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I have 2 very sweet cats who are strictly indoors. my don't go outside because they don't want to. they're scared to death to even look outdoors. I believe that NO cat should be roaming outside unsupervised (or not on leash). that's just asking for the poor thing to get hurt or even killed!!! cats CAN NOT take care of themselves so therefore should NOT be left outside by themselves! people who think this are SO misinformed! it's just plain ignorance to let your feline roam out unattended!!! they truly don't realize the multiple dangers out there!! who agrees with my post? Thanks!

2006-10-11 11:49:56 · 18 answers · asked by *miss lily* 3 in Pets Cats

domestic cats are NOT wild!!!! they're not mountain lions for goodness sake!!! why do you think they're called "domestic"!!

2006-10-11 11:55:39 · update #1

Torbaynewf: you have a good point!! sometimes you get so aggitated at them that you just let them out because they're being so annoying! I know some have that problem!!

2006-10-11 12:02:13 · update #2

18 answers

omg. I completely agree with you. My two black cats are deathly afraid of a new voice so there's no way they'll roam around outside. It's funny because they were stray to begin with. My other cat LOVES going outside but we do everything we can to stop her. Collars don't work on her because she gets really annoyed and starts biting herself. Also, she's a Turkish Van and very beautiful. People can't resist her! It's very scary. She's not afraid of anything and she loves wandering out into the streets. Too many health risks..even if they do have nine lives.

While we don't let them outside the house where we can't see them, we let them roam around in the backyard. That seems to work out just fine.

2006-10-11 16:04:55 · answer #1 · answered by RePat 2 · 0 0

I have three feral cats that "came" with my house three years ago. They had been out there for two years before that. They are provided shelters,food,water,and rabies vaccines every three years. They were previously spayed and neutered. Other than that, they take total care of themselves. Many colonies of cats do the same.
We also have a two year old cat from the shelter where I work and he literally CHEWS through screens to get outside. that is why he was removed from the shelter. There is NOTHING we can do except never open our windows.
There are some times when they will just keep on getting out and you cannot stop them.
Sometimes they want to be out so bad that you just let them and hope for the best. Maybe for some cats, a year of freedom outside is better than a lifetime in the house.
(I do have 6 other cats that are total indoor cats.)

2006-10-11 18:59:49 · answer #2 · answered by ARE YOUR NEWFS GELLIN'? 7 · 0 1

For most of what you wrote I have to agree, in the area I live I see unfortunately very many cats run over by cars, mainly kittens, attacked by dogs, mostly kittens, & then their are some complete ignorant people who think it is funny to catch & hurt a cat. I hate to see some owners attitude, first when the cat is still little they attend to it, then after it is grown people let them stay only outside. A cats life is cut short living outside, my vet told me that, but cats aren't helpless, I've seen it many of times they some tuff cookies, but if one loves their cat/cats they should stay inside....It is also safer for all the birds too. If people who leave their cats outsided would just be responsible owners & make sure the cats are "fixed" a big problem of homeless cats would never be such a big problem as it is!!! Humans are ignorant most of the time, animals just do what instinct tells them to do & that is multiply!!! I also do not believe in dog owners who leave their dog only outside, dogs love the company of people, too many dogs are only left in the back yard & some don't even have a buddy to hang out with.
My believe is that if you decide to have any pet you should treat it
as you would want to be treated, with lots of love & respect

2006-10-11 19:07:40 · answer #3 · answered by angela w 2 · 0 0

I agree that domestic cats should be either indoor or outdoor, but I don't agree with you that cat's can not take care of themselves. Of course they can. Cats have been on this earth since befor the last ice age. If they couldn't get on by themselves they should be extinct by now. I take my cats ouside on their leashes and they love it they also climb trees. My cats are facinated by the outdoors, birds are their favorites, but they are only indoor cats. If they did somhow get outdoors I think they like any other cat could get along well until I found them. Cats are meant to be outside hunting for their food. They simply allow us to share their existance.

2006-10-11 19:51:13 · answer #4 · answered by sibohan2004 3 · 0 0

I agree on the fact that there are many dangers outside, however, a cat can take care of himself quite well. I have two cats that both are strictly indoors. My biggest reasons are; near-by road, neighbours not having to find catpoop in their yards, cruel people, flees, ticks, and having to open the damn door every time. I think it is best for them to be inside but your statement on how they are helpless and cannot take care of themselves is overdrawn. Ever seen a cat fight a dog? You know they can be mean if they have to.

2006-10-11 18:56:07 · answer #5 · answered by twinsisterwendy 6 · 0 0

I very much disagree with this statement. My cats absolutely hate me if I don't let them outside. I fear for them when they are but I'm not always out there watching them. My cats are both indoor/outdoor cats, they will stand by the door and meow and just look at me with sad eyes if I don't let them out. And if they're not let out they will wait till someone opens the door and will rush out just to be outside. My older cat doesn't bother me much that he's outside, but my younger one I'm still lenient on cuz she's my baby. I'm not cruel to any of my animals, I believe they have enough sense to whats something they have to stay away from. Dogs are more lethal than cars are. The only thing I don't like are the mice, snakes, and birds they like to bring around. My cats are sweet too, but they like to be outside, I'm not going to stop them.

2006-10-11 19:28:00 · answer #6 · answered by blueicefaire 2 · 0 0

My current feline friends all stay indoors cause one of them has a severe flea allergy (so I dare not risk letting them out), however, prior to this I have had some darling angels who used to go outside (and would call or knock on my window to come in) - One of whom moved house with me 7 times and went out at each move safely (ironically she did at one of the moves go out on a leash).
Cats are very inteligent and wise creatures and I feel cruel for dictating they stay in as I know they (or at least the one with the allergy) like to roam.
I always said if I had more space I would have a massive run for them - one day eh!
Wishes n Dreams XxX

2006-10-11 19:14:08 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think you're right for domestic cats. But the fact is, many of them stray outside and dont come back, and some of them survive for years in the woods and breed and have cat families that live all their lives in the woods.
I know this firsthand.

2006-10-11 20:31:33 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Good point. We have six and they are strictly indoor cats. We do try to take them out at least once a week(supervised of course and a couple of them on leashes).

2006-10-11 21:38:19 · answer #9 · answered by 14Words 3 · 0 0

No, your cats don't go outside because YOU don't want them to! Your cats are scared because you've never given them the chance to see what normal cat life is like. They're pantywaists! My three cats could whup your pampered pets! Perhaps you've never really observed cats and dogs on the prowl. I suspect you are the one who is misinformed. Believe me, given the opportunity, they are perfectly able to fend for themselves. My last cat was a stray who survived all winter sheltering in the barn and living off the fat of the land. The only danger my cats face is mixing it up with my parrots!

BTW, my pets are all spayed, and I DO believe it is inhumane to de-claw a cat. And over the years, all my cats have died of old age. Thanks for listening to another point of view!

2006-10-11 19:10:22 · answer #10 · answered by keepsondancing 5 · 0 1

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