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Somebody gave me a card the other day. I agreed to at least read it. Are a billion people REALLY feeling guilty cuz a guy ate an apple that a woman gave him 10,000 Years Ago? Am I missing something? I want to understand it better. Apples then would have been small , like a golfball maybe. Even if she stole it off of somebodys tree, so what. Time to let it go maybe?

Buddhism has a prince who gave up his wealth to help the suffering of others I think. A way better story to base a religeon on I think.

2006-10-11 09:58:44 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

24 answers

No, it is worse than that. God supposedly created only 2 people on this earth who were innocents that didn't know right from wrong and lived in paradise. One day a snake DECIEVED them, not completely willfull choice, so they ate the fruit, and because of it, god has been pissed for 4,000 years making women's suffering in giving birth bigger, men having to work, all humans will be sinners, animals being slaughtered for food, and finally all humans will die. So after the 4,000 years god didn't want to be pissed anymore and sent his only son through an pregnant virgin to be extremely tortured to death, came back to life in 3 days, and he flew to heaven afterwards. Somehow with that act we are now forgiven from our sins though we still commit sins and need to ask for forgiveness.

2006-10-11 10:06:55 · answer #1 · answered by Alucard 4 · 0 2

I know where you are coming from...I hope.
You have given us a story of a Buddhism prince that was interesting but you left out the rest of the story.
I know you are confused about Christianity because of many false statements they make.
First Christianity did not materialize until after Christ died.
We do not know it was an apple the verses say the FRUIT TREES.
It was well over 6000 yrs. ago, not 10,000 yrs.
The card you were reading was a false religion...sad to say you would read such things. Be very careful of literature. Good luck to you in your pursuit of happiness.
The Buddhist Prince said...and the Bible.

2006-10-11 10:38:00 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First let me say this to all the Christians out there who deny this story or "no, no no; Christianity is based off of Jesus Christ".

Do your homework.

sorry no offence intended; I am just getting upset with some religions out there that deny there own religion. (example non Catholic Christians: we didn't do those evil things it was the Catholics.) The truth is all Christian religions are rooted off the Catholic religion and are based partly off of The Jewish religion. (the old testament is still part of your Bibles).

Now on to your question. I will answer this two ways: first being the Christian/Judism way and then my way.

Christian/Judisms response: God gave them one simple commandment "do not eat from this tree, you can eat from any other tree except this one". Satin decieved Eve into taking an apple from the tree and giving it to Adam and herself. After they ate the apple they noticed they were nude, noticed the weather, ect. ect. and were kicked out of the God's Garden.

quick answer: Man is week to temptation.

Now for my explanation of the events: God decided to see what his children wanted more: peace/tranqulity or wisdom/adventure. So the easiest way to do this was put up a test see which one they wanted more. They had peace and tranquility; so lets see if they would risk it for knowledge and power.

Think about this honestly would you rather live in todays world with sports, television, games, ect. ect. or live in a garden with nothing to do (however you would never realize just how bored you are)

2006-10-11 10:30:42 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Christianity is not based on an apple. It, along with several other religions, are based on God. Christianity differs in that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, The Savior, The Sacrifice of the Lamb. I'm sorry that someone gave you a card that implies in any way that Christianity can be diminished to the "apple" eaten by Adam and Eve. How very unfortunate.

2006-10-11 10:03:00 · answer #4 · answered by reformed 3 · 0 1

Christianity is based on Christ.

Christianity has a King who gave up Heaven (at least for the time being) to die so that others wouldn't have to spend eternity in suffering.

It wasn't about the size of the apple, man. I don't feel guilty because Adam ate an apple. I feel guilty because every time I sin, it is as if I crucify Christ all over again (Hebrews 6:6, or something like that).

2006-10-11 10:03:06 · answer #5 · answered by sarcrl 2 · 0 2

The "fruit" that Eve partook of was not an apple. "The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil" was not a wooden tree. That was a title for Satan. (The "Tree of Life" was also in the Garden of Eden; that tree was Christ.) "Good for food" is a Hebraism meaning to be desirable to the flesh. God told them that of the trees of the Garden (meaning the wooden trees that bear fruit and nuts) they could eat, but not to partake of the "fruit" of Satan. Eve was "beguiled" (expateo in the Greek) by Satan. Satan impregnated her. This was the origin of Cain, and is why you won't find Cain listed in Adam's genealogy (Genesis 5). Abel was the firstborn of Adam; Cain and Abel were fraternal twins. The enmity between the seedlines that God promised began with Cain and Abel. The reason Seth was a "replacement" for Abel was because Abel was the firstborn. If tradition was correct, Abel would have been Adam's 2nd son, and therefore would not need to have been "replaced". Ever wonder why Cain and Abel were taking their offerings to God at the same time? It's because they came of age at the same time. They were twins.

Do not let the confused babblings of traditional lies cheat you out of Eternity. Learn the truth that is in scripture. You'll need to get back to the old manuscripts to see what lies beneath the English traditions. If you are interested in learning how to begin to study correctly, email me. I'll be happy to point you in the right direction. If you are only on here because you think it is "fun" to post questions of this nature, understand that Christians who know better don't find these offensive, or insulting. Questions like this have the same effect on our faith as if you were to fire a spit wad at a speeding freight train. (Make sure you aren't standing between the tracks as you do this.)

The thing to ask yourself is this:

Given that either the atheists are right (God doesn't exist) or Christians are right (God does exist), what do you have to gain from trying to bash God, His word, or His faithful? If atheists are right, you gain nothing because in a Godless universe nothing matters. But if the Christians are right, well, you just torpedoed your canoe, pal. Think about it.


2006-10-11 10:27:33 · answer #6 · answered by newhebrew1964 3 · 0 0

Buddhism makes A LOT more sense, because it is not mired in concepts and mythology. The Creation story from The Bible is good for simple-minded people thousands of years ago, but science has shown us it is not accurate. Even old Buddhist myths and beliefs have been updated over time to reflect science's findings. The core of Buddhism is to be alert and use critical thinking. Too bad the Christians have no grasp of this concept.

2006-10-11 10:02:38 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Christianity is based on Jesus Christ. Not Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve are in the book of Genesis, the very first book in the Bible. Jesus doens''t come in until later. Eve talked Adam into eating an apple (forbidden fruit) after God told him not to. Therefore God destroyed the Garden of Eden. And they were able to see they had been naked the whole time (long story read Genesis) Oh, also Eve is the reason women have mentral periods.

2006-10-11 10:04:40 · answer #8 · answered by biracialbunny 1 · 0 1

Christianity is based on the fact that God's soverienty was put into question, per what happend in the Garden of Eden. Not the single instance of Eve giving Adam an apple.. rather that she was deceived by being told that she was "bound to be like God" if she ate the fruit, although she already knew that it was forbidden to be eaten.

2006-10-11 10:10:34 · answer #9 · answered by nicegirl84 1 · 0 1

Wow. No offense, but it very much surprises me to see the lack of knowledge in the world regarding Christ. Yet, every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that He is Lord! ONLY an omnipotent God could make that happen!

There is far too much information that you need for a better understanding, but the story you are referring to is the fall of man. God/Christ existed even before this time, therefore, so did Christianity...just in a different form.

I would like to encourage you to READ The Bible (King James Version) and KNOW for yourself...feel free to email me for questions in your study if you decide to do so. I'm always available.

As for now, please get the facts about the topic before asking questions so that the person answering you can better understand what you're asking.

Peace to you.

2006-10-11 10:10:30 · answer #10 · answered by ConcernedMom 2 · 0 1

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