and it was the Catholic Church that initiated the Inquisition, which it did not close down until circa 1820.

Catholicism brought enligtenment to Latin America and taught the natives about breaking treaties, lying, stealing, murder, etc. The Aztec gold was handed over to pay a ransom for the Aztec king, who was murdered in cold blood in the name of the Catholic church when the ransom was paid.

The priests wrote back to Spain boasting how the natives were lower than dogs and that it was not a sin to rape the women on a regular basis - I have read their letters in their own handwriting. Veneral disease was given to the natives by Catholicism. Look at the Philipines - how as it fared. Everywhere Catholicism went in the New World it left a lasting legacy of non-tolerance and syncretism (mixing various factors from different beliefs), violence, and no respect for human life.

Europe was shaped by the power of the Vatican and its wealth. The papacy was corrupt to the core, but the victor is always on the right side. Rome (the vatican) plundered, robbed, manouvred and murdered to achieve its aims - and all this is easily verified if interested.

Don't blame all of christianity today for the unchristian mistakes of the Catholic Church in the past and present. There are many good and down to earth christians out there.

The Protestant and pentecostal churches of today do not have the same crimes of intolerance and abuse lain against them. Christianity is tolerant, and too much so, otherwise you may well be at church today, whereas Islam is not tolerant as many find out for themselves the hard way.

2006-10-11 22:39:08 · answer #2 · answered by Mac 3 · 0 0

That part of Christian history is one part most Christians will deny and say that the people who did these atrocities were not Christians to begin with. Unfortunately, the blood from the Jews, Muslims, Blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans which was shed by the Christian pioneers and forefathers was the foundation upon which the Christian faith was built on. Christians can claim all they want that their foundation is God through Jesus Christ, etc. etc. But they cannot deny that their pioneers and forefathers killed a lot of non-Christians in order for the present day Chrisitans to preach the Christian ideology.

FYI cupcakebutt: 500,000 Muslims were murdered and 20,000 Muslim women were raped in Bosnia by Christian Serb and Croat soldiers. Any more information you need on Christianity?

2006-10-11 16:06:19 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I believe the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition were just using religion as a cover and excuse for political gain. Guess the world hasn't changed much since then, huh? Jesus Christ never taught anything that came close to supporting either of these terrible campaigns.

2006-10-11 15:59:54 · answer #4 · answered by moviesmiss1 3 · 1 1

No, it teaches that people are capable of twisting Christian teaching into something it was never intended to be. The logic is frightening. It goes something like this:-

1) The absolute worst thing that can happen to a person is that they go to Hell.
2) We show our love to these people by saving them from going to hell.
3) Whatever we do to that person can be nothing compared to what we are saving them from.

And that twisted logic "justifies" crusades, inquisition, and those people that believe you can beat salvation into people. It is totally against the teaching of Christ and His Apostles. You get the perverted situation where a parent "shows their love" by taking a stick or something to a child for the least thing to "save them from hell." That is not Christian parenting.

2006-10-12 01:11:53 · answer #5 · answered by waycyber 6 · 0 0

These things were not in the Spirit of Christ, just like Hitler, who came in the name of Christianity and the KKK who burn crosses, etc are not representing Christ. Yet, tolerance is not the real issue. For there were indeed times in the Bible where God called men like King David and Moses for example to war against other non-believing nations, to burn the idols of false religions, and so forth...(although under the New Covenant we are not called to physically attack anyone).

Christianity is about love...and though Christ teaches us to never force religion upon anyone, it is also true that tolerance in some cases is a double edged sword. It does not always lead to love...

2006-10-11 16:02:43 · answer #6 · answered by whitehorse456 5 · 0 1

you will find many Christians defending their religion, faith and people. and many will say that u write crap here. but u will also notice THEY FAIL to look at others with the same perspective.

but let me tell you. that in every HOLY BOOK IS VERSE THAT SAYS ABOUT FIGHTING AND kILLING BUT -- IT WAS MEANT FOR self-defense NOT TO RAGE A WAR AGAINST ANYONE. but you will see that FEW people have used these verses for their own personal benefits.

religions are really good and they do jhave a good message -- be it Christianity, Hinduism, Jewism, Islam, Budhhism, Jainism, etc -- but the same cannot be said about the followers of a religion. so blame the GUILTY people not the religion and the rest of its followers..

2006-10-11 16:15:13 · answer #7 · answered by marissa 5 · 1 0

It was a time when terrible people did terrible things hiding behind a false front of Christianity.

It's pretty basic history that nearly any ideology or religion has been misused by evil people for their own personal gain. I can guarantee you that whatever you believe, someone has used that belief in a way that would make you want everyone know was a perversion of the truth you respect.

2006-10-11 16:01:57 · answer #8 · answered by dave 5 · 1 1

The idea of Christianity is tolerant, but I haven't met too many Christians who are. A lot of them are currently backing the war.

2006-10-11 15:59:24 · answer #9 · answered by Justsyd 7 · 3 0

Google Battle of Tours, France. Crusades were an Islamic concept first.

2006-10-11 16:05:23 · answer #10 · answered by Bad Cosmo 4 · 0 2

Well, Christianity is supposed to be tolerant, because it's basic guiding principle is supposed to be LOVE. Like everything else, it sometimes gets twisted. We all do not live up to our highest light. Heck, does ANY one? I think all wars and acts of agression could be considered "unfortunate mishaps" - WW I, WW II, WW III, you name it!

2006-10-11 16:04:57 · answer #11 · answered by harridan5 4 · 1 1

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