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Away from what some muslims doing as unrespect to others and other things they do , they are not realy true muslims and they will have their punishment .SO PLEASE OPEN TO ME YOUR MIND AND YOUR HEART:
I know that u know few things about QURAAN and may u donot.
It is realy the most great holly book I have ever read after aprolonged search and arabs knowthat well as its words of agreat accuracy and realy affects your fealings even if u listened to it and u do not understand their meanings AND WHEN U UNDERSTAND THE MEANINGS u will feel agreat sensation of respect and tranquility .
Any way I will show u realy afew examples that prove that it is realy THE TRUTH AND AHOLY BOOK:
·The stages of creation of humans are present in details in it .
·The sphericity of the earth is explained in it and after that is proved .
·One of the miracles of prophet Mohammed is the fission of the moon to 2 halves as the people asked him to ask ALLAH that to believe him recently NASA proved that .
·Many scientists became muslims after knowing the miraculous nature of it.
·The famous Arm STRONG (the first one who land on the moon) heard avoice from the earth while he was on the moon after descending to the earth he heard that sound coming from a mosque he asked about that voice it was the sound calling for praying he read about islam and became amuslim.
·The sky was created from smoke and that is present in it and scientists who discovered that also became muslims.
·I swear that all of above are true and they are very few examples I have mentioned.
·Realy from my deep heart I hope u to find the truth and I hope to all of u happiness in your life , ISLAM IS THE RELIGION OF MORALS,PEACE AND LOVE .

2006-10-11 08:51:26 · 14 answers · asked by ghada.abassy 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

14 answers

Very nice Speech!!!
Now go convince the Muslim terrorists that their religion is one of morals, peace and love. Hurry!!!!

2006-10-11 08:59:25 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

MAN. Could have phooled me.

Sura.5:51 disdains the Jews. Mohammed said, “The last hour will not come before the Muslims fight the Jews, and the Muslims kill them.” (Mishkat Al Masabih Sh.M. Ashraf pp.147, 721, 810-11, 1130).

Islam divides the world into dar al-Islam (the house of peace) and dar al-Harb (the house of war). To bring "peace," Allah commands, "I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads! (8:13); Slay the idolaters wherever you find them...(9:5); O Prophet, struggle with the unbelievers and hypocrites and be thou harsh with them...(9:73); Believers, make war on the infidels that dwell around you..." (9:123). Perpetual jihad is commanded until all the world is under sharia. Nor would that bring peace, because Muslims fight among themselves, as history testifies.

2006-10-11 09:03:58 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Regrettably, you incite a feeling of disrespect when you make these assertions in the form of a question. Many people in this forum appear to have read the Quran. I can respect the work of the man Mohammad in uniting his people, but disagree with his visions, recanted from childhood and historically shown to have derived from close proximity with both Christian and Jewish doctrines as he lived with his uncle. I do not believe he was a prophet but think he was a great leader, despite his lack of morals in some areas of his life. Can you respect my right to study the significance of the Quran and/or it's legitimacy? It appears to be the work of a leader, not a prophet. I am sorry you don't seem to respect my intellectual study of Islam. You will convert no one who takes a scholarly look at the facts. I believe that with all my being.

2006-10-11 09:03:17 · answer #3 · answered by reformed 3 · 0 0

I learn a great form of it. it truly is boring and repetitive. you're claims approximately the Quran predicting medical certainty fall speedy. To take one occasion, the levels of human production, the Quran says we are sperm blended with a blood clot. Oops. no longer actual. additionally, if the Quran develop into as quickly as so scientifically complicated, how come the Muslims did no longer observe that the Quran suggested that until eventually a good number of diverse scientists first shown it to be actual? From what you suggested, the Muslims will would desire to be leaps and obstacles earlier than the remainder of society in technologies, thinking the shown fact that the Quran supposedly already had each and all the suggestions. it somewhat is because of the certainty you are going to take any concept and rationalize how the Quran (or another enormous e e book) references it. you may mine any enormous text cloth for some concern that sorta kinda seems locate it impossible to resist could reference it, at an identical time as "interpretted" the "superb" technique. faith is superstition.

2016-10-02 04:59:05 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I have read the Q'ran. And I got the version I read from the local mosque.

What I learned is that Jews & Christians have three choices:

1. Convert.
2. Pay Jizya and be second class citizens.
3. Die.

believers of other faiths, and nonbelievers, lose #2, so their choice is 'convert or die'.

This is not a peaceful religion.

There are millions of peaceful muslims. According to the Q'ran, Allah is pissedoff at them for not proving his dominion.

2006-10-11 09:14:19 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


The Revelation___ revealed to the Prophet__ is Al-Quran. The contents whereof are, doubtlessly, truthful. It is a living Scripture__ which provides instant guidance__ for every problem. Whosoever is desirous to seek guidance to the Straight Path___ he should, immediately, consult this Scripture. Manner of consultation is, however highly important.

The person who is desirous to consult the Holy Quran__ should be at first__ in a neat and clean condition___ like those of the pious-ones. Then, he should sit in solitude__ and solemnly pronounce:-

“I take refuge in my Lord, One and Alone God of all, against Satan and his trickery. O’Lord, You are the Beneficent and the Merciful and the Almighty God. Lead me towards the Right path, the path of those whom you blessed, not of those, whom you cursed.”

Thereafter, he should open the Holy Quran. He will find the requisite guidance__ by the Grace of our Gracious Lord__ on the opened page__ in clear & vivid terms of the Verses.

Beware please! It is an open and oft-repeated offer of the Lord__ that whosoever will seek guidance__ from the Lord__ the Lord will guide him__ definitely. So, those who are ambitious for direct guidance__ they should resort to the Lord__ through the Holy Quran__ directly.

Holy Quran is the Scripture for all__ and all times__ till the Day of Resurrection. Rather, even after that__ as the reward or retribution of the deeds__ will be given according to the laws of Quran. So__ Quran is for all times__ and for the whole mankind__ irrespective of the caste, colour__ and creed. The man as a man__ or the mankind as the most glorified creature of the Lord___ is the central addressee of the Holy Quran. According to the Holy Quran__ whosoever commits the following wrongs___ he can not be held as worthy of the title of “man.”

1.The one who tell lies.

2.The one who does not honour his words/pledges/promises.

3.The one who does not ensure justice.

4.The one who does not safeguard his character.

5.The one who earns his livelihood by unfair means.

6.The one who leads a lustful life.

7.The one who usurps the rights of others.

8.The one who prefers the world upon Hereafter.

9.The one who is not thankful to the Lord, his God.

10.The one who does not seek forgiveness for his or her sins from the Lord Al-Mighty.

But__ whosoever avoids these wrongs__ he is positively worthy of the title of “man”. The Law of the Lord__ in this regard__ is very simple and clear. The Lord does guide such people__ who seek guidance from the Lord__ just in terms of the Humanity. “God Also helps those who help themselves.”

Guidance from the Lord should, therefore, be always sought__ sincerely and wholeheartedly. No pretension or contradiction__ in words and deeds__ is allowable in the kingdom of the Lord. Because such a condition__ may lead to a disaster__ in the world as well as the Hereafter.

Beware please! A neat and clean thing__ is always kept in a neat and clean place. Same is the case of a neat-hearted and clear-headed person. The person__ who leads a pure and pious life__ will be definitely chosen by the Lord__ for positive reward__ in the world as well as Hereafter. So__ kingdom of Heaven is a place meant for__ the pure and pious alone. It is not meant for___ the impure and impious, at all.

Holy Quran tells us about the true believers of the Lord. The true believers of the Lord__ do speak of the Lord__ in terms of the prediction of Jesus. Praise be to the Lord__ these true believers/servants/Muslims of the Lord__ are speaking of the Lord__ with reference to the Lord’s Absolute Oneness or Monotheism__ for the last 1415 years__ or even more, persistently. The followers of Jesus__ should positively recognize them __ and their mission__ the both__ as that is the standing demand from Jesus, himself__ in terms of his prayer on the cross__ the psalm-22.

2006-10-11 20:55:31 · answer #6 · answered by ibn adam 4 · 0 0

Why do some Muslims feel that they have to lie to defend the faith?

It is sad that lying is allowed in Islam for this purpose!

read below:


July 14,1983

Mr. Phil Parshall Director
Asian Research Center
International Christian
Fellowship 29524 Bobrich
Livonia, Michigan 48152

Dear Mr. Parshall:

Mr. Armstrong has asked me to reply to your letter and
to thank you for the courtesy of your inquiry.

The reports of his conversion to Islam and of hearing
the voice of Adzan on the moon and elsewhere are all

Several publications in Malaysia, Indonesia and other
countries have published these reports without verifi-
cation. We apologize for any inconvenience that this
incompetent journalism may have caused you.

Subsequently, Mr. Armstrong agreed to participate in a
telephone interview, reiterating his reaction to these
stories. I am enclosing copies of the United States
State Department's communications prior to and after
that interview.


Vivian White
Administrative Aide

2006-10-11 09:02:16 · answer #7 · answered by C 7 · 0 0

I know that the Qur'an is more interesting than your question.

Neil Armstrong became a Muslim on the same day that Charles Darwin and Albert Einstein became Christians, by the way.

2006-10-11 08:53:50 · answer #8 · answered by XYZ 7 · 2 1

Barak ALLAH Fiky , But why you do this effort to proof that Quran & Islam is the Truth ? Those others who share in this program , Share only to fight islam and they don't need your advice or explanation , GOD are enough to proove his right & Last religion.
Give your effort & advice only to whom who need it or ask about it, Not for those who doesn't clean themselves of their **** ( Khara) .

2006-10-11 09:05:40 · answer #9 · answered by bobola 2 · 0 0

No it is full of lies and as are most , you can brain wash children at a young age and have them believe in any of what may it be

2006-10-11 09:02:56 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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