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I am raised Cathlioc, I do believe in ghosts. My husband and I bought a new house,that is very old. After we got the keys,I took my kids and my mother threw the house. When we got back to my moms house I asked my 7 year old son (who is mental slow) if he liked the house. He said "yes! but who's that man in your room upstairs?" as we were going throught the house I told him who's room was who's. I asked him "what man?" He said "the man with white hair." There is 2 rooms to my bedroom,theres the main large room,and theres another room that is pretty big and it has 2 closets in there and we keep our dressers in there. We use it like a changing room I guess you can say. Well It has been a year now. When my son sleeps in my room (every now and then) he will close that closit room door,and when I ask why he did that,he says "because the man with white hair is looking at me" Anyone believe this? Is there someone in there? If there is,he is not threating that I can feel. creepy to think about!

2006-10-11 14:50:54 · 21 answers · asked by spoiledsarah25 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I was hanging a crucifix in my son's room one day and he asked why? and What is was. I told him that it was God making sure he slept good at night,(as I have to say things that he will understand) He made a coment(the only coment) "so the man can't look at me at night?" I said yes,God watches you while you sleep. He said "okay"..he still will not sleep in his room,he says a monster is in there,he says he is scared, he says his room is cold, I have been thinking it's all excuses but now I am (back thinking) of how I get the creeps when I got to bed at night and look back at his dark room down the hallway(as he is sleeping on the couch!) And I can not get myself to walk in there!But I am not scared in my room where he says he see's something the most! My mom has told me to say the "Our Father" in everyroom,but I get to scared when I think about it as I am going into his room. He has onlt slept in his room maybe 30 days out of the past year! again..CREEPY!

2006-10-11 15:28:20 · update #1

I was hanging a crucifix in my son's room one day and he asked why? and What is was. I told him that it was God making sure he slept good at night,(as I have to say things that he will understand) He made a coment(the only coment) "so the man can't look at me at night?" I said yes,God watches you while you sleep. He said "okay"..he still will not sleep in his room,he says a monster is in there,he says he is scared, he says his room is cold, I have been thinking it's all excuses but now I am (back thinking) of how I get the creeps when I got to bed at night and look back at his dark room down the hallway(as he is sleeping on the couch!) And I can not get myself to walk in there!But I am not scared in my room where he says he see's something the most! My mom has told me to say the "Our Father" in everyroom,but I get to scared when I think about it as I am going into his room. He has onlt slept in his room maybe 30 days out of the past year! again..CREEPY!

2006-10-11 15:28:37 · update #2

21 answers

Children are about to see spirits, not ghosts. My son used to see them in his room and my daughter before him. When we realized what we were dealing with my wife took anointing oil and prayed over his room. Later she noticed out of his room what appeared to be something standing at the door to my son's room. The spirit could not enter.

She then did it to the rest of the house, and my son has not seen anything since.

The spirits are real and are there, only faith and calling on the name of Jesus will drive them away. The word says the even the demons know who Jesus is and they tremble.

2006-10-11 15:03:39 · answer #1 · answered by Dead Man Walking 4 · 2 0

How would you know if it was a ghost or one of Satan's angels impersonating a dead person? The Bible is your only guide for this type of delusion by Satan.

The dead do not and can not communicate with the living.

For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten Ecclesiastes 9:5

God strictly forbids any attempt to contact the dead.

There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD:
Deuteronomy 18:10-12

God gave this instruction for our good, to protect us from Satan's deceptions. Satan is very good at impersonating dead loved ones, spreading heresy and lies. Trust in God and what he has to say about the dead in scripture.

These are not ghosts in your house but the demons of Satan.

2006-10-11 22:09:18 · answer #2 · answered by 19jay63 4 · 1 0

As far as I know there are certain things that lead children to this belief:

1 It is real and there is something there. (I personally do not believe in ghosts....but I do believe there are angels, fallen angels, demons, the holy ghost (or spirit), Satan.

My daughter has trouble sleeping in her own room and dont make her. I have a little bed in my room for when she is afraid, and often she crawls in bed with me. This might help u if u put a bed in your room. You could just tell your husband "no the child is sleeping inhere he's scared" that should keep him off you when u are not in the mood. :) So it would help u and the baby.

2 There is nothing there and it has to do with medications or a mental condition. I am less likely to think this in your case however.

3 There is something there, but it is not supernatural.

Sometimes children whom are being molested create ideas in their minds of the villan when it is actually a family member or friend. I dont know your family, so I dont know if this applies to you or not. I work in domestic violence and sexual assault so I have seen its occurance so I thought I would throw that in there....

Anyways, number one rule I go by is to believe my child. I recommend it to everyone.

Take Care.

2006-10-11 23:37:17 · answer #3 · answered by Little Wifey 5 · 0 0

I totally believe what you are ssaying. i have watched many documentaries on spirits and ghosts. This "man with white hair" seems to be of no threat at all. He is just a lost spirit. If you are creeped out about it, you need to ask your son if the "man" is there, then if he is, you need to tell this spirit that he is dead and he needs to go to the light. If he goes to the light he will be much happier. Your son can see ghosts and spirits, but usually by his age, they will have already grown out of it. But maybe because he is "mentally slow" he is still as innocent as younger children, and can see these things. If he still has this gift as he gets older, then maybe he will be physycic. Good luck with your spirit, and dont be scared. It is the living that can hurt you, not the dead.

2006-10-11 22:07:05 · answer #4 · answered by skybluebabyboo 3 · 0 0

It is possible. Do not assume that he is lying or is overimaginative. Children see a lot of things that we cannot see and sometimes a ghost may reveal themselves to a child or an animal( animals also have the ability to 'see' things) but not to us. If your child does not act afraid there should be no reason to worry, the man may just be someone who used to live in the house and your room may at one time been his room. If your child does start to act afraid though, take him seriously. You may want to gently question him a little more one day.

2006-10-11 22:10:49 · answer #5 · answered by ms.melancholy 4 · 0 0

I do believe him, honestly he must be really seeing someone though.... kids don't usually remember to remind adults of things. I've read about ghost sightings, and all of them say that ghosts do appear to children because of their innocence, since children don't really know how to tell apart what is "real" and what is not..... if you don't feel nothing threating they he may have just been someone who passed away peacefully... also, some ppl say you can communicate to them by stating to them that you are not there to hurt them nor take anything from them, if it gets to the point that your son gets terrified than consult the church about seeing this ghost into his "light" into eternal heaven - also have you tried taking pics of the place where this ghost appears - some say you can see them in photos or at least see an orb

2006-10-11 22:02:54 · answer #6 · answered by TrixR4KidZ 5 · 0 0

Children are usually more sensitive to spirits because their brains operate on a different level than adults do. Kids listen to their "second brain", or intuition more. If it makes you feel better, I grew up in a house with a ghost, and other than some doors slamming sometimes, a rocking chair that liked to rock by itself, footfalls upstairs when I was home alone and harmless stuff like that, everything was just normal.Most hauntings are like that. If it bothers your son, try telling the spirit to go away.If you need help in that regard, feel free to contact me through my profile.

2006-10-11 21:58:54 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I seen Ghost since age four, my son now is four, he seen them since age two, I seen three in the past two years, some are Spirits from heaven, Angels, or Spirits guides.

Most ghost or Spirits will not harm, your son may have the gift, of seeing and feeling presences, if he tends to be scared keep a night light on, usually you see them more with the light off. but I have seen them in a lite lighted area. After awhile it would tend to get easier for him once he experience it often. if he's like me he may even feel what they are thinking, or while a sleep his Spirit may sense it in the room as if he can see it. Kids see them more, and kids may grow out of it, it's just that kids are more open to it, or they show themselves to children more.

2006-10-11 22:20:12 · answer #8 · answered by inteleyes 7 · 0 0

Once people die their dead. it's not so much as ghost its spirits, its a big difference. I know you are a Catholic but hanging the cross won't do much good. What you need to do is get some anointed oil and go throughout your house and bled the blood of Jesus. I know that it won't make much sense to you but that's what you need to do. In says in the Bible that just the mention of Jesus name makes demons tremble and flee. So don't think that someone died in the house and their ghost in living there it's just a spirit a demon, one of Satan's angles, and its there to torment you. Children and animals can sense thing and see things that sometimes we as adults can't. I totally believe him. I will keep you and your family in prayer.

2006-10-11 22:39:25 · answer #9 · answered by Singingmama 2 · 0 0

Honestly, I thing you need to get some olive oil, pray and annount your house and ask the Almighty to cleanse your house from all evilness, and you need to rebuke any and all evil in your house. I highly recomend it! You also need to pray to the Almighty, to send the evil spirits back to Him so he can direct them to their next destination. Annount you husband and your kids, and any pets you have, also annoint every room in that house, including the doors and windows.
When I was little I had the problem of seeing evil things. My mom cleansed our house and I haven't seen anything since. Yes spirits are real!

Here is a good website to visit.. : ) FossilizedCustoms.com and FollowersofYah.com

-A Follower of Yahuah

2006-10-11 21:58:18 · answer #10 · answered by yhwh_loves_you 1 · 0 0

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