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I don't wanna live in this sellfish World.All people in this World are bad.I think that God is so cruel to me.I know that you people can say to me as a coward person but I want to tell you my friend that the circumstances and difficulties in any person life are different.Your life and my life is different.I just starting hate everyone and do not want to live more.

2006-10-11 09:17:41 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

32 answers

t's not worth it

2006-10-11 09:20:12 · answer #1 · answered by george p 7 · 1 0

I think you need to go and get some counselling. Suicide may not be cowardly but it is selfish. Think of the people you would be leaving behind. And this world is not selfish, there is a lot of good happening in it. Yes there is bad but why not go out and try to make a difference. Volunteer at a soup kitchen, or help out with any service project. There you will be able to meet good people. Why do you think that God is cruel to you. Are you not getting what you want. Sometimes God wants us to make things better for ourselves too. And while you may have difficult circumstances in your life, so do plenty of people, yet they are not whining about the state of their lives, they are working towards making their lives better. As for hating people, well, that is just because you are so unhappy with your own life.
I'm not trying to be mean here but you get out of life what you put into it. And it sounds like you are not trying to put a whole lot into it.

2006-10-11 09:30:58 · answer #2 · answered by flashypsw 4 · 0 0

You are right, people have different lifes. One suffers more than the other and another enjoys all the time. However please do not forget that God will judge everybody according to their circumstances. If you had a difficult life then you will be judged based on that. God is Just, so don't worry about that.

You should also take into account that whoever commits a suicide will go to Hell. Because by committing suicide you are telling God that you don't accept His decree on you. And that's a big sin. Instead accept Islam and ask for patience from God. God is most Merciful and shall ease your life Inshallah (God willing).

2006-10-11 09:41:16 · answer #3 · answered by ATK 3 · 0 0

hello, my email is available to you if you'd like to talk about this privately.

Your feelings are your own and you have every right to feel the way you are feeling, and you can commit suicide if you want to, but it won't end the pain because what you do will have residual effects on those around you.

I am sure your life may seem very dark and empty and you just want to make it all go away, put an end to the feelings that haunt you. Can I ask, why you are so unhappy, and why do you hate people so much? Not everyone is selfish, it perhaps seems that way but there are loving and kind people in this world, like you. You sound angry, and frustrated. Something that is natural and perhaps you don't know how to vent those emotions in a healthy way, causing you to internalize.

Talking to someone about feelings and thoughts may help, it can be someone you trust, or a professional. In my experience, people with thoughts of suicide feel more comfortable talking to a stranger on the phone ( crisis line) or on the internet, such as this venue, because there is less judgment involved.

Are there things in this life you enjoy? Such as hobbies? Music, do you draw, paint? Perhaps writing your feelings on paper such as in lyric form or poetry may help...

if you just need someone to listen or talk to, please feel free to use my email.

Your friend, Shannon

2006-10-11 09:28:08 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

So what if I say that I agree that some people in the world are bad; you have truly honest, caring, compassionate, selfless people still alive today who truly good in their actions and in their hearts, and their speech. Would it stop you from not wanting to die? I don't think its about those other people. Focus on yourself. You cant change a people until you change what you have inside your own self. If you want good, then be good, and influence others to be good. Think about why you personally are here in this world. Everyone is responsible for themselves really. If you weren't alive, wouldn't people miss out on a person who might have had the opportunity to make a difference for those people who are selfish buttholes. Take the dive and dare to live again! Everyones life is so hard sometimes they want to end it, but the strong one is the fighter, with tests in our life, when we get up and be strong about it, there is releif at the end of the hardship. Please beleive it. Keep your chin up, see the sunshine and do go ya thang in the world so it CAN BE a better place!

2006-10-11 09:27:48 · answer #5 · answered by ummu 1 · 0 0

Boy! Is that the only answer you have? Think about what it would do to the people you leave behind. Would you want someone to do that to you?Emotionally and Financially. Are you ready for all that? It is selfish and so self-centering! Do you think you are the only one was dealt a crappy hand? The Good Lord would not dish anything out that he felt you can't handle. What have you tried to remedy your situation? Try HARDER! Then you can look back at this a year from now and say"Ssshhheeewww! That was a close one!" Be strong, my friend and think it over seriously. Do not use suicide as a cop out or the easy way out! It will only be easy for you!

2006-10-11 09:28:05 · answer #6 · answered by All 4 JR 5 · 0 0

if you want to be a yellow-bellied coward, like the draft-dodging president... go ahead.
You want to dishonor yourself anf your family, by running away from your problrms instead of taking charge of yourself and your actions... go ahead.
I've felt like ending it a million times. But I am still here... everyone has a purpose, abd regardless of all the CRAP thrown at you... you can take it and learn from it. Only a low-life piece of ****-tipe person all-out quits at the first sign of difficulty. I've had a hard life, and there are billions others who have it FAR WORSE than me... I take solace in the knowledge than I have many opportunities before me, and that I am able to take charge of my life, my goals, my world, and do something useful with my gifts.

I have no doubt you have gifts and opportunity too. You just have to open your eyes and stop wallowing in your crappile of self-pity and loathing to see it. Get some help, reach out, take some pride and move your ***.

Suicide is not gonna make your situation better. Have you given any thought to your friends and loved ones? Or are you so selfish as to let your petty problems negate them?

Look out the window and see the opportunities waiting for you out there. Change your environment and move on... if I can do it, you can too.

2006-10-11 09:27:01 · answer #7 · answered by Onyx Dracona 3 · 0 0

hey no matter what happens there's always good in the world! u jst need 2 change ur own circumstances. eg. get a different job, move areas that kinda thing and if ur jst constantly unhappy see a doctor/therapist jst talk 2 sum1 becuase life is good!! Who know's what'll happen wen we die..? Just think on the whole the world is a good place, 99% of the population r good people its jst the other 1% that hog the headlines! And if ur rly stuck u cud volunteer to help in a 3rd world refugee or medical camp that kinda thing or jst do charity work ull feel much better for being so selfless!

2006-10-11 09:24:11 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have been there. But I had to realize a few things:

Who I really hated was myself. And if I looked at myself truthfully, I knew why I would be hated.

Then I felt that I had nothing to lose. I hated myself so much that I wanted to die without anyone ever having to clean me up. So I set myself to figure out how to do that. The only way to do that was to die in a place where no one would ever look. And that was difficult to think of, that is; where could that possibly be?

So in the confusion that I lived in, knowing that I had nothing to lose, I put myself upon the path of the Gods. I didn't know God at the time, and was putting myself at the mercy or whatever God wanted to do with me.

I eventually was led to a person who knew God through Jesus Christ. And I have been His ever since.

Killing yourself IS the most selfish act you could make. All the people that have an even slight affinity towards you will suffer. They will somehow blame themselves, and your family as well. They will think that they did not do enough to love you. And they will hold that guilt with themselves as long as they live.

You don't want to do that to them, do you? If you need to talk to someone, e-mail me. I'll help you, but you have to want help. I figure that you posted what you posted because you do want help, logical? So good. I'll help you if I can. But you have to want it.

2006-10-11 09:34:52 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am so sorry you feel like this...and sorry a couple of idiots felt the need to respond the way they did. You need to talk to a good friend or counselor about this and get help. Please don't ever commit suicide. I have thought about it before too, but just think of all of the precious good moments in life that make it all worth it. Just get an attitude about all the bad stuff---that you don't give a damn. Thats what I do. Then turn on some music you love and make yourself be happy. Watch a happy movie. I hope you feel better friend. : )

2006-10-11 09:25:22 · answer #10 · answered by ANGEL 5 · 0 0

I don't think you're a coward, dear. I think you have been hurt and disppointed. I want to make sure you know that God loves you. I understand how it is when it seems nothing is going right, and hasn't been right in a very long time, and nowhere you turn looks like a way out. But God does have a plan for you, if you ask Him to forgive you of your sins and believe in His son, Jesus.

Changes in your life won't happen overnight, but they will happen, if you seek God and His word. Please try and find a church that teaches the bible...in His word is hope and a future for you. I pray that God will touch and heal your heart today, fill you with His love, and lead you in His righteousness, and I ask this in Jesus' name.

2006-10-11 09:21:51 · answer #11 · answered by Esther 7 · 1 0

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