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God didnt have to make monkeys right? I mean, he could have totally left, creatures with 98% the same DNA and similar skulls and similar hands, out of the picture.

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Why did God allow hominid fossil remains to be scattered where Darwin predicted they would be found? Or maybe the devil set that one up...snuck them bones into Africa after he inspired Darwin to predict that the precursor to man would be found there...

Ok, fine, so maybe God set-up all this trickery...but to test what...who was the dumbest and most capable of blind zombie worship?

2006-10-11 12:11:34 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

lmao athiesm rules.

i think someone told me that god tried to create a world before, but failed it failed to please him or something so he destroyed it, hence the cretacious extinction. and the fossils are remnants of the animals god wasn't pleased with before.

soooo... this means that god is a genocidal perfectionist.
end of story. now can i get the Best Answer award? pleeeease??? thnks God bless you.

2006-10-11 12:15:59 · answer #1 · answered by YeahImAzn 2 · 1 0

The notion that we are made in God's image is of course absurd. Even if there were such a thing as a god (and there is no evidence to support such a notion), it is unlikely in the extreme that the concept of an "image" is even applicable.

As for evolution, it is now a proven fact. Anyone interested in the details can contact me via avatar.

2006-10-11 12:15:19 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

According to Quran monkeys used to be human at the old testament time and because they disobeyed Allah he turned them to monkeys. I'm free thinker and I mentioned this because you mentioned God. And may be some body might argue that there was no monkeys before that and they came after the punishment from Allah. Don't you think it is kind of strange that some people think human evolved from monkeys and other think monkeys evolved from humans.

2006-10-11 12:48:35 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Evolution is voodoo science, that has no proof.
Life can't evolve from non-life, that was proven when scientists tried to do it and failed every time.

So, looks like Darwin has made a monkey out of all you evolutionists.


2006-10-11 12:20:48 · answer #4 · answered by Born Again Christian 5 · 0 0

since people wrote the bible, that means a person wrote that we are created in his image. People being supremely arrogant would of course assume that we look like god. Good as any guess I suppose. However don't they get really mad when we show evidence of how much we look like monkeys.

2006-10-11 12:16:06 · answer #5 · answered by Smitten_Kitten 4 · 0 0

No one really knows if monkeys are made in Gods image or not.
But monkeys are kind of cute in the image they have.
I think maybe all living things, live in gods image.
Everything here , he created

2006-10-11 12:16:40 · answer #6 · answered by eviechatter 6 · 0 0

Genesis 1:26 Then God said, "Let us make MAN in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

2006-10-11 12:15:00 · answer #7 · answered by K 5 · 0 1

This is an answer for the wider audience, as I don't believe you can read or understand properly:

99% similarity claim is misleading propaganda
For a very long time, the evolutionist choir had been propagating the unsubstantiated thesis that there is very little genetic difference between humans and chimps. In every piece of evolutionist literature, you could read sentences like "we are 99 percent identical to chimps" or "there is only 1 percent of DNA that makes us human." Although no conclusive comparison between human and chimp genomes has been done, the Darwinist ideology led them to assume that there is very little difference between the two species.
A study in October 2002 revealed that the evolutionist propaganda on this issue—like many others—is completely false. Humans and chimps are not "99% similar" as the evolutionist fairy tale went on. Genetic similarity turns out to be less than 95 %. In a news story reported by CNN.com, entitled "Humans, chimps more different than thought," it reads:
There are more differences between a chimpanzee and a human being than once believed, according to a new genetic study.
Biologists have long held that the genes of chimps and humans are about 98.5 percent identical. But Roy Britten, a biologist at the California Institute of Technology, said in a study published this week that a new way of comparing the genes shows that the human and chimp genetic similarity is only about 95 percent.
Britten based this on a computer program that compared 780,000 of the 3 billion base pairs in the human DNA helix with those of the chimp. He found more mismatches than earlier researchers had, and concluded that at least 3.9 percent of the DNA bases were different.
This led him to conclude that there is a fundamental genetic difference between the species of about 5 percent.25
New Scientist, a leading science magazine and a strong supporter of Darwinism, reported the following on the same subject in an article titled "Human-chimp DNA difference trebled":
We are more unique than previously thought, according to new comparisons of human and chimpanzee DNA. It has long been held that we share 98.5 per cent of our genetic material with our closest relatives. That now appears to be wrong. In fact, we share less than 95 per cent of our genetic material, a three-fold increase in the variation between us and chimps.26
Biologist Boy Britten and other evolutionists continue to assess the result in terms of the evolutionary theory, but in fact there is no scientific reason to do so. The theory of evolution is supported neither by the fossil record nor by genetic or biochemical data. On the contrary, evidence shows that different life forms on Earth appeared quite abruptly without any evolutionary ancestors and that their complex systems prove the existence of an "intelligent design."

Human DNA is also similar to that of the worm, mosquito, and chicken!
Moreover, the above-mentioned basic proteins are common vital molecules present, not just in chimpanzees, but also in very many completely different living creatures. The structure of the proteins in all these species is very similar to that of the proteins present in humans.
For example, the genetic analysis published in New Scientist have revealed a 75% similarity between the DNA of nematode worms and man.27 This definitely does not mean that there is only a 25% difference between man and these worms!
On the other hand, in another finding which also appeared in the media, it was stated that the comparisons carried out between the genes of fruit flies belonging to the Drosophila genus and human genes yielded a similarity of 60%.28
When living things other than man are studied, it appears that there is no molecular relationship such as that claimed by evolutionists.29 This fact shows that the concept of similarity is not evidence for evolution.

2006-10-11 12:18:21 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Las Vegas Steve,
I don't know! But I do know that it matters little to me. What matters to me iws salvation, because I can prove my sinful nature, but God only reveals Himself to those that turn to Him, and trust Him. Those things are the one's that matter. Otherwise, go play with fossils and monkeys.

2006-10-11 12:15:10 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

No, because we are Humans and Monkeys are Animals. We are not even related to Monkeys.

2006-10-11 12:19:33 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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