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In Europe the European population is falling rapidly, studies have shown that the Europe will have 2 old guys(65 +) fo every young guy(25) by 2040.America will be old by 2060 (white man).
We are seeing that even in this modern world there is fighting on the grounds of religion and it is mostly between Christians and Muslims.
You know as I that every religion is an ideology , Muslim people in genral have not been awakened by science and believe the Quran blindly . Many of them are radicals or extremists and many have the potential. The no. of Islamic terrorists n this World is estimated between 4 Million to 10 million and the no. is growing.
Licence to genocide was acquired by your people in 1500 A.D.(Red Indians were slaughtered and their lands are now yours)
In 1900 A.D. when Aborigines of Australia met a similar fate.
And by Hitler against Jews.(Many christian institutions were with him)
If you do not Acquire this licence in 40 years time again you may
face your capture by Muslims.
Muslims are producing 4+ kids per family by 2020 their population will be 2.3 billion +
So how are you going to surmount this problem without resorting to genocide?

2006-10-11 04:49:56 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

Really simple: You say that the number of muslims turning to terrorism is growing, this will solve itself as we will be at war and many will be dying so the whole situation is something like self destruction..

2006-10-11 04:54:48 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I think the question is nearsighted. It seems that you are wanting to blame religion for genocide. I don't think that is the cause, but rather political ideology that causes genocide.

Political doesn't always arise from religion. Three prime examples of atheist states that committed genocide are North Korea, the former Soviet Union and China. All of these nations were created on the principles of Marxism, which denied God and the need for religion. The former Soviet Union was founded by Stalin, who implemented genocide worse than that seen in Europe under Hitler. Stalin was snuffing out anyone who threatened his political ideologies. After Stalin died, the USSR bubbled, then popped in 1991, really under it's own weight. North Korea is a similar story. Before the collapse of the USSR, North Korea lived off of Soviet subsidies, but ever since that time has spiraled downward. It is one of the most impoverished nations on the planet now, and the people suffer as a result of the political ideology that would rather pursue nuclear weapons than feed its people. China for the first 3 decades of its existence attempted to control religion, and practically snuffed it out using genocide. But fortunately, they saw the error in their system, and are now taking steps to avoid the fates of North Korea and the USRR.

If it is true that political ideology is the blame for genocide, and not religion, then the solution I think lies in changing the political systems of the world. Most of the genocide that occurs happens when the power of a nation is in the hands of a few, (i.e. Hitler, Stalin, and Mao). When that happens, the governments have totalitarian control over the armies, economy, and food resources. Rather than allowing a few to control a nation, there need to be a shift towards political bodies (parliament, congress, etc.) to prevent take-overs and genocide. These keep any one person or persons from becoming to powerful.

2006-10-11 06:59:57 · answer #2 · answered by The1andOnlyMule 2 · 0 0

The real conflict today is not between Christian and Muslim cultures -- though perhaps many would have you believe that -- it is between modern and premodern societies.

Today, the primary focus of Western culture is receding from Christianity and White ethnocentrism, and is instead quickly being replaced with modernism, which emphasizes the individual over the collective, and freedoms for those individuals to think, express, and make a living in ways they see fit that are flexible and creative. As a result of modernism, the Western world is far more powerful than the rest of the world, because of the simple secret people who think as individuals make a stronger whole than a group who thinks alike. With an emphasis on individuality, people work harder, think more creatively, produce greater science and inventions, and are more content. The Western world enjoys greater life expectancy, quality of life, and overall productivity than the rest of the world. And all of this is due, primarily, to the culture of modernism which Americans and Europeans share alike.

But because modernism is non-ethnocentric, it allows for harmony between people who otherwise come from disperate ethnic and religious backgrounds. This means that modern culture, Western culture if you prefer, transcends yet includes ethnic culture. So in the Western world you can find many people of different backgrounds all primarily identified with the modern culture.

So genocide, as you put it, is not required. All that is required is that the Muslim world -- or anywhere else for that matter -- become modernized. Once that happens, they are effectively the same as Americans or Europeans or Japanese or any other modern country. They will still hold to their ethnic and religious roots, but they will be primarily identified with modernism, and so will be embraced as brothers by the world community of modern societies.

Granted, that is a long ways off, and even in America we have a strong population primarily identified with ethnocentric roots who have not quite been embraced by the modern reality. They are under the illusion that America is great because of their ethnic culture, and this is a problem and another topic. But one way or another, the world will eventually modernize. Notice this is not the same as saying the world will become Americanized, because modernism transcends any one particular culture. America is strongly identified with modernism because we were among the first to establish a people and a country around it. But modernism is a universal phenomena, not unique to America. Again, modernism is the culture that values rationality, science, and individuality over religious or ethnic identification. And rationality, science, and individuality are universals, they aren't unique to any particular ethnic culture.

The reasons the world will eventually move into modern society is simple: because it is superior, and everyone knows that, even if they can't bring themselves to publically admit it. The fact that one part of the world may have a larger population than a modern part of the world means nothing if the lifestyle, productivity, money and power of each individual in the modern world equals 100 or more of those in a premodern world.

So all that is required is the expansion of modernism. Now many people have separate views on how this should be achieved, but I think its achievement is inevitable for, again, every human being wants to enjoy life and to live with properity, and modernism offers that. The ethnocentric mind of third world countries cannot embrace science and individuality, and without doing so they will always remain locked into the stagnation and the economic limiitations that they find themselves in today. With time, eventually, this will be understood -- consciously or unconsciously -- and the move toward modernism will be made. At which point, muslims and christians become friends, because they will both be modern people.

2006-10-11 05:17:03 · answer #3 · answered by Nitrin 4 · 1 1

We may leave it to the design of nature at first hand.
But our minds won't let it go its own.

'Islamization' is a real threat the western countries face today.Don't they have a reason?- Western occupation of their lands- Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine.......
Why don't the USA and UK think about leaving these countries ( also forcing Israel to do the same from Palestine)?
Why are the Western countries so sympathetic towards the radicals from different countries in the name 'Political Asylum'?
Haven't the govs noticed that it was these radicals who sowed the seeds of terrorism and radicalised their compatriots who came to earn for their bread?

If the population could thrive for a period, it may also retard- that is a natural phenomenon.
But the vacuum shouldn't be filled up with any elements that is threat to the entire world.

2006-10-11 09:39:41 · answer #4 · answered by Baby 4 · 0 0

Excellent question.However, statistics are often proven to be only a barometer, an 'educated guess'. Be that as it may, since you brought this into the realm of religion, I suspect you want opinions based on those beliefs. So....
here goes....I will not be quoting the Bible, but rather giving you opinion based on a 30 or so years of study, including other world religions.
My conclusion simply put: The God of the Bible, Jehovah, or Yahweh, states criteria that shows we are now living it the "last Days" meaning the time period preceding the "War Of Armageddon", this is to be no ordinary war. This is the war that will put an end to "this system of things", and like the great flood of Noah's day, will wipe out all humans that rebel against His supreme position, and that of his Son Jesus ( AKA the Archangel Michael). Personally, I have a problem with what amounts to just what you said...mass genocide, no matter who commits it, even God Almighty. But there it is. There can be no mistaking the phophesy. After this occurs, the Bible states the earth will be returned to it's original state, and be populated by those who wish to abide by Godly rules, rather than man's. So, I guess we just wait and see. Of course all of this is based on the Bible itself, and not on any particular 'brand' of Christianity, many of whom are Christians in name only, which can easily be seen by their utter hypocrisey, Like blessing the bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

2006-10-11 05:10:07 · answer #5 · answered by The Oldest Man In The World 6 · 1 1

Your attempt to portray yourself as intelligent has failed, you blindly left out many facts, of which one in particular is the fact that Muslims are mass murdering Muslims as well as people that their insanity deems as infidels. It's also fact that Islamo Fascists drew first blood, their insane ambition to convert the world populace to their twisted faith is the vary thing that will eventually cause their own demise. So-called Christians spread their propaganda via word of mouth, not by mass murder, and if gullible people choose to accept that faith, then that's their business. Red Indians as you call them, did a lot of slaughtering as well, many did not roll out the red carpet for the new comers, and the bottom line is the fact that every country throughout history was established by shedding blood. "You Lose! You get nothing! Good day Sir!"

2006-10-11 05:34:56 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Personally, I'm hoping to educate Christianity out of American politics, and hopefully out of our culture as a whole, so that we can begin rationally dealing with the rise of Islam, as opposed to butting heads with them on their own terms.

Reason is the only solution to the violence in the world today, not religion. If the civilized world can come together and agree that human life is more important than the mythology that we have killed and died for for centuries, then we will be able to sort out our differences rationally and peacefully.

Islam is the last vestige of religous fanatacism. Christianity, for the most part, has been reined in, and made tolerable. But seeing as how Christians are still a very large demographic, we must all work to bring them together, for the common good. Although Christianity is not as powerful or violent as it was in the past, it does still practice the "us vs. them" mentality, as opposed to the "brotherhood of man" mentality that is going to be so vital in the near future.

The world is getting smaller every day. And we can no longer afford "tribal" warfare. Because the "tribes" today have weapons capable of wiping us all out for good. It would be a shame if our own ignorance ended up being the end of our species. I mean, it took a catastrophe to kill off the dinosaurs. Stupid as they were, they didn't kill themselves because "god" commanded it.

2006-10-11 05:04:37 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

What problem? Population of Muslims is getting larger? So what? I am not worried about a Muslim killing me or my family. Genocide is wrong, period.

2006-10-11 04:54:59 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

America and Europe are always encouraging immigration.

2006-10-11 05:36:06 · answer #9 · answered by Krishna 6 · 0 0

Hehe...well, I've added to the "none of the above" population....
I have 4 kids =)

2006-10-11 04:58:07 · answer #10 · answered by ♥Mira♥ 5 · 0 0

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