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i rescued a kitten a few days ago, she smells and is ridden with fleas maybe even mites! does anyone have any idea on when i can bath her in flea shampoo? or give her anything for these pests at her age?

2006-10-11 09:47:45 · 20 answers · asked by Delbabez 2 in Pets Cats

20 answers


2006-10-11 10:48:22 · answer #1 · answered by Harvie Ruth 5 · 0 0

You can't use any flea shampoo on a kitten or a flea collar until they are 12 weeks old. However if you can handle it for two more weeks you get the kitten advantage at 7 weeks. That's a wonderful flea treatment and it isn't very expensive. Sometimes a mild baby shampoo can help with a couple of fleas but don't wash her to much or you will wash away the oils her body needs to produce. I know how you feel I had to wait three weeks before I could do anything but it is worth it. Good Luck.

2006-10-11 10:11:43 · answer #2 · answered by Dcham81 2 · 1 0

you can bathe her in a cat shampoo however you cant use anything for flea control at her young age you may have to give her several baths this will drown the fleas however the fleas will run towards her face and ears have a wash cloth ready to clean them off of her face and ears also if she has fleas she more than likely has worms a trip to the vet should be in the near future for your new baby good luck

2006-10-11 11:10:38 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I found this at the site listed in the source below. There is a lot of information on feeding and care, etc. of your young kitten.

Good Luck to you both

Abandoned kittens will need to be cleaned and rid of fleas soon after they are found. Flea anemia can hamper any attempt to save the kitten and fleas carry tape worm eggs. The vet will carry flea sprays suitable for use on kittens. Always check the manufacturer’s instructions for use on kittens. Adams flea spray (according to one foster mom) has been found to be safe and effective in quick kill of fleas while not harming even day old kittens. After using the spray (as directed on the bottle for kittens) place the kitten on a towel that can be removed with the dead and dying fleas 20 to 30 minutes later.
After the spray has rid the kitten of fleas, bathe the kitten in gentle soap or surgical soap if flea sores are present making sure to prevent chilling the kitten. DRY THE KITTEN IMMEDIATELY. 1 to 3 week old kittens can be dried carefully with a hair dryer. (Be careful to avoid blowing in their faces.) Older kittens are frequently frightened by the blowing and noise, so towel dry them as best you can and place them in a container that is in a warm place (like next to a refrigerator). You may also try putting the towel-dried kitten in a pet carrier and aiming the blow-dryer into the carrier where the warm air will gently circulate to dry the kitten.

2006-10-11 09:59:32 · answer #4 · answered by Animaholic 4 · 2 0

Whatever you do, dont bath her. Take her to a vet; she is too small to be away from her mum, and will need special kitty milk. Cat flea shampoo doesnt work, and many such products can kill a kitten. The vet is the best option for her survival. If you have financial problems, contact the PDSA or Cats Protection, they are really helpful. Very best of luck to you and your little friend, and thank you for being such a nice person; a goodSamaritan who didnt walk on by!!

2006-10-11 10:03:22 · answer #5 · answered by k0005kat@btinternet.com 4 · 4 0

I don't know why all the first answers got thumbs downs; 5 weeks is too young for a kitten to be away from her Mum and litter mates. It causes behavioural problems.
And fleas and worms kill kittens. They are very small, don't have much blood and can die from anaemia.
All kittens are born with roundworms; this one will have an extra burden because uncaring backyard breeders won't have wormed the mother. And flea birtes transmit tapeworm. Plus there's toxoplasmosis.
Please take the kitten to a vet, the RSPCA or cat rescue as soon as possible. Where did she come from? The street?
Its great to have good intentions, but unless you can back them up with knowledge and experience the kitten could die.

2006-10-11 09:58:35 · answer #6 · answered by sarah c 7 · 2 1

There is only one answer to this question - take her to the vet. If she is really only 5 weeks old she should still be with her mother and you need to compensate for that.

Fleas cause anaemia and can easily kill kittens inside hours and most flea treatments are dangerous for them. Keep combing and combing, remove every flea you can and kill it and then get professional veterinary help tomorrow.

Don't delay on this, or buy anything that anyone has recommended.

2006-10-11 11:24:27 · answer #7 · answered by ? 7 · 1 0

At 5 weeks of age you have to be careful about what you use on the kitty. We suggest giving her a bath in simple soap and water, and then using a flea comb on her to comb out the fleas. (You'll have to be sure to crush each flea between your fingernails after combing it out to make sure it's dead.) Make sure the kitty gets dried off well after her bath, and re-check her for fleas for several days to ensure you've gotten all of them.

For the ears, put a little rubbing alcohol on a cotton swab and clean out each ear (don't try to push the cotton in too far; just clean out what you can reach with the cotton ball.) If you suspect ear mites, you'll need to check with your vet to see what sort of medication he can give her to help her fight that infestation.

If the infestation is REALLY bad, you can try Adams Flea & Tick Shampoo and Sprays. They're available on-line at most of the pet supply places and are generally safe to use. Make sure you read ALL of the directions before using them.

2006-10-11 09:54:24 · answer #8 · answered by Fetch 11 Humane Society 5 · 2 0

1 to 10 week old kittens can die within hours of flea infestation, from anemia caused by the biting abd bleeding id fleas and ear mites. Flea "DIPS" at such a young age can also be harmful even able to kill such a young kitten. My suggestion is to take this baby to a good vet or the humane society if you can't or won't treat it. You sound like a caring person who really wants to help this kitten...Good Luck!

2006-10-11 10:02:06 · answer #9 · answered by snowmom 2 · 1 2

Here's an interesting article. I don't know much about kittens but you'd think there would be some sort of dry shampoo you could use on them ?? {just a thought}

2006-10-11 09:57:01 · answer #10 · answered by Zelda 6 · 2 0

my kitten was the same when i got her. i just got a kitten shampoo from the pet shop and bathed her. then i used to comb her fur with a nit comb. she didnt like the combing but she used to love the bath. even now, about once a month, if im in the bath she'll come in too and sit at the end!

2006-10-11 09:56:58 · answer #11 · answered by iloveF1 3 · 1 1

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