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2006-10-11 11:52:07 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

a popular method is to go to prison.

2006-10-11 11:56:25 · answer #1 · answered by dr schmitty 7 · 2 2

Assalam Alaykom

If you become convinced that Islam is the true religion, then:

1. Seek a trustworthy Islamic authority such as an Islamic Center, a mosque, or an Islamic Organization.

2. Contact the person in charge and tell him about your wish to embrace Islam.

3. The person in charge will ask you some questions to assure your full conviction; otherwise he will answer questions that could better convince you with Islam.

4. When you have reached that honorable decision, i.e., embracing Islam, wash the whole of your body with the intention of embracing Islam. It is also recommended for this very special occasion, to shave under-arm and pubic hair, dress up, and men are recommended to apply a pleasant-smelling perfume to the body.

Then you have to declare the Shahaadah (Testimony of faith).

To achieve this, it is sufficient to say (in Arabic, if possible):

A. Ash-hadu allaa ilaaha illallaah,

B. Wa ash-hadu anna muhammadan rasoolullaah,

The meaning of this is as follows:

A. I testify that there is non is worthy of being worshipped except Allah,
B. I testify that Muhammad is Allaah's Messenger,

(For Christians this implies the following: I testify that Jesus is the Messenger of Allaah)

Also you can say:

1. I (firmly) believe in Allaah, His Angels, His scriptures, His Messengers, the Last Day, and in the ability of Allaah to decree the existence of good or bad.

2. I promise Allaah not to associate with Him (in worship) anyone or anything (whatsoever), and,

3. I will steadfastly perform the five daily prayers, and

4. I will observe during the month of Ramadhaan yearly, and

5. I will give out obligatory alms and

6. I will never steal, and

7. I will never commit adultery (or fornication,) and

8. I will never illegally kill a person, and

9. I will never disobey Allaah.

10. Praise be to Allaah Who has guided me to belief.

Note: The person in charge, in front of whom a new Muslim has announced his conversion to Islam, prays to Allaah for him with such prayers: "I ask Allaah to forgive me and you! And I ask Allaah to accept our deeds! O Allaah! Accept him with those on whom You did bestow your Grace, of Prophets, the Sincere (seekers of Truth,) the martyrs, and the righteous, and what a beautiful Fellowship!

2006-10-11 19:16:50 · answer #2 · answered by manoa 1 · 3 0

Find a trustworthy Islamic authority such as an Islamic Center, a mosque, or an Islamic Organization. Just like how mentioned here on the page. As a Muslim, i would tell u welcome to Islam. Do what u feel and God be with you! Al Salam Allaykom

2006-10-11 22:07:32 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Faith is between you and Allah, you say the "shahadah" which is "ash hadu an la elaha ellallah wa anna mohamadan rasoolollah" or for short "la ilaha ellallah mohammadon rasoolollah"
which means there's no god but Allah and Mohammad is his messenger.

As for the prayers and other forms of practising Islam you can go to any nearby mosque and they would be glad to help you.

2006-10-15 07:40:37 · answer #4 · answered by pink 3 · 0 0

Why would you?? Wouldn't you want to invest your time and life into the True faith? Words of Jesus, "I am the way the Truth and the Life , no man comes to the father except by Me" Now if you don't wish to believe the words of Christ that's your choice but you will never have fellowship with God. The scriptures say "Neither is there salvation in ANY other, for there is no other name under heaven given to men whereby you must be saved".
Neither Allah,Mo hammed ,Buddha nor Confucius can save you only Christ. Biggest decision you will ever have to make! choose Life in Christ, it's the only way.

2006-10-11 19:08:23 · answer #5 · answered by Steiner 6 · 0 2

Visit any Saudi Mosque and they will tell you, or any other mosque and just make sure it is approved by Saudi royal family otherwise if it is not approved by them then they might not let you go to Mecca and perform haj .

2006-10-11 19:19:56 · answer #6 · answered by Nabil 5 · 1 1

Say the Shahada

2006-10-11 19:00:15 · answer #7 · answered by Kimo 4 · 1 1

Well the U.S.A. has a thing called religious freedom it doesn't matter what religion you are as long as you don't harm another person.

2006-10-11 18:56:34 · answer #8 · answered by My dad ate my homework 3 · 2 1

Say the Shahada, that's between you and God.

Next, go to your nearest mosque to make it formal. They will guide you on what to do next...

This is applicable wherever you are in the world, not necessarily in the US.

May God guide you and guide us all...


2006-10-11 18:54:17 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Go to your local mosque and ask guidance from the Imam, he will tell you what to do from there.

2006-10-11 19:02:24 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Commit a bad crime and go to Jail. The Muslims will find you.

2006-10-11 18:56:25 · answer #11 · answered by Roxton P 4 · 1 2

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