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I'm white and I live and grew up in a 60% hispanic california city. They are some of the most friendly people on the planet. I do not see the logic in being so scared that you move somewhere with more white people and yell to close the boarder. The mexicans are here for good and not leaving, you might as well start treating them as humans, not "aliens".

2006-10-11 13:18:39 · 40 answers · asked by New Jersey Steve 5 in Politics & Government Immigration

40 answers

It is not a question of are they human or not. The question is why do so many in this country just blithely ignore that illegal immigration is a real and present danger to this country. The United States became the great country it is by being The Melting Pot not by pitting every ethnic group against every other ethnic group with each demanding that they be given more consideration than the next.

2006-10-11 13:33:23 · answer #1 · answered by Den_Rode_Bjornen_Losener 5 · 5 5

You can sell wanting to secure our nations borders as fear if that suits you.Its plain you haven't spent much time in the real world.I'm white and I'm not now or have I ever been scared of any one,certainly not of Mexicans.You are sadly misinformed.Its not out of any fear that we object to the illegals of all nationalities,that's something you made up in your mind.
Legal Mexicans are simply Americans,nothing more nothing less,Illegal Mexicans are in this country illegally.That makes them criminals,its really very simple.The operative word in this dynamic is illegal.
You have much to learn about life outside your small limited view of the world.Here in Arizona you will not find any fear,you will find resolve.And the money and the power to help put an end to the seemingly endless flow of illegal immigrants that are invading out state....There will be no amnesty.The anti illegals are made up of all colors,races etc of Americans that want this to end.

2006-10-11 13:37:34 · answer #2 · answered by Yakuza 7 · 3 2

Well from even the way your question is formed I can only assume u have no clue!!! For starters most US citizens have no animosity nor are we scared of the Latino People. I have been working in construction with Latino people for over 15 years .
5 years ago it became noticeable that the new influx was not legal and had no interests in this country or being even civil about it. I work in the construction field and the big name builders are the ones bring them in, These Companies are not looking out for the welfare of these workers they are exploiting them ... not to mention how fowl " these new workers" are in the field toward me and other females. They have no problem of whipping it out and urinating in front of us, they have no problem of speaking in a language not of this country that we can understand but we know it is all disparaging toward us since there is always a chorus of laughter following it. I have been grabbed, yelled at and chased by these " new Latinos" and all in a language not of my country which they are in. So Why don't U explain to me why they don't like white people! I don't have this problem with any other people out in the field and they are Asian, Middle Eastern, and every other nationality you could come up with. So explain to me why the Hispanic community feels that they need to be so vile toward the citizens of a country they claim to want to belong to.

2006-10-11 14:49:42 · answer #3 · answered by m0j090 1 · 2 3

I do not consider myself a racist nor do I consider Mexicans to be white.

So if there is a disagreement here it's over who is or is not white. Not whether or not I am a racist - that is a different topic.

I think that whites are scared of the Mexicans because they work for less and do more that the average white guy is willing to do so they become more attractive to employers.

It is a good reason to be scared of the impact they will make on American Canadian society and it is not a racist comment either .

Some may accuse me of generalizing as if that in and of itself is bad. If this is true then the study called sociology is also bad as it is no more than a statistically based generalization of a society .

Now , NOT treating Mexicans Iranians or people from Ecuador as human beings that is just wrong - most people have a simple knee jerk reaction to things and only choose to use the reptilian section of their brains .

2006-10-11 13:32:43 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 5

The only Mexicans I would be "scared" of would be the ones in gangs. They're dangerous. And when you have a city that is 60% Hispanic - you're going to have gangs...no doubt about it. Most white people don't want to live in a gang area, so they move away. They don't want their kids exposed to that kind of lifestyle, plus the neighborhoods start going down.....looking like the ghetto. There's nothing wrong with wanting to move to a nicer, cleaner, safer area.

2006-10-11 15:17:19 · answer #5 · answered by bekkiboo31 4 · 3 3

I don't think that white people are afraid of mexicans.I know that there uncomfortable with not knowing what is going on with these spanish speaking people that refuse to learn english because America is changing its ways to make them feel more at home.Look at south america,central america and part of north america. They all speak spanish.White people are not scared,they just have a feeling that things are not going there way.

2006-10-11 14:20:30 · answer #6 · answered by charles 4 · 5 0

If they obeyed the laws of the USA, there would be no problem. In California do not you ticket people for pollution violations from your vehicles? It is for breaking a law. If you kill someone, you go to jail. It is for breaking the law. If you are an illegal alien, you are deported. It is for breaking the law. We treat our prisoners as humans even tho they break the law. We treat our illegals as humans even tho they break the law. We just do not want the illegal people here. Again, a no brainer.

2006-10-11 13:24:53 · answer #7 · answered by medic427 2 · 7 2

I don't blame the illegal alien. I blame the government for letting it happen. We are being invaded. If they change the laws to allow it to happen we will be invaded from every country in the world.

China has more people learning english than we do.

2006-10-11 15:22:39 · answer #8 · answered by coolforbeer 3 · 2 1

I do not hate Mexicans. I hate lawbreakers. Illegal entry is breaking the law, however you may find your answer here...


where once quaint conservative communities of Nampa/ Caldwell are being taken over by gangs

People that know me know I do not hate Mexicans. People like me are frustrated over the fact that if you look at one of these fellas wrong, they will KILL you.

2006-10-11 14:51:11 · answer #9 · answered by bconehead 5 · 3 1

We're not scared man. We're just plain stupid, and color/ethicity stupid.... that's all. We just needed to be more educated so we can understand that being caucasian does not automatically mean we're superior anymore. It's the People's Republic of China that I should be scared shidtless of, man. They're systematically superior in government and their people were well educated of how each everyone should treat each other before there down fall roughly about 80 to 100 years ago. I guess another thing is that being an American I'm spoiled rotten because I'm too damn free in many aspects. We really needed to be well educated when we're younger it's all, and nothing more.

2006-10-11 13:42:09 · answer #10 · answered by FILO 6 · 3 4

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