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Okay- I had three questions:
~Sermon on the Mount in Matthew-
It says something like if you divorce a woman, and she becomes a widow, remarring the widow (another man) is commiting adultry on both sides. True?? Explain.
~Who exactly is Paul? What's a little about him?
~Is the author of John, John the Babtist??
~Explain who Mary Magdaline, Mary virgin, and another Mary? are.
Thanks so much I really appreciate any answers!

2006-10-11 12:29:29 · 12 answers · asked by gibson1210120 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

12 answers

Hi! Lots of questions:)
In Jewish Law, if a man wanted to get a divorce he had to have correct grounds, usually adultery, and the councils would judge if the grounds were acceptable. When Jesus came, he said God allowed that because of hardness of heart, but he now explains that divorce is unlawful. (And the two become one)
In the RCCatholic Church annulments occur if there was a null and void contract because of duress, fraud or an impedience at the time of the wedding vows. (Example: lying about something that has a great effect on the marriage, being forced to marry etc.) This is not a divorce for a failed marriage. If a person divorces and marries again and consumates, he commits adultery. (Fornication, self love and adultery were always sins against purity) A widow is released from bonds of marriage. She or he may marry an unmarried person at any time. The Bible states God is close to the widow and it is a sin to abuse a widow.
So a widow can marry a widower etc. if they are able. God is smarter than we think. He knows whether our wedding vows are accepted or not. Just because we state vows doesn't a marriage make. Can I marry a poodle or a child or a dolphin? These type of questions have been asked of the Church for ages. That's why we have councils. #2. After Jesus died, Paul was first called Saul and was a Roman who torchered and killed Christians until Jesus appeared to Saul and asked him why he is persecuting him. He was blinded and told him how to regain his sight. He followed his instructions and regained his sight, God changed his name to Paul and he became a great evangilist for the early Church. The authors of Bible books are still a mystery because most didn't write. The Church had to decipher most of the data and compile the work known as the New Testament. We call the writings inspired by the Holy Spirit. #3John was not John the Baptist. He was the young man who Jesus loved. Not in a gay sense but he mentored him and was more open with him. He layed his head on Jesus' chest at the last supper and was the only apostle that was not martyred. After Jesus died, Mary his mother, lived with John until she died. Joseph probably was dead and she had no other blood children. If she did she would have to live with them according Jewish law. The other children in the writings were her sister Mary's children or kin. James and the others had different parents the Bible says. When John was evangelizing around Greece he was imprisoned on an island called Patmos and taught St. Polcarp who taught St. Jerome and some early fathers of the Church. He lived through the first 4 Popes. He lived the longest and had visions of the coming doom of Jerusalem and the 2nd coming of Christ and those writings are known as Revelation, the last book of the Bible. #4 Mary Magdeline was a sinner who washed Jesus feet with her tears. She was from Magdela. Many women were called Mary or Mariam: the tribe of Miriam. We don't know if she was Martha and Lazaras' sister or a prostetute, but we do know Jesus loved her and trusted her.(not a sexual sense) He appeared to her first after his ressurection and after he died she moved into a hermitage on a mountain in France and devoted herself to prayer. She was to have walked 50 miles for the Holy Eucharist and confession according to the writings in the small town she lived by.# 5 Mary virgin was a young girl that was chosen to allow the savior to come into our world to save us by opening heaven's gates that had been closed since Adam's sin. She was Jewish and had been dedicated to the temple. She was betrothed to another holy man, Joseph and wasn't to be intimate with her. An Angel approached her while in prayer and asked her for permission to allow the Holy Spirit to impregnate her womb with this savior man-child. Her "Yes" or her "Fiat" (Let it Be) changed the world forever. Catholics believe she was immaculately concieved by God baptizing and saving her at the time of her conception because he didn't want his son, Jesus , to live in a womb tainted by sin. We feel God did this special act in his own space and time. (Eve was also immaculately concieved) Mary, Mother of God was the name given to her by the Church when, in the third century, unbelievers said Jesus was not God. It followed that , if Jesus was God , Mary was his Mother. It doesn't mean the creator of the universe or God in this way. In the first centuries all Christians believed this way. Mary died in her middle age and was known by onlookers, to remember the day her son died by walking and repeating the events in her back yard in a prayer meditation we now call the Stations of the Cross. Writings say she would break down and cry. #6 Another Mary was actually about 4 different women. One was Mary, wife of Clophas, mother of James and the others some writings say was Marys's blood sisters. I hope I helped. There a ancient writings that were not put in the Bible because of discrepencies and other writings that were more historical in nature etc. It's fascinating to me to study old Church wrings and writings of the first fathers after the first Apostles. The writings the Church allowed to be compiled is a small body of work and many questions aren't answered. We all struggle with questions about God, but I know God is wonderful and real and loves when his children ask questions to know him better. God bless your travel on your road to him.

2006-10-11 14:12:46 · answer #1 · answered by belladmma 3 · 0 0

first off, you have an interesting way of counting to 3

God hates divorce, but divorcing a woman does not make her a widow. The death of her husband makes her a widow, and also breaks the marriage covenant. she is then free to remarry if she chooses.

Paul, the writer of about half of the new testament was Saul of Tarsus. read Acts chapter 9 for more on Paul

the disciple John is the author of the Gospel according to John, as well as John 1, 2 and 3 and the book of Revelation

if you go to www.biblegateway.com you can enter key words like Mary and read the results

2006-10-11 19:44:56 · answer #2 · answered by SETFREEBYJESUS 4 · 0 0

Mav answer!
If a woman is divorced she cannot remarry until her husband is dead or she is an adultress, and her new husband is an adulterer. When the first husband dies, she is free to remarry

Paul was once called Saul. Saul was a Pharisee, he was present when Stephen was stoned to death and was a pursecuter of the early church. He had even gotten permission to enter the synagog and arrest early followers of Christ. He became converted on the road to Damascus (read ACTS)
John is not John the Baptist, the writer is John, brother of James, son of Zebedee (sp)
Mary Magdaline was a woman Jesus released from demons, there is nothing biblical about her being a prostitute
Mary (Virgin) is the mother of Jesus.
The other Mary was sister to Martha and Lazerus (sp)

2006-10-11 19:37:35 · answer #3 · answered by Mav here! 4 · 3 0

1-The Apostle Paul was once referred to as Saul until God changed his name. Saul was known to persecute Christians and one day on the road to Damascus the Lord came to Saul and asked why does he persecute Him. When you persecute the Christians you are persecuting Christ Himself. To make a long story short Saul became blind and when the Lord restored his vision, He became a believer and a follower.
2-No the John that wrote the book of John was an apostle
3-Mary Magdalene was formerly a prostitute that wash the feet of Jesus with her hair. The Lord instructed her to go in peace and sin no more. She became a good friend to the family.
Virgin Mary was of course Jesus' mother
To answer the first question only if you are a widow are you allowed to remarried I suppose that's what it means until death do us part means.......I know there are other exceptions like abuse and so

2006-10-11 19:42:04 · answer #4 · answered by ckrug 4 · 1 0

Divorce: I don't remember noticing the reference; even if it is in the bible, it is silly and should be ignored.
Paul: the story is that he took that name after an experience on a trip to Damascus, and became the principal one of the apostles. There is a lot more to this than I want to spend time relating here.
John: there are several Johns in the bible. John the Baptist, John the apostle, and the John to whom the book of that name is attributed. Three different people.
Mary: lots of Marys, too. Mary, the mother of Jesus. Mary Magdalene, a friend of Jesus. Probably others as well.
Persons who are more biblical scholars than I am may present more detailed views than these.

2006-10-11 19:38:04 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

~The wording is iffy so I would say no. That was older times and it does not mean the exact same thing due to our age in time.

~Paul used to be named Saul. He persecuted Christians, but on his way down a road he had a revalation from God that blinded him and he converted to Christianity. He then became a fervent diciple of Jesus and wrote Many letters and taught throughout Rome, converting people.

~No. John is connected to a person in 90 C.E. who wrote his gospel to be directed towards ALL Christians.

~Mary Magdaline was a women who Jesus helped while the devil was within her. Mary loved Jesus and was close to him.
Mary the Virgin is the mother of God. SHE WAS NOT IMACULATLY CONCIEVED! Jesus was the only one to be imaculatly concieved.
~Mary of Bethany which was Lazerus' sister who called upon Jesus.

HOPE THAT HELPS! Email me for more clarification if needed!

2006-10-11 20:05:01 · answer #6 · answered by Mimi 3 · 0 0

if you die your widow may remarry... even if you have divorced her. man or woman, if divorced, may not remarry unless the ex dies...

Paul was the last named an Apostle by Jesus... Jesus intercepted Paul on his way to Damascus. Jesus apeared to paul in spirit form as this was after Jesus had asended to Heaven..Pauls Apostle ship was confermed by the original
Apostles in Jerusalem... Pauls ministry was primarily to the Gentiles( all non-jews) that is why today his inspired writings make up so much of the Bible of The Christian Faith.

Mary Madalin was a female deciple of Jesus( not an Apostle)

I off hand can not give more on the other mary... but she was a believer as well

The Virgin Mary was the earthly mother of the mortal Jesus who was both fully God and fully man... he was made to be within Mary by a divine command of God... Mary was betrothed to a man named Jhoseph... and before Jesus was born she married Jhoseph... After Jesus was born She then had normalk relations with her husband and gave birth to half brothers and sisters to Jesus...

2006-10-11 19:42:18 · answer #7 · answered by IdahoMike 5 · 0 0

"It hath been said, 'Whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement.' But I say unto you that whosoever shall put away his wife, saying for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery; and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced cometh of evil."

At one time it was ok for a husband to leave his wife (OT). This just states that the only reason that a man had to leave his wife is if she has committed adultery. And yes, I don't think it's a big shock to you or to anyone else, that marriage is supposed to be forever, and it is a sin to remarry.
Paul was born with the name Saul, in Acts 13 his name was changed to Paul. He was a tent maker. And he came from Rome, and he was a Pharisee, strictly trained in the law and Jewish traditions. He disliked the church and persecuted it. Then he was spoken to, and if you'd like to know more than this, read Acts.
No the author of John is not John the Babtist.
He was an apostle (one of the 12 with Jesus).
Mary Magdaline-She was a prostitute that converted after Jesus spoke with her. She became one of a group of women who followed Jesus from Galilee and ministered to him. She was also one of the first to discover the empty tomb after Jesus' resurection.
Mary (Mother of Jesus)-No need for an explanation, I'd hope you know this.
Mary of Bethany-Her brother was brought back to life by Jesus. You can read about her in both Luke and John

2006-10-11 20:04:37 · answer #8 · answered by ~Angel~ 4 · 1 0

Mary Magdalene was the leader of the female disciples.
Mary, mother of Jesus was his mother (she wasn't a virgin, by the way). Joseph was his biological father.
The other Mary was the sister of Lazarus. Jesus was close to this family which also included another sister, Martha.
John of the book was one of the youngest apostles who followed Jesus, not John the Baptist.
St. Paul started out as a persecutor of Christians named Saul of Tarsus before his miraculous conversion.
St. Paul was the founder the Christian church.

2006-10-11 19:35:57 · answer #9 · answered by The Gadfly 5 · 0 2

Paul used to be called Saul.He used to round up the Christians and put them into prison,and kill them.One day he was on the way to round up more Christians when a bright light (who was Jesus) asked why he was persecuting people.Then Paul went blind.After he was healed he became a Christian.

2006-10-11 19:35:34 · answer #10 · answered by Serena 5 · 0 0

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