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14 answers

everybody hates a traitor

2006-10-11 15:05:52 · answer #1 · answered by TheWillBe 3 · 2 0

YOu don't have to convert to be treasonous.

Every American has the right to be vocal on American soil and go up against the government, the war and the President. That is not treason.

Assisting a foreign power at undermining the American Government or way of life is treason.

Many Muslims or punker 14 year old idiots are trying that right here at Yahoo and we fight back.

We will make sure EVERYONE knows where all those ISLAM BASHING WEB SITES ARE and that Mohammad did, indeed, marry a 9 year old girl.

If Islamics want to stop all this, stop making foolish statements like Islam is the True Religion and Jesus was a fake on the cross.

Stop saying Islam is peace, until you can Hug a Jew like Anwar Sadat did!

Very rarely do we see TRUE ISlamic questions here, like what do this think of this passage or what did this verse mean.

Christians do that all the time.

Islamics just put forth their BIASED point of view and WE HERE RETALIATE with OUR BIASED PONT OF VIEW.

Let's get something straight. Islam flew planes into sky scrapers (all right, so did a NY Yankee ball player, but it was small plane not a jumbo jet).

Islam has expressed delcared a desire for WORLD domination.

Islam expects all American School Girls to walk around with a blanket wrapped around their entire body in July.

You ain't gonna win us over with things like that!

Why can't you Islamics just be normal and ask normal questions of other ISlamics and then may we'll read the answers and see different points of view.

But you ain't gong to win people over with toothless, scruffy, breaded guys who say they LIVE in the Mosque with they brother Muslims and have a name like Ahamad.

YOu ain't gonna win people over saying the Holicaust didn't happen with US and Russian Soldiers were there and SAW what was going on in the NAZI camps.

All you're going to do is make us think you're a bunch of lying fools!

And having some American Jew who converts get on Video and talk to us, just makes you look more foolish in our eyes.

Remember the average Yahoo Answer person here isn't too happy with Chrisitians. They have pet names for them.

Wait until they start taking Islam apart like they do the door to door Sky Daddy salesmen!

Americans may not like the war or Bush, but we aren't going to allow forenginers with accents and funny names and funny dress who threaten our way of life to intimindate us.

We're more than happy to have nice ISlamics who don't harbor guns or bombs and truly are peaceful.

2006-10-11 23:20:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Gandhi, one of the most enlightened men to walk the planet in the last 100 years said he was a christian and islamic

2006-10-11 22:09:16 · answer #3 · answered by icheeknows 5 · 1 0

did you realize 65 thousand Amercians have been killed by
Islamics..... just what do think treason means? Besides that
converting to any religion could muster many other names .

2006-10-11 22:09:21 · answer #4 · answered by dogpatch USA 7 · 1 1

Well, you must be living in a coutry without a Bill of Rights.

The first amendment to the US constitiuton says: "Congress shall make NO laws respecting an establishment of religion or the free exercise thereof......"

Move to the US and you will be ok.

2006-10-11 22:10:38 · answer #5 · answered by Mac Momma 5 · 0 1

i really dont know. but that would be back-stabbing the ones who had trust on the individual. and how do you think people will react when their trust is broken?.

unto you your religion and unto me mine.

have a nice day and peace.

TO STARFISH -- Surah 8/12 - was revealed during the Battle of Badr. when the army of Muhammed-pbuh were outnumbvered by the army of Pagans -- and fyi -- it were the Pagans who were in war with Medinians. and why was this verse released?. after the victory of Badr, people thought that it was the Leadership of Muhammed-pbuh. but in the very second and sucessive battle they failed. and this verse was revealed then. where Allah says -- if you think that all victory is due to Muhammed-pbuh , then mankind you are wrong, but it was the Will of Allah who sent His army to fight alongside -- so that THRUTH may win.

please get to know things before you take thekm from Islam-bashing websites.

as far as Jizya is concerned. THERE IS NO TAX IN ISLAM BUT THERE IS TAX IN OTHER RELIGIONS. when people dont mind paying Tax in THEIR OWN COUNTRIES thenwhy do they have a problem in paying tax in Muslim ountries. afterall you are taxed only for one thing unlike your countries where even a purchase of Undie is taxed.

In states ruled by Islamic law, jizya or jizyah (Arabic: جزْية) is a per capita tax imposed on non-Muslim adult males, known as dhimmis, in exchange for being allowed to practice their faith, subject to certain conditions, and to enjoy a measure of communal autonomy as well as being "entitled to Muslim protection from outside aggression and being exempted from military service"

do u know where the money for Jizya goes?

Muslims know that people have a problem giving charity to Muslims -- there was an example here on YA! right a few days back -- that is why we colloect it in form of Jizya.

try educating urself dear starfish from the RIGHT sources.

2006-10-11 22:16:17 · answer #6 · answered by marissa 5 · 2 0

Because the Quran (unholy ) book of Islam,commands the mass murder of all Non Muslims. This includes every person who is not a practicing Muslim. If a Muslim leaves Islam,they too are to be killed.
Take a good look at Adam Gadhan,born in the USA,citizen of the USA,preaching death to all Americans who refuse to join Islam.
This is the epitimy of a trator. Am American spewing death to Americans.

2006-10-11 22:13:03 · answer #7 · answered by starfish50 5 · 0 3

I haven't. I'm a patriotic, constitution-loving American Army veteran hijabi Muslima.

2006-10-11 22:35:50 · answer #8 · answered by Smiley 5 · 1 0

Because the government and most people are ignorant and afraid.

2006-10-15 18:16:00 · answer #9 · answered by mahdiya 3 · 0 0

LOL!! Your doing what the Jews did to Jesus. "You come with new religion, TREASON!!! DIE!!!"

2006-10-11 22:24:25 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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