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i eat a lott soo i need a diet not really hard..
tell me whatt to do..im fat!!

2006-10-11 12:37:08 · 9 answers · asked by lyndiita 1 in Health Diet & Fitness

9 answers

first od all i know you and you are not fatt you are perfect in your weight ando do just dont eat candies neither between eatings times

2006-10-11 12:41:10 · answer #1 · answered by uriel 1 · 1 0


2016-12-24 02:59:34 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

**************** READ ALL OF THIS!!!! *******************

~ Okay what you can try to do is limit your portions. Most Americans are fat because they do not portion their food. Instead of choosing comfort food(a.k.a. fatty foods, ice creams), choose things like salads, and peanut-butter and jelly sandwhiches on wheat bread. For snacks choose things like an apple, or banana. Even dairy such as yogurt and cheese (hint: creme cheese is not a very good choice).

~ Diet isn't the only part. I know it seems really annoying, but excercise. I don't mean expensive kickboxing, or joining a gym. Those things are great, but instead do things that are easy. Like climbing steps. Do that for 5 minutes and you more than double 300 calories. Folding laundry helps, and even playing basketball with you're kid.

~ Calories are important too. They are good and sometimes bad. Calories are the energy. The foods you eat give you energy, but the healthier the better. Learning to watch what you eat and the proportions you eat will help you live a healthier lifestyle. Excercise is a key part to this lifetyle too. So go for a walk, or jog. Do things to get your heart pumping and healthy. Simple things for only 30 minutes can be rewarding. Even join a club that can help you with this new lifestyle, so you can get started faster, but at your rate. Doing nothing won't help.

2006-10-11 13:00:10 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Drink a lot of water. You can eat a lot just keep it healthy; fruits, veggies, low fat dairy, and whole grains are great. Find a hobbie that requires physcial activity. I like to play badmition, take hikes, and play DDR. Try to limit your sweets. Eat fruit as a snack. To lose weight, you have to make lifestyle changes. Crash diets will only hurt your weight and bring you down.

2006-10-11 12:47:40 · answer #4 · answered by Ann Ducketts 2 · 0 0

Try an execersice workout and stick with it! join the gym!

2006-10-11 12:42:43 · answer #5 · answered by lakimbria2000 2 · 1 0

smelling(not eating) banana or green apple can make you lose weight.

2006-10-11 12:45:34 · answer #6 · answered by kclynn 4 · 0 0

one word excersise

2006-10-11 12:44:15 · answer #7 · answered by Eric O 2 · 0 0

staple your mouth shut....

try exercising. it works.

2006-10-11 12:40:02 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I LOST 56lbs...Here is what I did! (im a natural health consultant)

How to Lose Weight!

1) Drink Water
Water is one of the most important things you can ingest. You have to drink half of your body weight in ounces every day JUST to maintain normal body functions. (If you weighed 120lbs, you would have to drink 60 ounces of water a day = that is 1.875 liters of water.) That is alot of water just for maintenance. If you want anything to happen, you have to drink more. I would say to add 500ml-1liter extra depending on your activity level. If you arent drinking enough, you will retain water, making you feel and look a little chubbier. If you are eating too much salt, you will retain as well. For every cup of coffee you have, you need to drink double the water to make up the deficit. Most times when you feel hungry, you are actually thirsty.

2) Exercise
Enough said. Cardio will burn alot of calories at once, but lifting weights will keep your metabolism up for the next 12-16 hours. Do both. You want to build muscle and burn fat at the same time. Circuit training seems to work the best. Make sure to drink water and take a high quality protein shake after to provide your muscles with sufficient building materials.

Sugar spikes your insulin. Your insulin goes "oh my god, what do i do with all this!" so it stores all the sugar as fat. Now your blood has no sugar left in it and you start to crave more sugar and feel drained. So you eat something sweet...then your insulin spikes again and goes "oh my god! what do i do with all this???" so it stores it all as fat and then again there is no sugar left in your blood. Again, you crave and feel tired. And the cycle continues until you weigh alot more than you did 4 months ago. STOP eating sugar. It will kill you slowly. It caramelizes your cells, causing ageing. It is stored as fat. It can lower your immune system for up to 6 hours. It feeds pathogenic organisms in your body such as yeasts and parasites. Just leave it alone. Nothing in nature is EXACTLY like sugar...yes you have fruit, but fruit also has fiber and nutrients, minerals, and some proteins. Sugar is just sugar and your body is confused with it. Once you stop eating it, you will get used to not having any. READ LABELS...it's hidden everywhere from ketchup, to cheese nachos, tomato sauce, salsas, condiments, and all sorts of things that you would never think sugar would be in! No more! Your body will love you for it. Once you stop, you will be burning stored calories instead of the ones you just ate.

4) Sleep and Stress
You are walking around with your handmade basket 4000 years ago in the wilderness picking the latest ripened foods. Suddenly a lion appears out of nowhere and you are faced with two options...Fight, or Flight. At this point, Cortisol is released into your blood stream to commence breaking down your muscle mass into sugar. This sugar will be used as instant energy in your decision to run or fight. And of course, you do one of those things, possible running, and you burn off all the sugar that was in your blood. You outrun the lion (lol...yeah right) and are safe and sound at your little campfire. Relieved that you survived, you go about your day. Your cortisol did its job and you used the sugar. Life is good. Today however, this is completely destroying us. You are sitting at work, and you realize that you forgot to hand in that thing that your boss asked you for. Crap....he is in a bad mood today too....He walks over to your desk and your heart starts to race as you see him with 'that look'. At this point, you are stressed and cortisol is released into your blood stream to commence breaking down your muscle mass into sugar. You talk to your boss and things settle out and you get back to work. All is well outside, but inside...you did not use the sugar that was in your blood stream. You sat at your desk and let it float around in there for a bit. Once it was not used, your insulin comes into play and sweeps up all that sugar and stores it as fat...so stressing yourself out is like eating a cookie. But with stress, you are losing muscle too. There are herbal products that you can take like, Relora or Holy Basil to help lower cortisol in your body. Do yoga, meditate, be at peace and try to stay away from stresses. Sleep is related too. The later you stay up, the more cortisol you release. Staying up IS in fact a stress. With high cortisol, you cant create enough melatonin to have a good sleep. Why do you get cravin' late at night? Same reason as Tip 3. Your insulin stores the stress sugar from not sleeping as fat, and there is no more in your blood stream, thus you crave. Sleeping early ALONE can actually help you lose weight by keeping that cortisol down. Cortisol is one of the culprits in the abdomenal fat fight specifically. Sleep and Meditate! Stay less stressed.

When you eat more than 20% of your daily diet as ACID FORMING FOODS (sugar, meats, white flour, pasta, some nuts and seeds, dairy, wheat, grains, ALL PROCESSED FOODS, Man made chemicals in foods, lunch meat, cheeses...) your body will become quite acidic. The fat you store will be around your organs...and guess where all your organs live...in your lower torso, where you get fat. Eating 80% of your diet as ALKALINE foods (fruits, vegetables, almonds, lemons, and garlic, onions, chives) your body wont have to store fat there. Being acidic is breeding ground for disease. Eat alkaline if you want to be healthy! No more processed foods. The easiest way to do this is to eat 80% of every meal as veggies. Man has no idea what our bodies need. Nature does it best. Eat it the way it came from the earth, and dont be scared of acid forming foods, like meats and nuts, we need 20% of our daily diet of those.

If you dont, your body will store anything as fat for the rest of the day. Let your body know you are thinking about it by "breaking your fast".

7) 3 Hour Rule
Never go more than 3 hours without eating SOMETHING. A handfull of carrots and almonds works. Red pepper slices with cottage cheese works. Anything to let your body know you care and keep that metabolism up! (but not sugar or a bar or something...eat real food as snacks)

8) Think your way there
Power is in the mind! Believe it and you will get there. Tell yourself every day that you are thankful for being here, and that you are losing weight and getting stronger every minute and it will happen.

I lost 56lbs in 9 months by doing the following:

-Ate at least 6-8 servings of veggies a day.
-Drank at least 2 liters of water daily.
-Drank at least 2-3 cups of green tea daily.
-Exercised on a regular basis (Its all about consistency! Not necessarily intensity)
-Never ate artificial sweeteners or chemicals like MSG (they have been known to make you hungrier)
-Ate less than normal
-Go to bed every night before 10:30 to lower cortisol levels.
-Enjoy life with love and smiles.
-Thought positively and loved myself.

Dont worry! Losing 1-2 lbs a week is safe weight loss. Soon one day you wont even realize it and you will have to buy a new wardrobe!

2006-10-11 14:29:49 · answer #9 · answered by pinkcinnamon3 3 · 0 0

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