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Please stop with the bashing and name calling. If you want to degrade evolution than do it right.

Reasons people have to bash the theory of evolution.

1. If evolution is real than why are monkeys and apes still around shouldn't they evolve to humans now?

Answer: We did not evolve from a monkey, that’s a common misconception. Modern monkeys and great apes are from a different branch in the evolutionary tree than us. So they will never evolve into humans EVER.

2. I can’t think of myself as a monkey!

Answer: We are not really monkeys; we share a common ancestor with other apes and share almost identical DNA with them. Australopithecus is close to a common ancestor from apes to man. Through time we evolve a bigger brain and slowly (millions of years) change from Homo habilis to Homo erectus to Cro Magnon (early humans) than to Homo sapiens (ancient man) than finally to Homo sapiens sapiens (modern man). There are solid fossil evidences to back up these claims.

3. What is evolution you ask? And how does it work?

Answer: Do notice that when you have children all of them are sort of similar but also very different. If humans didn’t have the technology that enable us to have superior survival odds, than we would have to play Darwin’s survival of the fitness game. Let’s say your brother has horrible vision, his chance of surviving and reproducing is very slim. If your born with a mutation that allows you to see at night but disables morning vision than you will be nocturnal. If you can survive and pass your genes to the next generation, than you’ll make a new species that are nocturnal. That’s basically what evolution boils down to.

What do you think about evolution now? I used logical reasonable explanations that can be proved. Please don’t turn your backs on science because it gets in the way of your faith.

2006-10-11 15:53:27 · 25 answers · asked by Reload 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

25 answers

Thanks for 1 and 2 but 3 wouldn't quite make him a new species.

Pamela V and co - Darwins father was doctor, as his father was before him. He did not recant on his death-bed, that is a lie (and it would make no difference to science if he had anyway).

And... there is copious copious evidence for Evolution by Natural Selection (including copious observed evolution) to anyone who honestly looks in to both sides. No-one can write a short soundbite summarising all the evidence. To anyone who honestly wants to see the evidence, then it is up to you to look in to it yourself. And it is science and there is no faith involved!

But thanks for the good 'question'!

2006-10-11 17:00:17 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

you used logical reasonable explanations to argue the faulty arguments of those against evolution- you still have given absolutely no scientific evidence that any one species evolved into another.
Yes, all of our children have differences but they are all still human and have clearly human DNA- there is no "inbetween DNA" and no species DNA has evolved to become a completely different species. There is much evidence ( a lot of it deliberately unexplored) to explain why we have adaptations and different breeds of the same species- what some call microevolution. There is , however, not one shred of evidence that proves evolution as I have described it. I hear a lot of evolutionists here jumping up and down, bashing the creationists, but just as the creationists arguments are faulty- the evolutionists argumants lack the facts and evidence to prove their claims. I keep hearing "it is proven" but I have not seen how- I have not seen any foolproof solid facts that support what is claimed.

It takes a LOT of faith to stand by evolution as a plausible theory-

;) besides- if it were , mom's would have 4 arms and two brains, LOL ;)

2006-10-11 16:44:09 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

1. We did indeed evolve from monkeys. If I showed you pictures of the ancestors we have in common with modern monkeys, you'd certainly say, "That's a picture of monkeys!"
The true statement is: "We did not evolve from MODERN monkeys."

2. The Australopithecus specimens we have are not ancestors to modern apes. They're too recent.

3. Add some isolation/genetic drift and sexual selection to your mix. *chuckles* It's likely that among our ancestors, hominid chicks dug dudes who weren't quite so hairy.

2006-10-11 16:50:32 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

"God did not reward men for being honest, generous and brave, but for the act of faith. Without faith, all the so-called virtues were sins. And the men who practiced these virtues, without faith, deserved to suffer eternal pain. All of these comforting and reasonable things were taught by the ministers in their pulpits -- by teachers in Sunday schools and by parents at home. The children were victims. They were assaulted in the cradle -- in their mother's arms. Then, the schoolmaster carried on the war against their natural sense, and all the books they read were filled with the same impossible truths. The poor children were helpless. The atmosphere they breathed was filled with lies -- lies that mingled with their blood. " Robert G. Ingersoll

2006-10-11 16:00:25 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

it is not in simple terms the non secular human beings attacking Atheists. that is fairly lots anybody against all human beings right here! besides, i'm getting a splash bored with all of the nonsense! I wish human beings could in simple terms ask actual questions! And via the way, i've got replied some questions via you that weren't very friendly the two (no ask your self you deleted them)! that is constructive which you extremely want to get alongside now however.

2016-10-19 06:03:17 · answer #5 · answered by titman 4 · 0 0

I have only been coming to this site since August of this year,so I am relatively new here,but from what I've seen, the majority of attacks have come from atheists against religious people. The derogatory remarks are totally uncalled for. Yes,some religious people do the same,and I disagree with the way they express themselves,but what they say is pretty mild compared to the things atheists say.
A part of the answer to your # 3 question isn't really all that logical. I don't see how my brother having horrible vision would affect his survival or reproducing capabilities.

2006-10-11 16:33:16 · answer #6 · answered by ? 6 · 3 3

Sometimes you can't just rely on logic and reason alone. For instance, when you drive down the road in your car, you have faith that your brakes are going to work accordingly otherwise you will get in a wreck and possibly die. Whereas if you used reason and logic, you would know that you have a 50/50 chance of getting in a car wreck and possibly dying. It is the same thing with God; no reason necessary, just faith that he exists. Besides, if you are wrong, what's the worst that could happen...you would die and that would be the end.

2006-10-11 15:59:10 · answer #7 · answered by Bronx B 2 · 2 3

this answer makesme laugh:

"Sometimes you can't just rely on logic and reason alone. For instance, when you drive down the road in your car, you have faith that your brakes are going to work accordingly otherwise you will get in a wreck and possibly die. Whereas if you used reason and logic, you would know that you have a 50/50 chance of getting in a car wreck and possibly dying."

no my brakes are not that crappy. i only have 1 in 2000000 chance of having a brake failure... i dont need faith on my brakes. i know they will work 99.99999% or more.

2006-10-11 16:24:14 · answer #8 · answered by lnfrared Loaf 6 · 2 1

any world view that is not the atheist evolutionist world view is a world view held by someone living an inauthentic life, rather than face authentic life those who have it are attacked,

notice there is never an intellectual attack against atheISM or evolutION, but rather on the atheIST or the evolutionIST

2006-10-11 15:57:14 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

no they don't
as far as genetics being similar, were they not all created by the same creator?
Is it wrong to think that the patterns used for creation are according to a consistant plan?
And if all life(plant or animal) was evolved, how does evolution tie in the plant lifeforms?

2006-10-11 15:55:23 · answer #10 · answered by Tim 47 7 · 0 3

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