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Why should I respect them for that? It doesn't make Christianity any less false. It doesn't change the fact that their religion is money grabbing. Shouldn't they dedicate their lives to something constructive and useful? The argument that their stupidity should be respected because they have been gullible for many years is just further stupidity, is it not?

2006-10-11 12:13:57 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

32 answers

Well, as for the most of the one's I've run into in here, I find it rather annoying that they demand respect, yet don't show much to other religious beliefs or lack of one. I am betting that person doesn't respect Extreme Islam, though they are very dedicated to their beliefs... so much that they are dying (and taking others with them) for it. They don't respect Pagans as I have seen many spread false information about their respective religions. I find it hard to respect someone who doesn't show respect to others. You can't demand respect from other people. It is earned.

2006-10-11 12:46:33 · answer #1 · answered by Kithy 6 · 0 0

In my opinion, it would be because you would want them to respect whatever spiritual decision you had made. Just because I don't agree with their religion in no way invalidates the positive effects it can have on the individual. Remember, the individual is money grubbing, not the religion. That individual twists religious doctrine to their own desires. Just as any good con man does. In every culture, in every religion, in every country that has more than one person, there will be those who willl manipulate and try to con others. This isn't religion's fault, but the fault of the individual perpetrating the crime as well as the fault of the individual (as long as they have no mental defect) for allowing it to happen. This is why I wish people of any culture or religion would think about what is being said and done before following a specific doctrine. Does this doctrine seem logical, does it fulfill my needs in a way that makes me grow spiritually, does it help my community or environment or family, etc. Almost any religion is capable of being used to justify just about anything negative, but this is also what the media focuses on. I know many wonderful, unselfish, loving people who happen to be Christian and believe with all their heart that they were meant to be of service as their Lord served others. This cannot every be a bad thing. It's just when human greed becomes involved that religion is misused. By the way, saying their are stupid and gullible is just as judgemental and arrogant as them saying we are stupid and gullible.

2006-10-11 12:26:43 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Nope. At the moment no one is in a position to say whether or not God really exists. For all we know the Universe could be under the direct control of an omnipotent, omnipresent can of tuna. Science can come up with plenty of answers but one thing it will probably never do is prove the existance, or lack there of, of a God.
That's why Christianity is called a faith, because those who follow it have faither that there is a God who's looking out for them.

Personally, I have no religious affiliation, I can't force myself to believe out of fear or hope, but others can. Personally, I'd love to have that sort of blind faith. It doesn't hurt anybody, in the case of Christianity it's actually designed to spread good!

Of course, there are right wing Christian fanatics who take things a bit too literally. And there are the arguements that claim if God was taken out of religion, we'd be left with something alot more useful. I'm not in a position to aggree or disagree with either. Gotta understand where other people are coming from, even if it annoys the hell out of you sometimes. For every crazed Christain toting hellfire and armageddon for all unbeieivers, there's someone like you claiming that Christianity is utterly rediculous. It's just two different perspectives and, at the moment, no one can say for sure which, if either, is the right one.

So just understand it, and put up with it.

2006-10-11 12:25:14 · answer #3 · answered by tekn33k 3 · 0 0

Totally agree with you! Anyone who follows the scribblings of another person should be ridiculed!

If you have ever heard of Richard Dawkings? He is amazing at picking apart religious propoganda. I love the way he shows how religions, esecially Christians, cherry pick the Bible and leave out the awful bits - such as God saying 'Kill anyone if they don't believe.' Also, how Christians admit the story of Adam and Eve is a moral untrue story; So why then did Jesus say he was being crucified to die for the original sin committed by Adam? Hello Evolution! The one thing that can dismiss religion in a second.

A quote by Steven Weinberg, physicist:

'Religion is an insult to human dignity without it you'd have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things it takes religion'

Many ministers have killed doctors for their involvement in abortion or similar. But surely they themselves should not kill?

50 years ago most people were racist, now very few remain. 50 years ago gay people could not walk down the street hand in hand, now its easy. Many people lag behind in thinking because of their surroundings or upbringing. People need to realise that religion is a plague, a virus that is passed into our children around the world.

Atheism is not desperation. There is no all seeing God that sees all and keeps us from harm. By disclaiming the idea of an next life we can take more excitement in this one. The here and now is all we have. An inspiration to make the most of it! Atheism is life affirming, in a way religion can never be.

2006-10-11 12:29:41 · answer #4 · answered by chrismyarse 2 · 0 0

I think you should respect anyones decision on what to believe. I personally am a very devout Christian, however, notice I am not degrading you for not being. That is your choice, this is mine. You should treat everyone with respect regardless of who they are, or what they believe in. Let me ask you this, do you walk up to a person and ask if they are religious, and then shun them? Or do you get to know people for who they are and decide if you like them or not. I do take offense to the stupidity part, I am a very intellegent person and not gullible, have you ever thought, for just a moment, maybe the non-believers are the stupid, gullible ones??

2006-10-11 12:19:55 · answer #5 · answered by cowboys21angel 4 · 1 0

I completely agree with you. I'm sick of all the hypocrits out there that think they can do whatever they want, then go to church on Sunday and that automatically makes them good people. It is the only religion in the world that you can live a bad life and still have the chance to go to "heaven" (a reward), just by praying for forgiveness. How stupid!!!! Every other religion has consequences for your actions as a human that are not as easily erased from your record. You still have to pay the price for the type of life you lived. And I say all this from years of experience and long hours of research. I have read the bible...... many different versions (which I also think is stupid) and still feel this way. So for all of you Christians out there that are going to try to defend yourself or make yourself feel better about my answer by saying that I don't know what I'm talking about or haven't read the bible you are sorely mistaken. My father was even a pastor when I was younger. **** And let me just say that not all Christians are this way just the majority of them******* And everyone has the right to believe in what ever they want.... just make sure if you claim to believe in it just live your life by that lifestyle, and not try to adapt it to your life and only take what you want for it. If you believe in something you should believe in all of it not just parts of it.

2006-10-11 12:18:59 · answer #6 · answered by KK 2 · 1 1


Been watching the TV network "Christian" station again, I see?

It's a shame that a few rotten apples get ALL the publicity, have ALL the funding and reach MOST of the public.

I'm sorry that your perspective on Christianity is based on false teachings and prophets. One day, just pick up the Bible and read. God will reach you with the Truth, and these falsehood people will be revealed to you. God doesn't need any help to spread His message - that is what the Holy Spirit does.

TV Evangelism is made up of truth and false. The Bible will clarify for you which is which. Please be patient with the REAL Christians, who don't conduct their lives as presented on the networks.

2006-10-11 12:18:55 · answer #7 · answered by YRofTexas 6 · 1 0

The apostle Paul said that, if we are wrong, then we are to be pitied more than all other people.*If* we are wrong, then we should be pitied for our misguided beliefs, not respected for them. We, however, are not wrong. We do need to be respected by men, in fact the Bible tells us not to expect to be respected, that our religion looks like foolishness to those who do not believe because if we are wrong, then we are screwed.

How is Christianity "Money Grabbing?" Is it because we send missionaries and NGO's all over the world to help the poor without any re-compensation and therefore nee to ask fellow Christians to help support the poor? Is it because of Operation Christmas Child? Or is it because you have a personal vendetta?

2006-10-11 12:22:52 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Not all christians are money grabbers, false, or stupid, we are constructive in ways only one person/ being need approve of. Also, the only people you have to respect are those you seek respect from. Respecting yourself is optional, but it couldn't hurt!

2006-10-11 12:27:25 · answer #9 · answered by narfrelssek 1 · 0 0

hey im not religious but i think that if you are so devoted to something that you can spend a day of worship to it then i do respect them. although i think there religion is wrong i respect there devotion, as i do with every person in the world for every different relegion. my friend is a vegitarian she cant cut or die her hair and she lives in our world but she stays strong and she never wavers from her religion. THAT is what i respect.

2006-10-11 12:31:07 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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