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I have. Have you? Explain!

2006-10-11 13:56:11 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

22 answers

By the Grace of God I was healed from terminal illness - ALS, MND. I was on the verge of being admitted to a Hospice & awaiting the delivery of an electrical wheelchair. Every night I was falling asleep holding my rosary & saying out laoud "By his wounds I"m healed". I never stop praying. I went to a spiritual Centre in Brazil to see John of God. The things that happened to me there blew me away. I always knew that God will heal me. Now I no longer have that dreadful illness. I'm healthy & mobile. It is a miracle as there is no cure for ALS & suferers die 2 - 5 years after being diagnosed with it. Thank you God!

My second miracle: Falling pregnant against all odds. I turned to God for help.

My third miracle: Escaping from a communist country - against all odds. I turned to God for help.

Now I thank God first thing in the morning, I ask for God's protection before I drive my car (which I wasn't able to drive for many months due to muscle weakness), I thank God before I eat, before I go to bed. I thank God every minute of the day for who I'm & what I'm, for my family & friends etc., etc for giving us this beautiful world and for all my blessings.

2006-10-11 14:32:16 · answer #1 · answered by Angel Girl 7 · 1 0

Yeah. I have a mild Cerebral Palsey. The doctors wanted to Insitutionalize me when I was born. Thankfully I have the most wonderful mother who would never allow it. They would never believe I am here typing on the computer helping other people with their problems making cognitive leaps in thinking, checking out guys, and living a normal life. I'm setting the standards for what Cerebral Palsey can do. You'd never know I have it to look at me. I skated before I could walk (which I walk pretty darn well. I can sashay even better! LOL!) Yes, guys are attracted to me, yes I've had romantic relationships and yes I plan to eventually marry. maybe I'll send those crazy dotors a wedding invite one day just to show them up. So does that count as a miracle? You wouldn't recognize me by my CP on the streets. I do webpage design, too, by the way. I taught myself and If I may be so inclined as to brag, I'm pretty good! I'm also a major psychology buff. When someone says "you can't do that!" I say, "Watch me!" or "wanna bet?" with a gleam in my eye. So yeah, I AM a miracle, but it's just a SMALL part of who I am. The real miracle is that I a saved by the blood of Jesus.

My niece is also a miracle. She was born with her intestines outside her body. the doctors had to stuff them inside her very carefully and gently. you wouldn't know it except for her manufactured belly button, which doens't look that odd. she's our miracle baby. she's 8 now. her mother wanted her to have a belly button (she had a choice) so she wouldnt' look funny in bikini season. So my family has had to miracle. the other one? She was born on my parents anniversary.

2006-10-11 14:16:55 · answer #2 · answered by leeanndemon 3 · 0 0

I am a miracle and so is my son. My mother tries to abort me when she was 5 months pregnant. I was in the hospital the first 2 1/2 years of my life. My son came into my life with much prayer and fasting 2 years ago and My Husband and I have been married for 11 yrs. God is sooooooo Good! Thank you,Jesus!

2006-10-11 14:08:31 · answer #3 · answered by Pashur 7 · 0 0

Every second. By the time I finish writing this, I consider it a miracle that I'm able to communicate--and do it electronically! That I have a brain that was able to memorize the language and organize words for someone else to understand. That I've taken several breaths of life. That everything around me that was there when I started is still there when I finished and gravity hath not yet failed us. That God had mercy on me though I committed sins today. That God has mercy on those of us who reject Him. That there is still balance on the earth for all living creatures to survive.


My list could go on forever, but in essence, I find LIFE a miracle!

God bless!

2006-10-11 14:02:54 · answer #4 · answered by ConcernedMom 2 · 1 0

What defines a miracle? I have had times when I have prayed with a friend for something to happen, and it did after 5 minutes. Was this a miracle....wait....I wanted you to see this, sorry. I was a fresh christian. I lived with my Mormon stepfather who was very unhappy with my decisions. He would lock me out of the house if I went to church at night. One night, after sitting in the driveway, discussing what I should do. My friend and I prayed. It was a real prayer time. Not long, but real. As he waited, I went to try the door. The lock wasn't fully engaged and I opened it. Told my friend, and he just gave a hallelua. Is this a miracle?

2006-10-11 13:58:44 · answer #5 · answered by TCFKAYM 4 · 1 0

Yes everyday
I wake up to a new day that is a miracle for me
Miracles happen all around us, however it is the people that take the time to stop and appreciate them : )

Love & Blessings

2006-10-11 14:02:55 · answer #6 · answered by milly_1963 7 · 1 0

I drowned when I was a boy, in a swimming pool. I remember sinking to the bottom just looking at the water above , the sun shining through. I saw a man coming into the water then I realized that I was watching the man carrying my body. I was watching him put me onto the side of the pool. Everyone was screaming and I did not understand at the time what SW going on. As I watched the man give me CPR A voice was telling me to go back into my body. it ws told to me so nicely. I then woke up coughing up the water. Everyone was looking at me so weird. because I ws not scared. I did not cry. I know that God has been watching over me all my life.

2006-10-11 14:09:35 · answer #7 · answered by rickysa24 2 · 1 0

Several years ago I had an unusual experience concerning an uncle, a distant relative who lived over a thousand miles away.

While driving my car I suddenly felt the unmistakable presence of this relative that I hardly even knew. He was more like someone I had heard about than someone I knew. It was very strange; it felt as though I was momentarily lifted right out of my physical body. I seemed to be suspended somehow beyond space and time, bathed in a love so intense It felt like I could have just disappear into it at any moment if It would have let me. It only lasted for a few seconds, but it seemed to last forever at the same time. I realize how crazy this must sound. The experience was so strong that at first I was afraid I was loosing my grip on reality. I finally managed to chalk it up to an over active imagination.

Three days later I got a call from my aunt telling me that this uncle we are talking about had gone into a coma and died the day I had the experience. It felt like ice water had been poured down my back when she told me this. I had lost any real ideas of God or faith and had become somewhat of an atheist. Needless to say this experience caused me to rethink some of the conclusions I had come to.

I feel blessed to now understand that even in our darkest confusion something loves us so much that it went out of its way to assist me and bring me back to a state of absolute certainty about Gods love for us.
During the experience it seemed like there was a vast amount of information that I was somehow allowed access to. One thing that I came away from this experience understanding beyond any shadow of a doubt was that any Idea that God is unhappy with us or would judge or allow us to be punished for any reason is simply impossible.

I can’t explain the love I felt with words. They simply don’t make words big enough or complete enough to do this. The only way I can begin to convey this love to you is to say that there was simply nothing else there. Nothing but love. No hint of judgment, no displeasure of any sort. It is as though God sees us as being as perfect as we were the day we were created. It is only in our confused idea of ourselves that we seem to have changed.

I hope this is of some help to you. Good luck. Love and blessings.

Your brother don

2006-10-11 14:00:47 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Me and my friends were testing out ouiji board and something weird happened and we got scared.
So we desided to pray to the holy father for super power to fight away evil spirites.
Then halelujah !!!
I have the strength of superman and started flying.
Now you cannot deny this miracle!
May God bless everyone

2006-10-11 14:15:47 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I went to Bingo one night (I do not go all the time) but I told the Lord that if I won any money I would give half of it to honor our Mother Mary for The Crowning of Mary celebration at the Church......I won the Satellite Bingo $4,422.00. The flowers that I bought for the celebration came to $377.77. What do you think? The rest of the half I gave in cash.

2006-10-11 14:03:28 · answer #10 · answered by Midge 7 · 0 1

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