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I remember parts of it, like where it says to beat your wife if she disagrees with you, and the part where Mohammad tells his gullible band of militant fools to kill anyone who won't accept Islam, and the part where Mohammad tells his gullible band of militant fools not to make a friend with a Jew or a Christian.


All praise be to Jesus, the only Son of God


When will Muslims stop trying to use monkey tricks, smoke & mirrors, false science, fraudulent claims, and spam to spread Islam?

2006-10-11 15:40:52 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

NO IT DOESN'T but you can be sure that if ylu believe in the koran then you will go to hell why cause ISLAM IS SATAN'S RELIGEON



we are nolonger bound by the old covanent.

2006-10-11 15:49:19 · answer #1 · answered by lymber1 2 · 1 5

Numbers 31:7-18
Deuteronomy 20:10-14
Deuteronomy 22:28-29
Exodus 21:7-11
Deuteronomy 17:12
Exodus 22:17
Leviticus 20:13
2 Chronicles 15:12-13
Deuteronomy 13:13-19
Exodus 22:20

I bet you're not going to look those up. Those all speak of murdering nonbelievers, rape, etc. You're precious Bible isn't all that great either. But you didn't know that because Chrisitians only remember what they want to remember from the Bible and few ever critically read it.
When will Christians stop trying to use monkey tricks, smoke & mirrors, false science, fraudulent claims, and spam to spread Islam?

2006-10-11 22:50:47 · answer #2 · answered by whosyodaddy3030 2 · 4 2

There are today 3 most important things for every man to do:

1. Memorizing the Word of the One True God through His Messenger for our time.

2. Sincerely, devotedly, selfessly practicing It.

3. Pass It on peacefully, lovingly, energetically to all people in this generation and in the generations to come.

Every beautiful thing He gives is freely available on the Internet and would be retrieved quite easily if any mad man destroyed all the computers. There is no more fear about the burning of books by despotic rulers.

2006-10-11 23:00:19 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

No more than memorzing a book equally full of lies, such as the Bible. I remember parts of the Bible, where it says you shall not let children live who disrespect their parents. Oh, and there's that whole issue regarding Hell. It's pretty disturbing when your God of infinite love creates a Hell. The "he's a just God, too" doesn't work, because there's no justice in eternity.


All praise be to nobody, as God does not exist.


When will Christians stop trying to use Inquisitions, smoke and mirrors, creation "science", fraudulent claims, and spam to spread Christianity?

2006-10-11 23:01:44 · answer #4 · answered by Nowhere Man 6 · 3 3

If you want to talk about Quran at least read it and think very deeply of its meanings.
if you knew how Muslims live ,you would wish if you were a Muslim !
Hate can take you nowhere...
Instead of talking about the "book of lies" as you say , at least try to figure why there is an old testament and a new one ? why there are many versions of the Bilble ?
If Qurran is "the book of lies" why Islam is the fastest growing religion ?????
Think please (use what has God granted you = brains !)

2006-10-12 18:34:34 · answer #5 · answered by Dreamy 2 · 1 1

jenny.are you o.k.?i ve just looked at some of your questions and Ive come to the conclusion that you are a troubled soul.has not your faith in Jesus[pbuh] taught you any thing?if so where is 'the love your enemy concept?' and i might ask just what new thing did the holy ghost bring you?its plain for all to see that Christianity has raised your intelligence a notch.and can any one who reads this wonder why we dont take your ilk as a friend?your hatred is very attractive,your speech is just the speech we expect from "those who are devoid of knowledge".you really want to know why they are leaving you in droves?and coming to Islam?its not the smoke and mirrors, its you.by Allah it is people just like you who confirm and reaffirm that what lies in the pages of the Holy Quran is the truth from your Lord.yet you perceive it not.i want to thank you on behalf of the muslims who by the way would never say such things about Jesus[as].thank you for sending them our way.your the goods.and you dont even know it.and may you never know.amin.

2006-10-11 23:08:32 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Despite attempts by Christians to defame Islam, it's still attracts millions of new converts. These aren't ordinary people. There are lawyers, doctors, professors and scientists who became Muslims. There are also Christians pastors and priest who become Muslims. Have you ever wondered why?

If you believe in God with utter sincerity, God will lead you to Him.


2006-10-11 23:56:11 · answer #7 · answered by Avatraz 3 · 1 2

christians seem to think that memorizing a book of lies and nonsense (the bible) makes them good people.

so, are you surprised to find that same delusion elsewhere?

YOU ALSO ASKED: When will Muslims stop trying to use monkey tricks, smoke & mirrors, false science, fraudulent claims, and spam to spread Islam?

I'd like to see the christians stop this FIRST. Then, maybe others will follow suit.

2006-10-11 22:43:01 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

Memorizing any book does not make you a good person. How you behave makes you a good person.

One good behavior is the ability to recognize lies when you see them, and a refusal to repeat lies.

Read all you can regarding "Noah and the flood". The Jews, Christians, and Muslims all have religions teaching this as literal truth. See the Wikipedia re things like Ice Cores, and Dendrochronology. Also Read Wikipedia re Noah's Ark. Its common knowledge available to little school children that the flood of Noah's time period circa 2700 years ago was a myth. (Different religious sects use different dates about that time but the argument does not change)

Read up on Native Americans to include in Wikipedia. Notice by 10,000 years ago the native Americans were in the Americas and the Bearing Straight land bridge is closed. Notice the bible teaches in the Adam and Eve story that humanity began circa 6000 years ago. This is calculated by taking the flood date and the genealogy in Genesis 5-9 and adding on years from Noah's flood to the beginning of Adam's life. Why were native Americans already in America before humanity began? Because the bible story was a lie. Then the narrative in the Bible goes on to teach that god destroyed all living things on the earth except what was on the ark. This included all plants animals and native Americans. Picture the Americas covered in nothing but mud. Remember the Bearing straight land bridge was closed. So if this story were true, the Europeans would all be descendants of Noah and would arrive in the Americas a set of continents devastated by flood. we would find in history a gap in the records where nothing was alive then a few life forms traveled by wind or water to the coasts to gradually spread to the interior. Plants and animals would only be found in the Americas that could have arrived from elsewhere after 4700 yrs ago. But...there are new world crops like the tomato that were not found elsewhere. See New World Foods on the internet for a list. As my native American ancestors would have died in the global flood, I would not exist. Buffalos, and mountain lions would not be in the Americas. The flood story was a lie. As humans existed prior to the biblical creation of humanity, the bible creation stories (note there are 2 of them where one immediately follows the other) are lies. Note in the bible in Luke 3:23-38 that Jesus had as his ancestors mythical Adam and mythical Noah. Real people don't come from mythical ancestors. Mythical beings do. But many people believed in Jesus. That proves nothing as many people believed and created a history for Zeus, Apollo, Bacchus, Thor, Amon Ra etc. The jewish set of myths is no worse but NO BETTER than the myths from any other culture. Presenting them as facts in the bible was lying.

Matthew 24:37-41 Jesus believes the global flood story of Noah to be literally true and repeats this lie. See also Luke 17:27. If Jesus was present from the beginning or was told what to say by a god that does not lie, wouldn't he have told humanity that the flood story was a myth instead of leaving humanity to catch him in this lie?

So what does all this have to DO with the Koran? The Koran accepts Adam, Noah and Jesus as literally true. Can the Koran be the word of a true god with those type of lies in the book? See Wikipedia Adam in Islam, Noah in Islam, Jesus in Islam.

But couldn't there be the god Yahway of the Jews with no Jesus, no Adam, and no Noah.
See Wikipedia re Canaanite gods, Yahway, El, Asherah. Who were these last names? In the area where the Jews came to live called Canaan the people believed in many gods. The highest male god was El and the highest female god was Asherah. Among their descendants was the god yahway. Through wars and mass murder....see the old testament for details, priests of the yahway group grew in power. By the time the ten commandments were written (Exodus 20) you see oddities such as commandment 1 which is about having no other god superior to or before Yahway and not to make idols. Note here that it doesn't say that these gods were just imaginary. At that time many gods were believed to exist. The stipulation was that Yahwey was to be of the highest rank ie served first and as a priority. Realize by this point that the yahway priests had caused yahweys rise in power from one of many descendants to this elevated position. Other nations had their own ideas. See Wikipedia henotheism. Eventually the spin was that yahway was always the higher god, that the other gods never really existed, and there really was not much human history before that point. It was an interesting political move by the Yahway priests who were the ones writing the bible story. The god of Moses was accepted as the god of Islam. Moses was considered a prophet of islam. See Wikipedia Moses in Islam.

Now with the Koran teaching that Adam, Noah, Moses and Jesus were acceptable worshipers of the correct god, do you see this as a problem? This is not the usual presented objection to Islam in that it also highlights that Christians and Jews also lie in their religion.

Read what you can from other sources re
the history of humanity
the global flood
Note here, in the creation story of Genesis it states that the earth was covered in water until the waters were separated and dry land appeared. Any data supporting a global flood would have to account for a water covered earth not once but twice circa 1600 years apart.

Read also on
Canaanite gods
See Ugarit for example in Wikipedia as a specific example of a dig site
El and Asherah
The rise of Yahway in the Canaanite pantheon

A good religion does not tolerate lies nor liars. The Koran and the Bible lie. This is a critical test of who you are. Will you tolerate lies or speak out against this?

2014-09-18 15:01:46 · answer #9 · answered by Katherine 1 · 0 0

Does memorizing a book full of lies like the Bible make you a good person?
Yeah, Joshua made the sun stand still at the battle of Jericho. Yeah the Phillistines deserved to be slaughtered because they had their own gods....

2006-10-11 22:46:11 · answer #10 · answered by dunno 2 · 4 3

I've seen your other posts. You are obviously a fundamentalist Christian. Christianity and Islam both preach love and respect. You are not Christian.

2006-10-13 17:24:33 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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