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I have a minicher docksan and she is about 2 months old and she will not use the bathroom outside and my mom has told me if she does not learn how to use the bathroom outside she will sell her so please anyone help me.

2006-10-11 15:10:33 · 14 answers · asked by Trix 1 in Pets Dogs

14 answers

any accidents she has in the house pick up with a paper towel go out the door you want the dog to go to when it wants out. take the puppy and paper towel out in the yard where you want her to go. Place the puppy and paper towel down so puppy can smell the towel. Then pick up paper towel and throw outside in trash, take puppy back inside. Stay consistant

2006-10-11 15:19:03 · answer #1 · answered by leftygirl_75 6 · 0 0

Crate training is what I would suggest. Since you are not home all day though it could be hard on his little bladder to hold it. If you can, close him in a small room ( like a laundry room or small kitchen of the bathroom) for the day while you are away, but train him with a crate when you are home. You should definitely have a crate. If there was a major disaster where you live, you may not be able to take him with you to a rescue shelter without a crate so even if you don't crate train him - buy him a crate- they're not that expensive for a chihuahua. Chihuahuas in general seem to have potty in the house issues at least all the ones I have known. good luck

2016-03-28 05:50:51 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The best way to train a puppy is using the crate method. When using this method you have to make the crate the puppy’s home and safe area. Dachshunds love to cuddle. If you put a bed in the crate with a blanket she will learn to love it. If you are not using a crate now, she will probably cry when placed in there at first. Make sure you feed her in the crate and put plenty of toys in there and within a week she will love it. Take her out of the crate every 2-3 hours and take her immediately outside UNTIL she uses the bathroom. It may take time for her to figure it out but a dog will naturally not use the bathroom where they sleep so this is absolutely the best method. When you take her outside do NOT play with her. Wait till she goes then take her back inside. After about 5 minutes you can take her back outside to play but DON'T play with her immediately before or after going. She must know she is to go to the bathroom. Also when you take her out to go, use a command over and over until she goes like, "POTTY". She will quickly learn that when you say "potty" she is to go. Then she goes back into the crate until you take her out again. After about a week or so, she should be getting the idea of going outside.

2006-10-11 15:33:16 · answer #3 · answered by TheresaE 2 · 0 0

Hi, I understand that you are looking for some advice or resources to help fully train your dog or fix behavior problems. If a professional dog trainer is not an option at this time, or if you want to trt training your dog on your own (a great way to bond), I'd suggest you https://bitly.im/aMQEb

A friend recommened it to me a few years ago, and I was amazed how quickly it worked, which is why I recommend it to others. The dog training academy also has as an excellent home training course.

2016-05-17 03:12:43 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

15 mins to 1/2 hr after feeding or watering take her for a walk until she does her business then reward her and bring her back in the house soon after she goes, she should catch on to the routine as long as u keep up the routine, most people get lazy or take the dog out whenever they want to or it's convenient for the owner not the dog. We've owned many dogs and this routine has worked best.

2006-10-11 15:43:23 · answer #5 · answered by papabeartex 4 · 0 0

I had this problem with my pup...bring her outside, wait 30 minutes and nothing. then when I brought her back inside well hey, now it was time for her to go. You know what helped almost immediately??? Crate training! Leave the pup in the crate alone for an hour (no more since it's so young!) while he/she eats. Then when you let her out, scoop up the pup and bring it outside...he/she should have to go so bad that they're forced to go outside. then TREAT! keep this up and it'll get the hint.
Oh and DO NOT RUB THEIR NOSE IN IT!!!!!!!! That only teaches them that it's ok to be grubby and they may end up spoiling in their crate because they think it's ok.

2006-10-11 15:29:18 · answer #6 · answered by spaniel_mommy 2 · 0 0

Take her out a lot. And stay out a long time. When she poops or wee wees then take her back in.
If you see her using the bathroom in the house scold her and immediately take her out.
If you did not see her pottie inside do not scold her.
Never hit the dog with anything but a piece of rolled up paper.

2006-10-11 15:15:39 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

there is a wonderful invention called puppy pads. they have a scent that only the dog can smell, and will make her want to go on the pad. start out putting it the spot she uses the most, then start moving the pad closer to the door every day. finally, you'll be able to move the pad outside, and the puppy will catch on to the fact that outside is the place to go.

2006-10-11 15:19:53 · answer #8 · answered by margarita 4 · 0 0

First of all about 20minutes after she eats take her outside.
You might have to wonder around for a while. Take her for
a good walk and soon she'll have to go. Don't give up do
this after meals and don't forget to praise her on her efforts.
Or, you can tie her up outside for a while and than check on
her from time to time. Good luck, she will get it.

2006-10-11 15:21:28 · answer #9 · answered by tychi 4 · 0 0

leave it outside untill it has a poop then straigfht after tis done one let it back in keep an eye on it with a torch if it gets into nighttime n have some coffee so you dont accidently leave it

2006-10-11 15:18:05 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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