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the western media keeps telling lies about Islam in order to make their citizens hate Islam more & more. Why are the Westerns so Jealous from us?? Is it because we are cleaner than them (We wash ourselves more than 5 times a day)? Is it because Muslim women are modest & respectful & they haven`t lost their honour or became public properties or sex objects like most of the western women? Is it because even though we are living in our darkest point in our history & we are suffering from poverty but still there are no high suicide rates in our countries if compared to the numbers in the wealthy west? Is it because we have moral values like the previous examples that I gave above & the western world has nothing except materilistic concepts which are going to fall sooner or later (it already started) while people in the Muslim world (Muslims or non-Muslims) have their religion as the top priority in their lives which is the reason why there are almost no atheists in the Muslim world?

2006-10-11 04:22:53 · 28 answers · asked by ahmed_mo2nis 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I`m simply asking why can`t you stop holding grudges from us & calling for a new Crusade of hate mongering wars??

why can`t you learn from our values???

I`m not asking you to convert but you could get some useful values from Islam

as much as we need you in terms of science & technology you need us in terms of values (I`m also talking about Christians living in the Muslim world, because they are more religious than western Christians)

2006-10-11 04:25:35 · update #1

socalgal, LOL freedom of what? homosexuality & pornography & adultrey I think??? look what this has done to you??? more Rape crimes & higher divorce rates & higher numbers of single moms & Children who don`t know thier fathers, not to mention sexually transmitted !!!! diesaeses!!!

2006-10-11 04:28:41 · update #2

before any LIAR comes & says that Islam was spread by the sword + terrorism & all this crap

read this first you ignorant liar hate monger


2006-10-11 04:37:35 · update #3

28 answers

Most of the people in the west, especially in the US have formed their opinions based on what their media conveys them. They are literally slaves of their media, whatever it tells them, they believe in it, its like a scripture to them.

Why do you think most of the americans who become Muslims are black? Its because, most of the black, even christian born, are taught by their families not to trust the media. As their opinions are independent of what the media rants about, they evaluate everything, they think about it.

Americans say they are free, actually they are slaves of their own desires and their leaders who can lead them in any direction like a shepherd does to his sheep.



2006-10-11 04:27:56 · answer #1 · answered by mutmainnah 3 · 7 2

I live in the West, I am a Christian, and that makes me happy. I think it is very unrealistic and uneducated of you to think that westerners are jealous of Muslims. While I do think there there are some people here who lack moral values, saying that we all do is EXACTLY the kind of generalization that is the basis of every sort of racism and discrimination. That would be the same as saying that all Muslims are terrorists. Also, even some Arabs know that their media lies about the West. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

P.S. Washing 1-2 times per day is sufficient and better for the skin than 5-6 times.

2006-10-11 04:30:07 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

The western people are no more brain washed by their media than you are by al-jazihra(?). Speaking for myself, I am not jealous of muslims as much as sick of you, your presence and hypocritical bullshit.If the west is so bad why don't you guys stay in the middle east.....don't come to the west to go to school, or buy products. I would be willing to not use another drop of gasoline if it would make you guys disappear....the ensuing chaos and period of adjustment to a non petroleum base economy would be well worth it. If the west is so bad stay away!!!!
Islamic moral values is an oxymoron......considering
female castration, the active slave trade still going on in the middle east, your middle ages view on the role of women in society, beheading hostages, blowing up market places, killing children, shooting at Soldiers while hiding in a hospital, launching rockets at your enemy while hiding in a residential neibhorhood....etc on and on.
YOU need to wash yourselves 5 times a day or more, yet you still can't remove the moral rot that infects you and makes your message repugnant to the true members of civilized society....Yet you are too ignorant to realize this...

2006-10-11 04:57:21 · answer #3 · answered by Robert b 4 · 0 0

You are dreaming.
We care nothing for your religion, indeed we find the fuss over religion absurd, as most westerners are quite beyond it or at the very least feel that a secular state and complete religious freedom to be basic to a civilized country. We feel that religion should be kept private and if made public at all then through acts of charity toward the poor.

Ceremonial cleansing is not real cleaning. Use soap and hot water, and modern toilets. Muslim women live in terror of men who rape with impunity, murder for any religious excuse, and refuse women the vote, free speech, and civil and human rights women in modern countries take for granted. You morals leave much to be desired, as they seem to consist of hating everyone and everything different from you.

You do not know what happens in Muslim countries, what suicides or atheists or sexual perversions there might be because you have no free press. Indeed, you are so backward you still practice slavery in some places. If you are "living in our darkest point in our history & we are suffering from poverty" it is because of your religion which refuses social progress toward liberty which leads to peace and affluence. Why are Western countries rich? Because we are free. Because we are not Muslims and any Muslims who live among us live in freedom and respect the rights of others to be free and live in peace.

We are offended that you excuse those who commit violence for the sake of religion, murder those in different countries who offend you, deprive your citizens of freedom, legal protections and human rights, and threaten to 'wipe off the face of the earth' another people merely because they are different from you.
Will you denounce violence for the sake of religion?
Will you embrace freedom and human rights?
Will you renounce terrorism?

Abandon Islam. It's a backward drag on the human species and the world will be better off without it.

2006-10-11 04:50:11 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I am really glad you are asking questions. That means there is hope for you, and maybe even your family. I have a Palestinian friend who holds two earned doctorates. He has taught all over the world on the subject of religion, and has written several books. I recommend you read just one of his books : "Islam Revealed" by Dr Annis Shorrosh. Read it, then try to refute it. If you can refute it-you will be the first. If you can not refute it-then why not believe it? Try it, I think it will help you understand this world. I think if you read this book, then you can see the East and West more clearly

2006-10-11 04:33:05 · answer #5 · answered by Desperado 5 · 3 0

Who said we are jealous of Muslims? We pity the Afghan women who are persecuted by the Taliban and restrict their way of life. We feel sorry for the people in some Arab countries stoned to death. We fear the extremists because they are willing to kill themselves while blowing up suicide bombs. We don't respect the fact that your religion allows multiple wives, hence producing more Muslims. We wonder why the Arab world did not react to the Tsunami in Indonesia like the West. We feel sorry for you guys. Iranians come to Canada by the thousands, all claiming refugee status. They say they are persecuted back in their own country. Give your head a shake pal....Muslims want the same things as the West....except we invent them and all you can do is sell us your oil to get them...

2006-10-11 04:32:11 · answer #6 · answered by cbmaclean 4 · 6 0

I think it all depends on UR idea of Islam.
Now the Taliban's idea is 2 blow up ancient Buddha's, enslave women with constricting/stifling burkas & preach murderous hate on the streets of the my country the UK?
Or is UR vision of spiritual enlightenment of true Islam, that believes in a Live & let Live existence with its neighbours?

No worries, religion will in time B abolished 4 the sake of Harmony & mayB then we can all live 2gether on this planet without needing 2 kill 1 another 4 the sake of GOD!

2006-10-11 04:34:24 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

If your so moral..Then why do you judge? Why do you hurt those that dont beleive the same things you do? Your women modesty is pushed aupon them. The people you talk of who comit suicide are probably not christians. I understand your love for your faith. what I dont understand is the hatred that some of your people have against the western world. Westerners didnt start all of this. If your so richeous and so religous u wouldnt be acting the way u are right now..SNOBBY

2006-10-11 04:30:09 · answer #8 · answered by Candy S 3 · 3 0

Alot of people in the west (America) don't like your religion because of the fanatics in it who blow up many innocent people in order to please their idea of god. I am an atheist and as such I don't care which invisible sky person you pray to. I just want you to do it without hurting anyone. And, believe me, no one over here is jealous of you or your people. We are happy in our free country, even if our oil and gas is more expensive because we can't do business with your country. It is a small price to pay to dress how we like, eat what we like, marry whomever we choose and not have our genitals mutilated, or wear clothes that look like a set of sheets and would give us heat-stroke in the summertime. I respect that you have different ways, but those ways are not appealing to me and the rest of my fellow americans. I have a question for you. Does your media/T.V. news show any americans in large groups burning your country's flag or chanting hatred toward your people? Because, our T.V.'s show your people doing that quite often. Is it an everyday occurance there, like a fun community activity to do that? It seems that way to us. FYI

2006-10-11 04:58:13 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The western world is not jealous of the muslims. Jealousy is not even close to what most americans feel..
Rage at what you are doing and that you are trying to push your ways on the west. You come here like bullys and want everything your way. You come to our culture and want us to change to yours. You want your women to not even show their faces, well who wants to talk to a person that they can't even see. They are ashamed of themselves ( and don't go to the other extreme) You can dress modestly in our culture without running around in a black sheet. Jealousy is not the term.

2006-10-11 04:43:07 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Just to address one point: if there are few atheists in the Muslim world, it is probably because Shari'ah prescribes capital punishment for apostasy.

You call ablution "washing"? LOL.

Your women are respectful? Ours know they are human beings on an equal footing with men. That's a far deeper respect than submission out of fear.

No suicide? No, you just blow yourselves up so you can shred toddlers with nails in Jerusalem pizzerias.

Moral values? The west has generated every movement for human liberation in the past 500 years, and every scientific innovation to ease human suffering.

Religion a top priority? If you mean "religion" as adherence to a set of traditional doctrines, the refusal of freedom of thought, and mindless ritualism, perhaps. But if "religion" means a genuine concern for human welfare, I'm afraid the west has you beat here -- and in every other area.

2006-10-11 04:28:57 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

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