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Most by my last question insist that Christians, Jews, and Islam have the same god. How then can a christian be an infidel?? This would make Christianity a sect of Islam.
When Islam makes attacks against the infidels then they attack their own family.. Wouldn't these be cases of attacking someone to convert them from allah to allah? This doesn't make sense to me.. Please explain..
Nigeria: Student Eight Months in Hiding after Escape from Stoning
Egypt: Christian Girl Escapes Muslim Kidnappers
An Egyptian Christian teenager escaped her Muslim kidnappers last week hours after they had drugged her on a public bus. While holding her captive, they threatened to rape her and convert her to Islam if her family did not leave their Nile Delta city of El-Mahala el-Kobra.

2006-10-11 07:38:49 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

No dear friends, it is so obvious we dont have the same God ,becouse Bible was written in thousands of years by different person who didnt know eachother and the prophecys were hundreds of years distant to eachother but yet fulfilled with acuracy in Jesus person and other matters . Mohamed came and bring his own book in a life time and claim that he is the last prophet without any suport from the Bible but himself , in The Bible the lineage of prophets ends with Jesus becouse he was the fulfilment of all the prophecys ,( thats why he said "I came not to destroy but to fulfill the law ") All the prophets starting with Moses talked abt the coming of the Saviour ,so after Jesus there was no need abt "another prophet " . First Mohamed tryed to imposed his claims that he is a prophet on jews and christians but they ,becouse they knew the Bible realize he is a false prophet and rejected him ,then the only one left it was the politheists who didnt know the Biblie and they believed him he is a prophet ,especially that he promised them wars booty ,female captives and lands from those who they attacked ,aha and virgins in heaven in case they loose their life for allah ,:))) It is very funny how muslims clams that Bible is changed and corupt, but their prophet claims that Quran is a confirmation of the Bible , So dear muslims dont u see how u contradict urself ?? No talking abt that quran contains logical errors ,"scientifical miracols" hahaha "The sun set in a muddy spring " hahahaah yeaahhhh dear muslims when the sun will set in a muudy spring I agree that this will be a miracol . :)))

2006-10-11 15:59:57 · answer #1 · answered by bia b 2 · 0 1

Very good question that needs to be answered with questions.
How could Christians enslave other people?, but we did.
How could we condemn witches? But we did.
How could Hitler claim to be Christian?, but he did.
How can the KKK claim to be Christians? They do.
American Nazi's claim to be Christian.

There have been cases of religious types mincing the words to suit their causes. Islam preaches peacefulness, only the extremists use the term, infidel, to justify their own actions. If you see someone or some group as your enemy, then you want to condemn them.

But you are correct as to having the same God. But also this is nothing new. And remember that there are millions of Muslims that are not terrorists and do not agree with them. Many of them have been killed too. And, of course, there are the factions, Shite, Sunni, and others who kill each other, go figure. Most of the deaths in Iraq have been Muslims killed by other Muslims.

The Muslim president of Iran wants to destroy Israel. Because they are Jews? No. Because they are there. It is about the land not the religion. But because Israel is a Jewish State then all Jews are bad. If Israel was an atheist state, all atheists would be bad. Christianity and Islam, as a whole, get along quite well and have much tolerance for each other. But people have used religion many times over the centuries to justify bad things.

I was in a southern state, off the beaten path and talking to a Christian person about things in general. When we talked about drunk drivers, he said matter of factly, "they should be pulled out of their cars and shot to death." And I don't think he was kidding.
Not very Christian but , go figure.

2006-10-11 08:10:18 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Primarily, as I understand it, because they are not faithful to the teachings of the prophet Mohammed. That they are "people of the book" does not make them less the infidel.

It is true that Christians, Jews, and Islam have the same god, it is the nature of God that we (in part) disagree on. "Allah" is the Arabic word for "God". How someone else translates the word may reflect their ignorance or cultural, ethnic, or religious bias.

But your examples are extremes of religious hatred! I don't know much about Nigeria, but the Egyptian story would probably outrage most Egyptians, whether Moslem or not. Having faith does not mean sacrificing intellectual integrity. Citing isolated cases of brutality by thugs does not bring anything but hatred to the discussion.

Here are some Christian examples of punishments for heresy:

Death by beheading:
"The first heretic to be executed was Priscillian of Avila. Having been condemned for heresy by a synod... ...Priscillian and six of his followers [were] beheaded at Treves in 385. This act was approved by a synod which met at Treves in the same year..."

Death by burning, strangulation, or drowning:
"Although the [Catholic] church never specifically sanctioned burning once a heretic had been ‘relaxed’ to the secular arm, it was always perfectly well aware that this would be the result. If the heretic confessed after sentence had already been passed then it was usually commuted to strangulation by the executioner before the pyre was lit. In any case the victim often suffocated before the flames reached them although a skilled executioner could prevent this if instructed. In some jurisdictions burning was not the punishment used, for example the Venetians drowned traitors and heretics"

Punishments like these and the crimes you have described are considered reprehensible by _true_ followers of ALL religions.

2006-10-11 07:43:25 · answer #3 · answered by MrLou 3 · 1 2

Actually Islam recognized Christ as a Prophet, but does not recognize the fact that he was crucified. They believe god (Allah) just made everone think that it was Jesus on the cross. They also consider Jews and Christians to be of the "Book", but they both are Infidels because they haven't accepted Muhammed as the one true Prophet. Christians are more acceptable because they consider them to have just strayed from the truth. They hate Jews because the Jews denounced Muhammed and fought against him. They hate pagans (any other religion) even more. Islam is the most intolerant religion on earth.
They also have double standards. When they attacked the Christian and Jewish kingdoms of the Middle East (almost all of Egypt, Israel, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, and Turkey was part of the Holy Roman Empire and was Christian) and converted them by the sword that was correct and proper, but then the Christian Kindoms of Europe retaliated for it by conducting the Crusades. We have been apologizing for it ever since because it was "unwarranted" aggression to try to take back formerly Christian lands. By the way, the capital of the Holy Roman Empire was Constantinople... Which is now Istanbul. I am suprised we haven't been forced to apologize from keeping them from taking all of Europe and the Spanish apologizing for taking back Spain. The Spanish Reconquista was one of the Crusades, but it isn't talked about much because the Spanish won.

2006-10-11 07:54:53 · answer #4 · answered by Biggen 2 · 2 2

I actually thought you had a question there. Turns out it's a rant.

'Infidel' (and 'scoffer' and 'hypocrite') really refers mostly to polytheists. The Qur'an has a few quotes against Christians and Jews but mostly the so-called 'people of the book' are meant to be treated with respect - like 'almost-Muslims', so to speak.

As to the Nigerian and Egyptian examples you give, all I can say is that the world is a complex place.

2006-10-11 07:44:29 · answer #5 · answered by XYZ 7 · 0 1

Sword / Lord,
There is a lot of disparity in Islam. Disparity in the sense that their beloved Qu'ran teaches many different Muslims different things, and also disparity in that they conveniently ignore what the part of the Bible they claim to believe is ignored. If the Torah is true, as some have admitted here on Y!A, then they are in a false religion. They simply cannot make the connection.

2006-10-11 07:58:18 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I think Muslims' ideas of an "infidel" are those who don't believe Muhammad was a true prophet. It's not based on the same God argument. It's based on the prophet argument.

By the way, I don't believe we all worship the same God. After all, if we did believe in the same God, then Muslims would believe Jesus was the Son of God, and not just a prophet.

2006-10-11 07:50:33 · answer #7 · answered by Nep-Tunes 6 · 3 1

coz u make a partner with god u didn't worship only the god and u call a prophet "the god".

some ppl made their words and said its god's word for few money so bible get changed "why then u have different statments?" .

u make Jesus the son of the god but god is the only god and he doesnt have sons or wife coz he can create anything from nothing .

u didn't believe in the last prophet Mohamed peace be up on him .

u didn't believe of the last holy book qur'an.

u made fun of our believe and u didn't even follow ur bible .

its a big mistake that u didn't believe ur god and worship him at the same time .

2006-10-11 07:50:30 · answer #8 · answered by Alone 4 · 1 2

People need to see Islam for exactly what it is; It's nothing more than ancient Arabic customs and tradition. Stoning women, and seeking vengeance is deeply embedded in the in Arabic Culture..it has nothing to do with religion.

2006-10-11 11:39:14 · answer #9 · answered by Roxton P 4 · 0 1

You sure have it all wrong. Allah is not god. Only Jehovah is GOD. Before you make yourself look like an idiot again you should maybe be sure of your information before you spout a bunch of baloney!!!!!!!

2006-10-11 07:57:31 · answer #10 · answered by cobravetor 3 · 1 1

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