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are you proud of your status, outside the capitalist society, to perform unpaid work, that most consider valueless? Do you feel like a worthless, unpaid peasant or serf of the the days of old?
Are you jealous when your single sisters go out to an exciting day
of work as lawyers, executives, and such, while you are cleaning
dirty underwear and scrubbing toilets all day?
Are you embaressed that Oprah and all the hosts of the Home
shopping network are your best friends?


2006-10-11 05:16:20 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

I greatly respect all of the say-at-homes
on here...don't forget, you can feel perfectly
s h i t t y and underappreciated at work too.
at home, at least its kind of like a home business in that there is no boss around, and you are in control of your activities.
Don't forget, most people are totally controlled at work. Our receptionists here can't even use the restroom without permission, like grammer school. You
ladies are missing out on nothing, and your kids will be so much better for it, home schooled or not.
God bless you all........................

2006-10-11 05:58:59 · update #1

gin, don't get down on yourself....you have to be yourself as a homemaker just like you would working a job...you will find you grow into into and develop your own routine.
later, when the kids are old enough, you can go back to work and get a second wind again, and do the career path again.
As the bible says, there is a time for everything........and every purpose under heaven.......

2006-10-11 06:04:40 · update #2

zahbuder, you should flesh out those ideas
and write a book with those thoughts....
sorta like "Chicken soup for the stay-at-home mom"......very well put and a pleasure........

2006-10-11 07:20:42 · update #3

Paperverso, while I wasn't too thrilled with the "little brain" reference, and, believe me,
at one time or another, everyone can be
seen as such to another, I still thought
your comments were very well put.
You are another person who should consider fleching out those ideas into a
book. It almost seems like it would be a good screenplay for a "Erin Brockovitch"
type movie.
Hollywood is waiting......

2006-10-11 07:28:14 · update #4

Paperverso, I've just reread your answer,
and it is truly an awesome one. You are so d a m n well spoken and eloquent. This is possibly the finest personal statement I've ever seen on here.
And you are so right about the backbiting
that goes on in offices. Women are the biggest culprits in that sense, in that they can be quite devious as well, and perform quite a subterfuge around their put-downs.
No one could possibly more craftily and subtlely put down a fellow female worker than another female worker.
Funny thing is, men are under the impression that women bond together
in workplaces, when actually its quite the opposite, and many women make other women's worklife a living hell with their

2006-10-11 07:37:25 · update #5

lyn K...good for you....glad to see you guys have your own biz...to me, anything beats
working for someone else....the boss tells
you if you were a good boy or girl, and how much the good boy or good girl is worth this
year. Sometimes, eevn if one is a good girl or boy, they can just let you go in a moments notice.
I would rather take half a pay cut and work for myself anytime.
You just couldn't pay me enough to be at everyone's back and call.

2006-10-11 07:48:08 · update #6

I'm glad you guys realized I was just being silly with my question, to get a decent response...I figured I could show my true colors on here after the responses........
good for all of you beautiful folks and your beautiful families!
God bless you all! :)

2006-10-11 07:51:05 · update #7

mahira, thanks for enjoying everything.
maybe we all learned something today from this post.......and please realize I was just being silly wording the question as such. I thought if I got people a little mad and thinking, then we could get a good discussion going. I've always been a kind of devil's advocate person to get a conversation going, just like those talk radio

2006-10-11 07:55:39 · update #8

29 answers

I am proud to be a housewife, but I don't LIKE being a housewife. It makes me proud that I can stay home and raise my son while my husband works, but I have been working since I was 10. I am so out of my element. I loved my job, and miss it so much. I used to do construction, till I found out I was pregnant and had to quite my job. My son will be 2 years old next month. I am so bad at this housewife thing. I am trying to get better, but I can't stand being inside all the time. I am very bad at time management. I mean, here I am on my laptop, still in my nightie at 11 in the mornig, while the housework still needs to be done. I am proud of being a housewife tho. I may be bad at it, but I know I will get better. I am actually hoping that I am pregnant again too. I just feel odd physically, so I am hoping. I actually don't watch Oprah or anything like that, I watch the DIY cham\nnel and spike TV mostly, and I also know that I am better than my single sister. She has two children from two diffrent guys, 22 years old, living at my parents house, and can't hold down a job. I am 20, doing college work from home, bought my first house at 19, and know who my sons daddy is. She doesn't know who the father is to her second. I am proud of my life. I wouldn't change it if I could.

Scratch that, I think I do like it. Your question has givin me a lot ot think about. In fact, I think I love it.

Now to you, You do not like housewives? Your question was worded so baddly. How do you feel about housewive's?

My kids are so going to be home schooled. I loved it. I home schooled myself and went to regular school only for electives. Public school is just a horrid place. They don't teach you anything at all. When I was ready to graduate, my dean called me to her office to tell me my credits were not in order. They wait till the last few months to tell you things like that. But hey, not my fault my credits were screwed. I moved so much the schools lost my credits. Had to do two full years of high school all over again for a credit and a half. They didn't give me the option of summer school. I highly recomend home schooling.
I am doing at home study work to start a career, but it will have a very flexible scheduale, so that when I am working, my husband will be home. That will help me out a bunch.

But I consider myself very lucky. I have a life that my parents neverr had, and am giving my child a great start in life. I wish my mother had stayed home with us. Maybe than my brother and sister would be better people. And maybe they would have seen how horrible I was treatedd by my brother and would have blamed him and not me. But, it is their problem.

2006-10-11 05:29:34 · answer #1 · answered by gin 4 · 2 1

WHAT?!?!? Boy are you misinformed! I am proud to be a Stay at Home Executive! I bless my family everyday with a clean house, supper on the table, happy, fed children. I get all the groceries bought and the bills paid and the errands run, I mow the lawn in the summer and weed the gardens, shovel the sidewalk in the winter. Wash all the floors, windows, walls, clean the bathrooms do 3-4 loads of laundry a day, do the dishes, make supper all the while I am disciplining my children and playing with them. All I do happily because I know that my family appreciates it. If I had to go to a job everyday I would still have to do these things yet I would have no time for my family. I don't have time to watch Oprah or anything else. I would rather spend the time playing with my kids. I would even rather watch a cartoon with them then watch Oprah. I have plenty of friends I don't need a television to be my friend. My family needs me to be home and I am truely blessed to be able to stay home. I am not embarrassed, I am very proud. I don't know how parents work all day and then come home and try to eat, clean-up, play with their kids, bathe them and get them to bed before eight. And then try to find time to spend together as a couple. It's too crazy for me.

2006-10-11 05:38:16 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

I am a very proud homemaker! I take great pride in knowing that my children are being well taken care of, meals are prepared, bills are paid, my house is clean and my husband's needs attended to. As for Oprah and shopping tv being my friends, what a crock! We don't get to sit around, lounging all day watching tv! As for being valued as worthless, you are quite correct; the worst thing ever said to me is "oh, you stay home all day so it's not like you have a job" and "you are JUST a housewife". It is a real slap in the face but ai have gotten used to it. When I've seen my sons roll over, giggle, crawl, etc for the first time, making their worldwide debut, I see it first, not the babysitter, that makes all the malicious jabs go away. Jealous of working women? Hell no! My dress code is quite casual, you can't beat the commute and you can't put a pricetag on being paid in hugs and kisses! I salute the working women, it just is not the career path for me.

2006-10-11 06:12:17 · answer #3 · answered by funrdhdpeach 4 · 2 0

I wouldnt have my life any other way! I am a homemaker. I have 4 exceptional children ages 8yrs., 4yrs., 2yrs. and 3 months. They are great. I couldnt imagine not being home with them seeing all of there first, kissing thier booboos, laughing and crying and comunicating with them. I for myself love staying home with my children nothing could be better. I dont think I am unpaid. I am paid back by every smile, hugg, and kiss. I am not worthless because i am raising little people. So I believe I have one of the most trying but most rewarding job in the world. That is my opinion. Have a great day.

2006-10-11 06:31:24 · answer #4 · answered by four2love 2 · 1 0

Yup... and I am very proud thank you very much. I'm certainly not "worthless" to my daughter... my husband pays me 100 a week in cash for keeping the house clean... which is spent on groceries and what is left over is spent on whatever I freakin' feel like buying. I am not the even a little bit jealous of working people. I worked since I was 16 years old and up until 4 months ago when I quit my supervisor position at my job. I love laying around the house all day and not having to worry about my work schedule... being able to "work" (clean) on my own schedule. I enjoy not being told what to do by strangers. I don't watch Opera or the Home Shopping Network either. I really don't watch tv at all because there's never anything good on. Instead, I lay on my bed and read books in the nice quite comfort of my blankets.


2006-10-11 05:40:42 · answer #5 · answered by Ashley P 6 · 6 1

I have a 22 month old daughter, 3 year old son, 6 year old son, and a 8 year old son. I love them all. If someone gave me the choice of any job in the world and staying at home with them I would still stay home. There is nothing more satisfying than knowing that I haven't missed any of my children's life. Anytime I start getting tired of being at home doing the same thing every day all I have to do is look in my kids eyes and I know that they appreciate me being there.

2006-10-11 08:25:08 · answer #6 · answered by jsfurr1981 1 · 1 0

I am not a housewife. I am a homemaker I am a mother, a doctor, a Cook, a playmate, etc... I take care of our home, our kids, I cook and clean. I have one of the hardest jobs in the world. No I am not jealous of other women that work outside the home. I love my job. I love the fact that I am here for my kids all the time. I love the fact that I have the freedom to do what I need to do during the day and still have all the time in the world to be with my kids. Yes, I am educated. But, this is the most important job I have at this time.
My children will grow up better than other kids thrown into daycare at 6 weeks of age.
I am proud that I am a stay at home mom!

2006-10-11 05:25:11 · answer #7 · answered by LITTLE 1 :o) 6 · 12 1

Unpaid? The love and hugs from a child can't be bought with money. Only time and TLC can get you those things in life. There are many benefits and yes I've always been proud. I don't have to worry about my child being molested/kidnappped/or killed/injured while in care with a daycare. I'm %100 responsible for their well being. Working moms have that much more stress dealing with work, home, kids&husband. My house is clean, meals prepared and I'm here for my kids. I pick my daughter up from school we read, go to parks, do homework, go to storytimes, have playdates, visit friends and family. The time to share and have fun with your child is endless staying at home. And if finacially the family can afford it then it works. I'm happy staying at home, it's what I always wanted and once my youngest is in school full time then I'll head for a career. Oh yeah I don't watch TV!

2006-10-11 06:13:17 · answer #8 · answered by nashiranickel 3 · 2 1

I'm not a housewife. I am a homemaker that studies from home part time, controls all finances which includes paying all bills, investing, saving, shops for food, cleans, organizes, help children with homework and guess what? I don't watch TV during the day. Taking care of a household almost in the entirety is full time. My house is never messy. my bills are always paid on time, my kids have clean clothes, have homework done etc etc.

If a "housewife" cant accomplish managing a household then she should shut off the TV.

2006-10-11 05:31:44 · answer #9 · answered by KathyS 7 · 8 1

I enjoy being a housewife, it is not a bad thing taking care of your family, I love growing up with my children, I love enjoying them being with me all the time and watching them grow everyday.
I don't feel useless because I'm teaching them everything.
On the other hand I think it is very important that a woman has her own income, I cannot depend fully on my husband that is why I made sure to save some money and I now have a little flat that I rent and take it's yearly income all for me.

2006-10-11 05:28:53 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

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