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I just don't think every word of the Bible is accurate. I'm sorry...while I know that many parts have been true, well many have been proven to be inaccurate through science. My point is that I will never believe that someone has the choice of being homosexual or not. I will never believe that a woman "should be submissive" to her husband. I do believe that Jesus died for our sins though. My problem is that I can't go t church w/o being looked down on, etc. Also, I would believe the bible if there weren;t so many contradictions, but I just can't. How can I have a strong faith w/o being ignorant and blinded?

2006-10-11 06:20:13 · 43 answers · asked by klove28 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I don't want to be an atheist and I'm not the anti-christ! gosh! I just mean that even the pope says that people should not be completely close-minded and take note of new discoveries and research.

2006-10-11 07:14:51 · update #1

wow...i'm definitely not going to ask such serious questions on something like this. thanks to the half of you that saw where i was coming from or were atleast respecful. as for the rest of you, your self-righteous attitude is sadly what draws people away from Christanity.

2006-10-11 10:33:57 · update #2

43 answers

"I just don't think every word of the Bible is accurate."
Because it isn't, it was written over a thousand years after the accounts took place. There are errors in the bible.

"I'm sorry...while I know that many parts have been true, well many have been proven to be inaccurate through science."
Not aware of any scientific evidence that contradicts the bible, but there are contradictions within the bible itself. As stories go down, things are added to and taken away from.

"My point is that I will never believe that someone has the choice of being homosexual or not."
So? That's your opinion, and there is nothing wrong with having an opinion.

"I will never believe that a woman "should be submissive" to her husband."
(See above response.)

"I do believe that Jesus died for our sins though."
Good, then you have salvation.

"My problem is that I can't go t church w/o being looked down on, etc."
Then do not go to that church. *A church is defined as 2 or more people discussing their faith and beliefs in God.

"Also, I would believe the bible if there weren;t so many contradictions, but I just can't."
Use the bible as it is meant to be used, as a guideline. Use your faith, and you will be led in the right direction. Faith first, bible second.

"How can I have a strong faith w/o being ignorant and blinded?"
Easy, believe that Jesus is your Saviour (which you said that you did.) Live your life with morals, and dignity, apologize when you are wrong, and standup when you are right. Live your life to be something that your dad would be proud of, and then your Father will be proud.

2006-10-11 06:39:18 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

By logic if you believe that there are inaccuracies in the Bible, then the entire Bible is then questionable and so is your faith. Either the Bible is the inspired word of God or it's just a bunch of stories.

I wish your question was worded more specifically than generally because I am not aware of any science that has proven that something in the Bible is false. There are things in the Bible that science can not explain, but that doesn't mean that it's false.

As far as contridictions, again you should be specifie. Most things that are labeled as contridicting can be explained when they are put into the proper context. Again, If the Bible is the inspired word of God, why would their be any contradictions? Do you believe that God would inspire contradictory statements? Do you believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God?

Homosexuality was condemned in the Bible so why should it be different in todays society. Why do think Sodom and Gomorah was destroyed.

Ephesians 5:22, Wives, submit to your own husband. This submission is not the husbands to command but for the wife to willingly and lovingly offer as she would God. If the husband is acting in a Godly manner why would any wife be unwilling to "submit". This type of husband would not use or misuse this verse for his own benifit or to put his wife down. I think the word submit has to much of a negative impression in today's society.

Step back and reflect on this. The way to eternity is through a gate that is very narrow. The more you allow self and society into the equation the more doubtful you become. Either the Bible is the inspired word of God as stated in the Bible or it's not. If it's not than nothing in it can be totally trusted as the truth. If it is from God then everything should be believed because God would not contradict Himself or falsify information within it. It comes down to an all or nothing proposition. There can't be any partial truths in the word of God.

2006-10-11 07:15:48 · answer #2 · answered by Rick D 4 · 0 0

I'm in the same boat. I'm Canadian and although raised Anglican, I often attend a local Catholic church. I actually went through the Alpha program a year ago and I found myself really connecting to a belief in Jesus but I had a really hard time digesting all of the doctrine and judgement that frequently comes up in that situation. And although I intend the greatest respect to the church, I can't help but feel like a hypocrite for standing there while they advise the congregation to write to gov't to change the same sex marriage legislation. I believe in acceptance and I can't agree with that intolerance. I really believe that the real msgs Jesus had were about love, not being judgemental, helping the poor, asking forgiveness... Christianity was the first religion to be accessible -- Jesus spoke in the street to the common people rather than just the educated, elite and wealthy. He also said "judge not lest ye be judged" and "do unto others as you would have done unto you". I just can't see keeping an entire group of the population from taking part in marriage (an act that is about commitment, love and monogamy!) as very Christian.

The conclusion that I've come to is to listen more to the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) since those are Jesus' teachings and therefore at the core of Christianity and the guiding principles that we should live by. These are the same principles that exist in many other religions as well and although I'm more comfortable with Christianity than any other religion due to my upbringing, I still don't dismiss other people's ideology.

Words of wisdom:
Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.

I once heard someone on the radio who disagreed with the church's stand on gay marriage being asked why they still attended if it went against their beliefs. They said "because it's my church too and I'm not going to let them push me out". I thought it was a good point.

2006-10-11 06:52:03 · answer #3 · answered by Lisa N 2 · 0 0

Martin Luther said it best:

"Reason is a whore and the enemy of faith."

Girl you sound like me about two years ago. Now I'm an atheist.

If I were you I would start looking into the histories of other religions predating Christianity. You'll find that the idea of Virgin Births, Resurection, eternal life, and messianic figures existed long before (and were talking millenium before) there was ever mention of YHWH let alone Jesus.

Most importantly try to find dry unbasised info tanks. Asking your pastor about your doubts would be like asking George Bush whether or not he's doing a good job.

At the same time asking a stone cold atheist will lead you in the right direction. If you want a purely factual evidence based look at your faith and those that created it. Give me a ring. I'll take you on a journey that spans over 5000 years and when you are done you can decide for your self.

I became an atheist out of acceptance. The research I did simply showed the fallacies of the modern day demi-religions and proved that if there is a God... we aren't praying to him.

Let me know.

2006-10-11 06:26:14 · answer #4 · answered by curtaincaller 2 · 1 1

Good to know you're at least trying to read what's in the Bible. Most people do not even read the Bible, but just take the word of those religious leaders in charge of their organizations.
Technically, to be a "true Christian," you will have to follow what the Bible says. Then there's understanding the "why this and why that" questions that are in your mind. You can go and ask a non-major religion believer to get some understanding on some of your questions (like a Jehovah's Witness or something like that). Ask around. Research your answers. This should help eventually.
As for your two questions though about homosexuality and submissiveness, those are stated in the Bible, plain and simple. For a female to say, "why should I be submissive to my husband," is usually because of pride and envy. Yet the scriptures also point to the husband to care for his wife, showing plenty of love, etc. In other words, the husband better show great respect and lots of loving to the wife, if she's expected to be submissive in some major decision making. He should'nt be dominating, controlling, etc. After all there can only be one driver in the car, so to speak. The husband is given charge, but not absolute power.
As for being homosexual, it is banned in the Bible. It's also unnatural. You can't procreate. Our bodies are not made for this kind of love, so to speak. You mention that some homosexuals can't help themselves. True, but that line can be used for a criminal who "can't help himself " from stealing. Is it his fault? Can he change his ways if he's willing? With a homosexual, perhaps they're hardwired to act this way, but to me it's more of a birth defect then, which is not normal.
God made Adam and Eve perfect. Unfortunately, their rebellion lost them the privilege of perfection, as well as their descendents. Hence the problems we have nowadays. The Bible predicts a major correction in the future (see Revelations), that will bring us back to this perfect state in some distant future. If at that time we choose to act unchristianly, then that will be a major problem for those people (total destruction for them). Only time will tell.

2006-10-11 06:39:41 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You have an inquisitive mind and are not willing to swallow the bill of goods being handed to you by organized religion and the mega-churches. Good for you.

It wasn't all that long ago that being a Christian didn't require to you to be a knee-jerk, strict constructionist, so-called conservative, fundamentalist, zombie drone. It used to only require that you followed the teachings of Jesus Christ and tried to live a good, righteous life. Now you have to vote a certain way, think a certain way and never, ever question the will of the majority of so-called Christians.

If you are being looked down on by the people at the church you've chosen, you should consider finding another less-intolerant church.

2006-10-11 06:29:56 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

My religion is Christian although many other Christians believe what my religion is is not. And everything you have said about putting women down and so forth. In the mormon religion if you cast down upon your mother sister wife then you are at fault and you will be severely punished for it in the "afterlife"/2nd coming. It isn't recommend that you treat any one with disrepect because they are different. People are People and they will do what every the want at times. Reguardless if it is against gods word. That is why we all have the power to forgive each other. I think Maybe you should search around for a different Christian church. and I hope you find happiness.

2006-10-11 06:26:59 · answer #7 · answered by tjnw79 4 · 0 0

Don't feel bad about what you're doing. It's good. That free-thinking, questioning part of you is calling out... don't shut it back up.

I'm not a Christian but it's definitely possible to be one and not believe every single word in the Bible. Besides, isn't the most important thing to follow in the example of Christ? Isn't the most important thing to lead how Christ led, and be kind and helpful and good to your fellow man? It doesn't matter if you take all the miracles and supernatural stuff literally, because in my humble opinion, the overall teachings are what matter, not whether or not every single word is totally historically accurate.

2006-10-11 06:25:57 · answer #8 · answered by . 7 · 2 0

if you believe in the trinity-father son & holy ghost-you are a beliver-there my be some missed placed , s or words here & their but the bible is very accurate-- i do belive that you choose to be gay by choise it is not a medical malfuction. then again when sin came in who knowes? as far as a wife being in submission yes as long as the man does not become an A.H. with his athourty. as a couple we are to work to geather for the good of the family-i know some men & women think that what they say is law but that is wrong-when a final desicion is to be made it should be the man & if he is wrong then the blame or sin is on his head & he will have to answer to GOD for that choiuse-cause women arnt dumb falowers.don't worry what outher people think [love GOD & do whats right]& their are no contredictions in the bible-have read it 3 times from cover to cover-it is line upon line precepit upon precepit-here a little their a little- hope this helps
GOD bless
happy day
old geezer

2006-10-11 06:43:01 · answer #9 · answered by Charles W 6 · 0 0

I don't believe the Bible has contradictions, if you read and study properly you will see that the Bible reiterates itself rather than contradict.

As far as homosexuality, God gave us the ability to choose our way in life, we all have choices and the devil tempts us each in different ways. It is up to us to stay true to God's word. The devil knows our weaknesses and we must look to God for strength to overcome those temptations.

When the Bible speaks of submissiveness, it does not mean a woman must obey every word her husband says. It means that the man should be the head of the household. He should be the one that leads the family in faith, if he is not upholding his end then he must answer for that. When a man and wife are following their roles in a marriage neither one is "better" than the other, they are working as "one" not seperate entities.

That is my opinion, but I hope it helps some.

2006-10-11 06:28:22 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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