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You all say send the illegal mexicans home but in reality not all spanish speaking people are from Mexico they are from various other countries. Why don't you get upset when people from Cuba come here and are granted their legal status. Than they come here and get what people have waited years to get. Alot of people wait years to be granted legal status, and cubans touch american soil and are granted legal status. They are doing the same as other people and are rewarded. Why don't you have anything to say about that? Why is it when someone speaks spanish, they are automatically Mexican. People are dumb, that is why I can guarantee if you look at your family tree your ancestors immigrated here also . So instead of sending them back you go back This is a nation made up of Immigrants that means everyone but Native Americans ,immigrated here. Think of that next time you make your racist comments about Mexicans or any other race.

2006-10-11 08:49:33 · 27 answers · asked by smileighoklahoma 2 in Politics & Government Immigration

27 answers

They just don't have any thing better to do with their time. If you have a difference of opinion and are not a racists, I am not referring to you.

2006-10-11 09:48:46 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Maybe instead of your last little comment (which in unfounded) you educate yourself about the points you just made. If they say "send the illegal Mexicans home" then they would be speaking of only illegal Mexicans. If they say illegal immigrants or illegal aliens, they are speaking of ALL illegal people here. Cubans are not granted legal status when they come here... they are here illegally from their little manmade boats and such as anybody and are constantly caught and sent home. I have no idea where you get your information from but you are being completely mislead. I have yet to hear anyone say publicly, on here, or anywhere else that all people that speak Spanish are Mexican - so instead of calling other people dumb or racist you should look at yourself... because you are the one making unfounded comments about people's nationality.
Maybe instead of being on here, making ridiculous, unfounded, and uneducated comments you should crack a book. People that are not Native American are not necessarily immigrants. The definition of immigrants is movement of people from one nation-state to another, where they are not citizens - if there was no country then there were no immigrants and don't think that Native American's spontaneously appeared here. In order to have immigration there needs to be a country to immigrate too. My ancestors built this country and made this country so now there is such a thing as immigrants.
This nation is made up of immigrants, legal ones, and it needs to stay that way.... illegal immigrants are not welcome in any country why would the US be any different

2006-10-11 09:13:53 · answer #2 · answered by katjha2005 5 · 1 0

Mexicans make up the largest percentage of illegal immigrants in the United States, this is why people automatically assume if you're illegal then you must be from Mexico. Does it even really matter? Illegal is illegal.
The email that guy posted was full of BS. Who cares if people pass you on the street and call you cracker, honkey, whitey, etc? Minorities have been called worse for hundreds of years and still have to work 1000 times harder to get away from all the stereotypes whites have labeled them with. Being white in America is a blessing, stop crying. A lot of those opinions are biased. White people do have a WET (White Entertainment Television), it's called NBC, ABC, CBS, etc. White people have the Emmy's, The Golden Globes, The SAG Awards, the Academy Awards, the Oscars, etc. When it takes a black woman (Halle Berry) 74 years to win an Oscar, it's a problem. White people have white history month every month of the year, you have white pride day every day of the year, and just being white in this country is an advancement in your life. I could sit here all day and counter everything it said, but it's not worth the time or effort. Some white people wallow in their own oblivion, they all have it a lot better than the rest of us.

2006-10-11 09:29:42 · answer #3 · answered by trafficjams 4 · 0 0

The problem I have with illegal immigrants is that they are drain on our society as far as medical and our schools go. They are illegal so they don't pay taxes yet their children go to our schools and they receive free medical because the ER cant turn them away cuz they are illegal.... I am fully aware that not all illegal immigrants are from Mexico but it depends on where you live in the states as to which country the majority of illegals are from. Where I live it is Mexico. I have no problem with people that want to come to America to get a better life but they need to follow the laws and do it LEGALLY just like I would if I decided to become a citizen of or move to another country.

The race card is getting old. My dads new girlfriend was here illegally for 10 years and deported back to England. She is white and I felt the same way about her and her daughter being sent back than I do the Mexican family living across the street from me that are here illegally.

Oh and by the way: "Native Americans" immigrated to what is now American soil. Some scientist believe they are of Poleynesian decent so do your research next time.

2006-10-11 09:02:17 · answer #4 · answered by Kristin Pregnant with #4 6 · 2 1

I totally agree with every word you are saying. People have been moving to other country's for thousands of yrs. Now it's a problem? None of this started until 9/11 hit and it had nothing to do with Mexico. If illegals is such a big problem why didn't the government do something about it along time ago? The real problem is people are too stubborn and stuck up to get to know other races and their culture. The unfamiliar scares people also they know they would be wrong. The American people are too spoiled and pampered and if we all would pull our heads out of our butts we would see that the world has much more to offer if we would all treat each other with respect and stop judging one another by a first glimpse. The American people treat each other in the same way so what can you expect and yes I am an American citizen born and raised and i'm ashamed by the way my brothers and sisters treat people because not everyone speaks the same language. No one owns this land we have all shared it at some point. Whats the point of living on this earth if we all cant have a piece of what it has to offer?

2006-10-11 09:03:46 · answer #5 · answered by Curious J. 5 · 0 3

If someone says send all illegal Mexicans home, then obviously they are talking about Mexicans. I don't think that all illegals are Mexican or that all Spanish-speaking people are Mexican. I want anyone who is here illegally to go home. My ancestors were not here illegally because there were no immigration laws when they came here. Everyone who comes here now needs to do it the legal way.

2006-10-11 08:59:05 · answer #6 · answered by Niecy 6 · 5 0

First of all, I would never make a racist comment about anyone.

Second, illegal is illegal, and it does not matter where someone originated if they are in this country illegally.

Third, why do you assume that everyone thinks all Spanish speakers are Mexican? I don't know anyone who makes that generalization. But again, where they are from does not matter. Their legal status does.

My ancestors were Russian, but they came legally through Ellis Island. I wish everyone could build the life they want here and get the American Dream. Just follow the rules and respect our laws and you are welcome here.

2006-10-11 08:55:46 · answer #7 · answered by ItsJustMe 7 · 3 0

Of course we realize they are not all from Mexico.

However, we need to have limits on how many poor people come because poor people do not make enough money to pay taxes high enough to even cover their family's education, much less health care or other services which poor people tend to use more than others. The rest of us have to make up the difference in cost, and our schools and health care are degraded by the drain in services. Legal immigrants are budgeted for, and we agree to pay their difference in those costs. Illegal immigrants are budget busters who are ruining our children's schools and draining other services that we need for our own sick and poor.

All of our families at some point were immigrants but followed the rules in existance at the time our families came. Regardless of what our families may have done, we are the ones paying for the schools and we are the ones who built the infrastructure, economy and services that makes people want to come. Sure, a lot of people would like to have us pay their way. It is a good deal for them. Their better life is at our expense, however.

Limits are needed, and that means not everyone who wants to come and have us pay for their children's education will get to do that.

2006-10-11 10:15:05 · answer #8 · answered by DAR 7 · 0 0

Uh, Cubans are ESCAPING from a communist country, while Mexicans are only escaping poverty...they are not being killed for their political beliefs or imprisoned as in Cuba.

My family was immigrants who came here legally. I welcome any Mexicans and others who follow the same arduous process, regardless of whether they ever learn English. But to come here illegally, whether from Ireland or Mexico or Vietnam, is just wrong. Send them back and tell them how to immigrate here legally.

Oh, and "native" Americans crossed over the Bering Strait, so they weren't "here" anymore than my ancestors were.

2006-10-11 08:53:19 · answer #9 · answered by kingstubborn 6 · 1 1

I believe that you are putting words into people's mouths. What I read is people calling them "illegals."

And, please, the native American argument has been played to death. Do a search on the other thousand people who tried that line. There is no moral equivalence. The native Americans did not have a constitution or any laws about who could or could not enter their territory. There is absolutely no similarity.

And please stop playing the race card. It's old and used. It has no power any more because you guys use it every time you hear an idea that you don't like. Did you ever hear the story of the little boy who cried, "Wolf!"?


2006-10-11 08:58:14 · answer #10 · answered by FozzieBear 7 · 5 0

Then why is the biggest part of illegals from Latin America. If you want all Immigrants here then why can Mexico have a border we can't? Why can the rest of world have borders but we can't. What other country has laws they can not even enforce?

2006-10-11 09:16:57 · answer #11 · answered by Zoe 4 · 1 0

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