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I have been keeping many emotions inside. I don't tend to speak to others and my moods are erratic always. Up, down and good, bad all on the same day. People don't understand my emotions, more to the point they don't care. At times l feel alone, dont have anyone to talk to and this saddens me more. l spend alot of time alone locked up in my room, in the dark listening to loud music to dull out my senses. I want to yell out l need help but to me this is a sign of weakness and failure to admit defeat. I am worn out and l don't know how much more l can take. I stopped taking (Avanza)antidepressants and now l cannot sleep at nite too. My head is in a spin. I don't know what to do..... I am lost .....

2006-10-11 15:11:18 · 15 answers · asked by popprincess042000 1 in Health Mental Health

15 answers

hello, listen up, ive met many people like you, and at one point i feel like you feel also. the main important thing is that u need to change ur lifestyle in a way that you feel comfortable with urself and others. im saying like do things which distract you, depression affects everyone at one point in their lives, but u gotta put it in ur head that this is just a phase that u will and can get through, life is more than music, and being alone. sure u have days which ur alone, and no one to talk to, and stuff, but u need to do other things, like a hobby, or friends, or even spend time here in yahoo answers if it makes u feel less lonely in some way. i live alone 80% of the day, i come home, and theres no one here to comfort me in anyway, so there are always times when i want to jump out the window, or turn on music super loud so i dont feel lonely anymore, u just need to get through it, i recently started to play billiards, which is a fun game to me, and helps me pass the time. In the end, ur not MEANT to be lonely, and its something u gotta realize, this is just a phase and it will go away, have hope and you will get through just like i did a lot of times along my life. i wish u the best of luck and please know that ur not alone in being alone ;)

2006-10-11 15:27:39 · answer #1 · answered by balanced112 2 · 0 0

Saying that you need help is not a sign of weakness or defeat. It is a sign of intelligence and being able to recognize when you're not at the top of your game. The real weakness is being too afraid to admit to yourself or to whomever that you have problems and that you need help.

To help deal with the emotions that you are bottling up, journal. Whenever you feel overwhelmed, lost, lonely, or just plain bad, take the journal and write about it. The journal doesn't have an opinion on what it is that you say, so you can put whatever you want without having to worry about anyone's reaction. It is a great sense of relief, to be able to let go of the things that have been troubling you and building within you.

It is fine that you don't like to speak to others. It makes you uncomfortable, which is understandable. Sometimes the discomfort is good, if something good will come out of it (for example - the first day of therapy is always miserable, but after that, it's the greatest relief.) Pick and choose who you talk to - find somebody that you trust and that you can see whenever you need to.

More people care about you than you think.

As for the cutting. Most people will say that cutting = bad. Wrong. It's true, cutting is detrimental to your health and can turn into an addiction and multiply the intensity of the problems you are already experiencing. However, to simply say that cutting is bad is taking a multi-faceted issue and simplifying it to a two-dimensional, uninformed word. If you feel the need to cut, breathe first and take a moment to see if there is anything else you can do to remedy the pain. If you can resist the urge (it's hard, I know) more power to you. If you have to cut, put a limit on it. Only make three cuts, and make them only so long.

Find someone that you can talk to, and find the strength within you to take a risk, go out on a limb, and tell them what you are going through. My biggest regret is waiting so long to get help.

You can do it.

I promise.

2006-10-11 20:53:48 · answer #2 · answered by kaseyday123 2 · 0 0

Let's get one thing straight: depression is not a sign of weakness, it is a disease that you cannot control without help. Would you say someone with diabetes is just weak? It is one and the same, a disease. Now you need to get help. You did the right thing when you told your GP. what did he say? Antidepressants are a good idea but also it sounds like you need hospitalization and psychiatric help. For this go to tour local ER and tell them what you have written here. They have heard it all before so don't be emabrassed. They would rather see you this way than needing treatment for a suicide attempt or for treatment after you hurt someone. Go directly to the ER Don't stop on go, don't collect $200. There are a lot of meds that help. just give it a chance. Good Luck and God Bless.

2006-10-11 15:50:44 · answer #3 · answered by wild&free 4 · 1 0

Many people that have this problem do it to calm themselves down when they feel in a hopeless situation, or out of control. It's an addiction, like to food, or alcohol, etc. Others pull out their hair or bite their nails. There are actually a lot of people that do this, but hide it. You need to see someone to talk about it and get psychological/emotional therapy. Valium is NOT the answer. Find a doctor/counselor/therapist you can trust. They can help find out the root cause, then offer alternative ways to deal with it.

2016-03-28 05:50:59 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I saw your question flash by, and my first thought was Borderline Personality Disorder. It's the most common PD. I know someone with it. I read through your past questions, os it's apparent the topic isn't new to you.

I'd agree with your physician, it's a possible diagnosis. Often times there is more on the table than just one issue though, so don't try to seek just self help. There is absolutely no shame in talking with a counsellor. These professionals are well trained and are generally quite compassionate. They have to be to do their job well. Also, like any other health related issue, your time with the counsellor is confidential.

So go seek a counsellor. It will likely be the best decision in your life.

Good luck and it's plain to see you are moving in the right direction - you're asking questions and seeking help. Way to go!

2006-10-11 15:26:59 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 1 0

Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. Just the opposite. So, that's what you need to do.
Talk to your doctor again. Are you also seeing a psychiatrist or counselor of some kind? If not, you should be. You also should get back on your meds, if they were helping you stay in control.
You obviously can't go on this way or you'll self-destruct.
BTW, I understand depression. I've wrestled with it myself, but I'm OK now.
There IS hope. Good luck & God bless.

2006-10-11 16:08:11 · answer #6 · answered by WillyC 5 · 0 0

Most of the predominant antidepressants prescribed today are meds that help balance the chemicals in your brain. Asking for help isn't saying that you are crazy, it's saying that you have a physical medical problem that appears as a mental illness. I know. I have spent the past thirty years on and off antidepressants. Please go see a doctor to have your meds adjusted. If you are not comfortable with your present doctor, go to the nearest health center and ask to speak to more. Any reputable center or hospital will let you speak to as many people as needed until you feel comfortable. You may e-mail me if you need to. pamsolo60@yahoo

2006-10-11 17:11:09 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Self mutilation is a serious matter and I have seen it several times during my career. You do need help, and it is not a sign of weakness to ask for it. That was an attitude of the previous era and it caused so much pain and suffering as so many did not seek help. My mother and sister had serious issues in mental health and I grew up living with them seeing their pain. My children also had some issues, but we faced them as a family and although everything is not fully erased, we have all learned to live with it, and all of them are leading sucessful lives by anyone's standards. Knowledge is power, and here is a beginner's guide to this problem I hope it helps you to find that you do need help and that it is out there waiting for you.


Detailed website with many links fopr self help...


2006-10-11 15:29:33 · answer #8 · answered by arnp4u 3 · 1 0

Why did you stop taking your medication? You shouldn't have done this unless the doctor told you to. There is nothing wrong with asking for help. Only strong people ask for help. The weak just suffer in silence. They don't have the strength to change thier lives. Try not to spend so much time in your room. You will feel much better if you spend time with friends instead.

2006-10-11 15:21:12 · answer #9 · answered by Gypsy Girl 7 · 1 1

Get help fast. This is a serious problem. It is not a sign of weakness or failure. If anything, it shows you are strong enough to confront your problem. You are sick and you just need a little help from a good doctor. Good luck!!!

2006-10-11 15:21:18 · answer #10 · answered by denpita 2 · 3 0

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