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I am currently studying this chapter in Matthew 19. I know there are other's chapter's concerning this issue. Any help from minister's are appreciated.
The issue our group is discussing is a matter concerning a woman who has a husband that will not stay with her. He continues to leave saying he cannot find himself and to her this seems like a punishment. They have been married several years. They have grown children. The husband keeps leaving and staying gone for 3 and 4 months at a time; then coming back home whenever he feels like it. The woman feels emotionally drained in this marriage. Her husband once almost filed for divorce years ago. She will not get a divorce because she loves him and would never leave him and consider staying gone the way he does her. This lady goes to church but he doesn't. Yesterday she said that if he talks of divorce although she don't agree; she will let him go through with it because she is so tired of the whole issue. What should the woman do?

2006-10-11 14:14:28 · 8 answers · asked by Busy Lady 2010 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

8 answers

The woman needs to stand up for herself.

Honestly, if this man is gone for 3-4 months at a time, he's most likely sleeping with someone else.

He is a man.

Although God doesn't agree with divorce in the Hollywood type situations of every 3 months, he definetly would not want his child suffering like she is.

She deserves to be loved and honored like a wife.

And this man isn't doing that.

He has broken all of the sacred vows of marriage. Marriage is a covenant by two people taken in front of God.

This man is not only breaking a covenant with his wife, but also with God.

Divorce is ok in this situation.

Any woman who stays around for this type of treatment is most likely afraid of being alone. Seriously, she should know that God would not agree with this treatment.

Tell her to divorce him herself.

She needs to get out of this situation. It is mental and emotional abuse.

And she doesn't deserve it.

People can literally go crazy from this type of inhuman treatment by the person they believed they would spend the rest of their life with.

And the reason that dude doesn't actually divorce her is because he likes the power and he knows that she is submissive and will not stand up for herself.

God gives all his children the power to tread upon serpents.

I see no man that is more lowly than one who does not keep the covenant between him, his wife, and God.

God Bless You!

2006-10-11 14:25:51 · answer #1 · answered by the nothing 4 · 1 1

How many times have the people of God gone off and played the harlot? How many times have the people of God become distant with their saviour? How many times have the people of God not prepared themselves as a bride for her coming husband? Can you imagine repenting and asking to be forgiven Jesus Christ saying to us, "I have divorced YOU!",or I have divorced YOU and now have someone else." Jesus Christ was protecting the sanctity of marriage when he said, But I say unto you, "That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery." KJV HOLY BIBLE
You have provided a great deal of information about this situation and that is helpful. It also looks like you care about the advice that you give to this person be from God via the Word of God. One concern that I have is that some people that are married and seeing problems don't belong being married in the first place. This I say because some of them are in a marriage that may be any marriage after their first marriage and if any previous marriages between the man or woman weren't desolved biblically then they really don't have a marriage at all and are living in an adulterous relationship instead. The Word of God is above all laws and it doesn't matter if the local law enforcement or government granted a divorce and new marriage. If God doesn't recognize the divorce he sure isn't reccoginizing the new marriage as a marriage but as adultery. Many people live their lives everyday in this delusion. A look into the Word of God will identify this sin for what it is many people upon discovering this will not accept this because the sin is strong and people rationalize it saying things like how can so many people be wrong. The path to distruction is wide. The path with Jesus is narrow. In the old days and in the country still when you see a path that is wide you know that so many people have traveled that way causing the path to be without grass and well beaten down from the many feet going that way. Narrow pathes are from few people going that way. The path would be wider if more people followed Jesus Christ but only few do so it is narrow.
With that being said. Let's assume that this woman is rightfully married to this man. She can and should set boundaries to the relationship. This is such a painful situation. Some people say things like, God doesn't want you to suffer, but Christ talks about suffering for His followers as being synonymous.
Each person will have to give an account to God.

2006-10-11 17:19:27 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's a very big issue when your saved and your spouse isn't. Yes it does say in the bible that God doesn't like divorce. But she can't help it if he wants one. This is something that she has to leave in Gods hands. I am a strong believer in prayer and I do know that it changes things. The Lord doesn't want his children to be unhappy. My pastor and his wife got a divorce (this was before they both got saved) they were divorce for 7 years and as the years went by the Lord brought them back together and it's been 15 years. Just tell her to keep her mind on God, the Bible says if you keep your mind on Jesus, he will keep you at perfect peace. In the world today lots of people are getting divorced becauce they didn't wait on God. God has a special someone for you and when we get married out of his will it gets us off track. In the Bible it says that a man is suppose to love his wife as God loves the church. If he is not saved and doesn't know God and God's love is not working through him, her husband won't have any idea how to love her. So just put it in God's hands and everytime that man comes home don't get to arguing with him or give him the cold sholder, you give him all the love and attention you can and show him the true meaning of love. Let him see the manifestation of Jesus's love working through you, and maybe if you begin to react differantly to him, things might begin to change in your household. Maybe he'll say, there's something different about the way she treating me. I do her so wrong yet she's still showing love to me, and then God may reveal his faults to him and things may begin to change. May God bless you and your married and I will keep you in my prayers.

2006-10-11 14:48:36 · answer #3 · answered by Singingmama 2 · 1 0

The woman should probably speak to her pastor about this. However, if this is a hypothetical situation, I would advise the study group to take a close look at whether this is a matter of concerning salvation, or whether this was a point that Jesus was trying to make about how perfect one must be to get into heaven if they want to try doing so on their own merit. However, this is probably also a good example of what happens when a Christian is married to a non-Christian.

2006-10-11 14:25:53 · answer #4 · answered by ccrider 7 · 1 0

I believe that he's already sinned by committing adultery. If the woman leaves, I think she'd have to remain chaste for the rest of her life.

Jesus hates divorce, adultery & all sexual sin.

2006-10-11 14:25:52 · answer #5 · answered by M W 2 · 0 0

God's plan is for you to be married with one person and the only way that you can split up is if your spouse is unfaithful

2006-10-11 14:32:39 · answer #6 · answered by Rodney I 2 · 0 0

God hates divorce...
Pray for the husband!!
Have her talk to her minister.

2006-10-11 14:25:04 · answer #7 · answered by Jethrok 3 · 0 0

Leave him and find another man ^^

2006-10-11 14:20:25 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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