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I don't wanna live in this sellfish World.All people in this World are bad.I think that God is so cruel to me.I know that you people can say to me as a coward person but I want to tell you my friend that the circumstances and difficulties in any person life are different.Your life and my life is different.I just starting hate everyone and do not want to live more.

2006-10-11 09:16:44 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Family

26 answers

My father, and I have the same problem. We go through these moods, and we feel like the world is against us. Try some anti-deppresions, and, well, if you like animals get a dog. They are such good help when you are said and lonley.

2006-10-11 09:26:51 · answer #1 · answered by Jessica 3 · 1 0

Have you always been unhappy with your life or is this a more recent feeling? Have you felt this way before and made it through to something wonderful after wards?
Our lives are constantly changing. Sometimes for the worst and sometimes for the best and sometimes we have to go through absolute hell to finally get to heaven. What if you die today not knowing that everything you ever wanted was coming in two more days.
Three years ago an ER doctor walked into the waiting room of our local hospital and gave my husband the news that they had lost me.....BUT they had got me back. It was very touch and go. I really thought that is what I wanted at the time, and had my friend not found me it is exactly what I would have gotten. Now, three years later, I am so grateful for being found. Life is not easy and no I am not always happy but as I sit and watch my four year old fight to get her ballet tights on, I can't help but think life is good.
Oh...and medication is great until you are able to feel good on your own. Good luck and I hope you don't choose a permanent solution to what may be a temporary problem.

2006-10-11 09:29:08 · answer #2 · answered by Airlantiss 2 · 1 0

You say that you don't want to live in this selfish world but what you are wanting to do is the most selfish of all. When you take you life you will be taking the lives of others around you. The people that care about you. I know sometimes it seems no one cares but let me tell you my friend someone does. And people would be hurt without you in their lives.

Its not God that is being cruel to you its yourself. Its you negativity towards everything. I'm sure you have it better than some people out there so why not start thinking of all that you do have instead of what you don't.

Please don't take your life. If God is so cruel he will come and take it!

2006-10-11 09:24:24 · answer #3 · answered by HappyMama 3 · 0 0

i think of you ought to circulate and get some counselling. Suicide won't be cowardly in spite of the fact that this is egocentric. think of of the human beings you would be forsaking. And this international isn't egocentric, there is somewhat some stable happening in it. confident there is undesirable yet why not circulate out and consider out to make a distinction. Volunteer at a soup kitchen, or help out with any provider undertaking. There you have got the skill to fulfill stable human beings. Why do you think of that God is cruel to you. Are you not getting what you desire. each and every each and every now and then God needs us to make issues extra valuable for ourselves too. And mutually as you have got confusing situations on your existence, so do many human beings, yet they don't look to be whining concerning the state of their lives, they are education making their lives extra valuable. As for hating human beings, properly, it particularly is only on account which you're so unhappy which comprise your very own existence. i'm not attempting to be recommend right here yet you get out of existence what you place into it. And it seems such as you at the instant are not attempting to place an excellent purchase into it.

2016-10-19 05:28:46 · answer #4 · answered by janski 4 · 0 0

I'm not a praticing christian but I know alittle about the bible. You would live in tourment FOREVER. You don't want to do this because you need to think of the people you leave behind. I've had some very bad bad experiences death lies you name them, a person once told me he never puts anything on you you can't handle. Sound like your suppose to be a strong person like me. there is a purpose for you here, find someone you can talk to and i hope that I may have helped you alittle. There are alot of people out here that feel like you and its not the cowards way out its the selfish way out. I wish you health wealth and happiness!!!!!!!!! Good Luck.

2006-10-11 09:30:20 · answer #5 · answered by vvsunshine 1 · 0 0

It doesn't matter how many others are worse off then you, it still doesn't make you feel any better. I understand how you feel. I am also depressed. I have been depressed since grade school. When I am with my family and friends I act very happy and silly so they don't see how depressed I really am. I feel like my life is pointless and won't get any better. I feel that seeing a counselor or doctor won't help me, because there is no way they could fix my problems or even make my life any better. I don't have any advice for you, but I thought that it might make you feel better to hear that your not alone.

I am considering getting on anti-depressants, maybe you should too. Also I agree with Jessica about getting a dog to help. I am trying to get a cavalier king charles spaniel because they are known to be great companions.

2006-10-11 09:21:29 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Stop for a moment and take a deep breath...You sound overwhelmed and disappointed. Please do not judge those few in your life as "all people" are bad. Yes we all have a sin nature, but we grow and fight for good and to be a better person. Sit down and take a piece of paper and write down just what happened to get you to this point. Then read it aloud and call someone. If you have no one who you trust, please call your local church, look for phone numbers to organizations who assist in this area and someone there should be able to put you in touch with someone who will listen to you and help with this depressed state. Yes, we are all different but life has many roads and ups and downs are going to come to all of us.
You are not a coward, you wrote this question and you reached out. That takes alot of courage! You are strong and you are not here by mistake. I am holding you in my thoughts and I know you will be stronger for realizing that you are unhappy and need a change...God Bless!

2006-10-11 09:32:25 · answer #7 · answered by kymmy_kins 3 · 0 0

Tm not going to tell you that your being selfish im going to give you the perspective of a person left behind to give you the idea of the pain and conflict you leave behind. Nothing in this world is bad enough to die over. YOur going through a difficult time in your life. Talk to someone in your family, or call a hotline. The people you leave behind will hurt like no one else. They wont understand why, they will drive themselves crazy that they werent there for you when you needed it the most. If you have kids, the things that they have to deal with in the aftermath istotally unfair. Going through life not understanding why their parent did this to not only themselves but to everyone that loves them. I deal with the fact that my brother did this everyday, hes been gone for 5 years now, My parents are a total wreck, they still havent overcome the guilt that they have, my sisters and i are lost with out him, his kids have to live with the fact that hes gone and they dont know why he wanted to leave them. The biggest thing is not getting to say good bye, or wondering day to day what you could of done to stop him from going through with it. Think of all the pain your love ones will go through, Talk to someone anyone,

2006-10-11 09:34:30 · answer #8 · answered by jimmy fan101 2 · 0 0

Honestly you have it all wrong! God loves you! You are probably thinking yeah right, so they say. He truly does, and he knows what you are going through. How can he help you though until you reach out for him? You can't see God work in your life unless you accept his son who died on the cross for all of us! You are a prince because your father is a KING! He brought you into this world for a purpose, allow him to show you what this purpose is. You can't look to the world for anything, as you know the world will let you down time and time again. There is on person who you can always count on, God! I know absolutely nothing about you but my heart breaks for you. I have not walked in your shoes nor you in mine. I will not judge but know that the Bible tells us that no one has the right to take life but God himself. Do you know where you would spend eternity? Look at all the pain and suffering that Jesus went through. Are we not going to go through the same things? That is what the Bible tells us. He never said that it would be easy but if you trust in him he will not forsake you. Try it, have faith and trust in him. You have absolutely nothing to loose!! I will be praying for you! Good bless!!!!!

2006-10-11 10:15:41 · answer #9 · answered by Kim M 2 · 0 0

Yes this world is a mean place and life is hard but it is worth living! Do you have any relatives? Think of what it would do to them if you killed yourself. What they would have to go through...is it fair? There are many things to be thankful for. I live in chronic pain every day of my life, it's hard for me to sleep, I don't go anywhere because I am not able. If you are healthy consider yourself very blessed and enjoy the life you've been given. If you want your life to change you have the power to do it. You can change your life for the better.Be thankful for the things you do have...like a healthy body. Even though i am in constant pain...I still am thankful for what I do have and for every day God gives me.

2006-10-12 01:16:35 · answer #10 · answered by vanhammer 7 · 0 0

I have found out, that my life is exactly what I have made of it. I feel so sorry that you are going through difficult days. Some days we all dislike the way things are going, but then the next day, life seems to be getting better. I beg of you, Please do not commit suicide. It is such a terrible way to die and your family would be devastated. I saw a photo of a man who committed suicide and the expression on his face was terrible tormented. Any one who commits suicide is going to suffer. Not only that you will be breaking one of Gods Commandments, on Thou Shalt Not Kill !! If you kill youself, then you can not ask God for forgiveness. Many people don't know you. I don't know you and I want to tell you, that I do care for you. I want you to live and only when God calls us home, can we go. I do not want you to live in hell. I want for you to be saved and go to Heaven, when God calls you home. There are many people who care deeply for you. God says: Ask and Ye Shall Recieve. Just ask God to Help you. SIncerely turn your thoughts to God. HE LOVES YOU !! YOUR FAMILY LOVES YOU !! They would miss you terrible and if you have Children, they might follow in your footsteps. So I am asking for you to turn the hate around and think about LOVE !! I know people LOVE you. Hang in there and don't let satan take you over. May God bless you and keep you safe, Always. Think Positive and think of LOVE.

2006-10-11 09:34:59 · answer #11 · answered by Norskeyenta 6 · 0 0

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