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Because it says so?

2006-10-11 09:28:01 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

24 answers

THEY DONT, they have whiny faith

2006-10-11 09:29:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

It is what the bible says that is the true Word of God.

2006-10-11 16:34:15 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Bible prophecy explains the meaning of world conditions.

The Bible enables us to understand the purpose of life.

It is filled with prophecies reflecting detailed knowledge of the future—something impossible for humans.

Its contents are scientifically sound on matters that human researchers discovered only at a later date.

Its internal harmony is significant
This is especially so in view of the fact that the books of the Bible were recorded by some 40 men as diverse as king, prophet, herdsman, tax collector, and physician. They did the writing over a period of 1,610 years; so there was no opportunity for collusion. Yet their writings agree, even in the smallest detail.

And there is more......

2006-10-11 16:37:29 · answer #3 · answered by papavero 6 · 1 0

Like all of the books (Koran, Torah, etc.) that religions use or base their beliefs in, it is written by man. We take it on faith that it is divinely inspired. All of the great religions and the doctrines of those religions have the same philosophy...live a good life. We should concentrate on that and not on the written word.

In fact I cannot recall anywhere in the Bible that it is written that this is the true word of God or any phrase that has the same meaning.

2006-10-12 11:10:05 · answer #4 · answered by crzyanl 3 · 0 0

This again ...

1) archeology

2) fulfilled prophecy

3) its unity, in spite of being written by different authors in different time periods

4) its ability to change people's lives

5) the return of Jesus from the dead

6) its indestructibility

Try doing some of your own research next time:
...One of the first internal evidences that the Bible is truly God’s Word is seen in its unity. Even though it is really sixty-six individual books, written on three continents, in three different languages, over a period of approximately 1500 years, by more that 40 authors (who came from many walks of life), the Bible remains one unified book from beginning to end without contradiction. This unity is unique from all other books and is evidence of the divine origin of the words as God moved men in such a way that they recorded His very words.

Another of the internal evidences that indicate the Bible is truly God’s Word is seen in the detailed prophecies contained within its pages. The Bible contains hundreds of detailed prophecies relating to the future of individual nations including Israel, to the future of certain cities, to the future of mankind, and to the coming of one who would be the Messiah, the Savior of not only Israel, but all who would believe in Him. Unlike the prophecies found in other religious books or those done by Nostradamus, the biblical prophecies are extremely detailed and have never failed to come true. There are over three hundred prophecies concerning Jesus Christ in the Old Testament alone. Not only was it foretold where He would be born and what family He would come from, but also how He would die and that He would rise again on the third day. There simply is no logical way to explain the fulfilled prophecies in the Bible other than by divine origin. There is no other religious book with the extent or type of predictive prophecy that the Bible has.

A third internal evidence of the divine origin of the Bible is seen in its unique authority and power. While this evidence is more subjective than the first two internal evidences, it is no less a very powerful testimony of the divine origin of the Bible. The Bible has a unique authority that is unlike any other book ever written. This authority and power are best seen in the way countless lives have been transformed by reading the Bible. Drug addicts have been cured by it, homosexuals have been set free by it, derelicts and deadbeats have been transformed by it, hardened criminals reformed by it, sinners are rebuked by it, and hate has been turned to love by reading it. The Bible does possess a dynamic and transforming power that is only possible because it is truly God’s Word.

Besides the internal evidence that the Bible is truly God’s Word there are also external evidences that indicate the Bible is truly the Word of God. One of those evidences is the historicity of the Bible. Because the Bible details historical events its truthfulness and accuracy is subject to verification like any other historical documentation. Through both archaeological evidences and other written documents, the historical accounts of the Bible have been proven time and time again to be accurate and true. In fact all the archaeological and manuscript evidence supporting the Bible makes it the best documented book from the ancient world. The fact that the Bible accurately and truthfully records historically verifiable events is a great indication of its truthfulness when dealing with religious subjects and doctrines and helps substantiate its claim that it is the very Word of God.

2006-10-11 16:34:52 · answer #5 · answered by Randy G 7 · 1 0

Faith and believing it to be true. Witness who saw these things happen wrote all this down so that we would know. The Bible is a Divine Revelation. In the Bible we find out what God wants mankind to know about Himself and His plan.

The Bible is the only written revelation of God to man.

No one has ever successfully refuted the Bible. Many mock the Bible but avoid challenging it point by point. No one who has done in-depth research, honestly examining the evidence for the Bible's inspiration and truthfulness, has been able to disprove the Bible.
History records many who set out to disprove the Bible, who instead became believers. Our Bible is composed of 66 books, by about 40 different writers of various backgrounds, living during a period of about 1,600 years -- yet they present one message. Such a miracle can only be explained by there being one divine Author, who was in control of all these human writers.

The Bible writers came from many walks of life, including kings, peasants, philosophers, fishermen, herdsmen, poets, statesmen, scholars, soldiers, priests, prophets, a tax collector, a tentmaking rabbi, and a Gentile doctor.

The Bible was written in three different languages: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.

The writings contained in the Bible belong to a great variety of literary types including history, law, poetry, educational discourses, parables, biography, personal correspondence, and prophecy.

Books written by men have no unity of thought on even one subject. Some of them invariably disagree with others. But there is perfect unity between the books of the Bible -- which speak of hundreds of subjects in many fields. There is no contradiction among them.
Who but God could produce such a book?

2006-10-11 16:39:31 · answer #6 · answered by K 5 · 1 0

What is the bible but Gods revelation of His character to man. Through thousands of years and many authors, the Bible stands as a work of moral instuction and historical and prophetic fulfillment. It contains all that a man needs to know about who God is and what he expects from His children. He has provided us guidelines from which to live to help us to avoid the pitfalls of life. How could a book that related to people 6000 years ago still be so pertainent to civilization today.

2006-10-11 16:35:20 · answer #7 · answered by zero 3 · 0 0

Because it was the inspired word of God, written by men as the Holy Spirit revealed the words to them. It is backed up by history books in several parts and many have died to preserve it for us. The old testament is full of prophecies that have been fulfilled in the new testament. I have no doubt and the KJV is probably the most accurate translation for those of us who don't read Hebrew and Greek.

2006-10-11 16:32:12 · answer #8 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

because it says so is important and part of the tests for consistency but not the only reason leading to the conclusion it is the word of God

fullfilled prophesies
eyewitness testimony to miricles substantiating the turths of Moses and Jesus
eyewitness testamony conserning Jesus death and resurection
Jesus saying so after being raised from the dead
the agreement of the early chirch on the subject
the basic reliability of the manuscripts from an archeological and testual point of view
the confirmation of the flood of Noah and creation by creation science and intelligent design arguments also play a part

2006-10-11 16:35:21 · answer #9 · answered by whirlingmerc 6 · 1 0

I know that the bible if its inspired by God must be inspired by a dim witted dictator. Id rather worship a tree than Jehovah or Jesus. At least a tree feeds you and keeps you warm when you knock down some branches.

2006-10-11 16:30:50 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

No.. Not because it says so... But it really changed my life... and put me in better relationship with God... It totally changes your desires, goals, way of living, things you love, everything ......

Hebrews 4:12 " For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."

Ask God to show you his word and to use it to show you how is your heart...

2006-10-11 16:32:13 · answer #11 · answered by jmdanial 4 · 1 1

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