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I haven't watched the news and I am in a hurry right now so I have no clue.

2006-10-11 03:59:38 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Civic Participation

16 answers

In simple words? There really are no simple words.

North Korea is attempting to discredit the United States to the rest of the world. North Korea wants to be viewed as a Super Power. Kim Jong IL views himself as a benevolent dictator to be revered and feared not only by the citizens of his country but by the surrounding countries of South Korea and Japan. North Korea believes that if push comes to shove that their other neighbors, China and Russia will come to their assistance in a open conflict with the United States, South Korea and Japan. The tide is turning where China and Russia are concerned though. Both countries vehemently condemned North Korea's decision to perform testing their nuclear weaponry. The only country that openly supports North Korea's advancement with nuclear weaponry is Iran. Even Venezuela who has been very vocal against the United States has condemned the actions of North Korea recently. As of today, North Korea is not backing down and has stated that if the United States does not agree to talks bilaterally (one on one) with North Korea they will fire a missile towards the United States with a nuclear tip on it.

As of today the Bush Administration is stedfast in their decision that bilateral talks will not work. They are basing this on the fact that in the early 1990's that the Clinton Administration entered into bilateral talks with North Korea with North Korea agreeing to never pursue nuclear weaponry and one of the "rewards" of the Clinton Administration was to share nuclear technology with North Korea. When Bush first became President it was discovered that North Korea had broken their word in regards to the deal at which time the Bush Administration went back into negotiations with North Korea but with the stipulation that China, Russia, Japan and South Korea also take part in the negotiations. North Korea again agreed to never pursue nuclear weaponry in return for economic aid and other demands. In return it was a demand of the other 5 countries that North Korea's nuclear technology be monitored by the IAEA (The International Atomic Energy Administration) . A few years ago North Korea broke the agreement and kicked out the inspectors and declared that they were moving ahead with their plan to produce nuclear weapons.

The negotiations have been at a stalemate ever since. North Korea continues to want only to talk with the United States. The United States refuses to do this and rightly so. The United States also discovered that North Korea was producing counterfeit American money and laundering it through other countries in an attempt to undermine the economy of the United States. This was revealed and the United States brought an end to the program (how I am not sure, through some type of sanctions) and North Korea wants these sanctions reversed which for obvious reasons the United States refuses to do.

I for one agree with the President that one on one talks with North Korea would not work. It is proven fact that it already failed. North Korea can not be trusted to agree to a plan and stick to it.

Very simply? North Korea is playing a dangerous game of chicken with the United States and hoping that the US will flinch. It would be the worst thing the US could do, giving into North Korean threats.

I hope and I pray that the American people put their political differences aside and rally behind our President. A *strong* show of unity by our Country and the neighbors of North Korea is the only way that region of the world is going to come out of this unscathed.

Hope this helps you understand what is happening.

2006-10-11 05:10:31 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Kim Jong Il, the leader/king/God of North Korea, is making enemies. His country has always done its own thing, and I think it's only ally has been China or other communist countries in the past.

Now that North Korea is testing nukes underground (in addition to testing their non-nuclear Taipodong missile a few months ago by trying to shoot it across the Pacific; it didn't go far before falling into the ocean), they are angering even China. In fact, China and Japan, who usually do not get along great, called a meeting to discuss how they are going to deal with North Korea. I think China decided to sanction them (put restrictions on trade).

I think the reason nobody wants them to have nukes is because they are seen by many as a little crazy. Why? They have old technology, their people are very poor and starving, it is a military-assisted dictatorship who worship their president like a god. They also are very secretive about everything, and visitors to the country are only allowed to see a utopia-like city built just to show to foreigners. Some people live in luxury, but most live in poverty and they are not allowed to leave.

2006-10-11 04:18:58 · answer #2 · answered by sarcastro1976 5 · 2 0

North Korea claims that it has detonated a nuclear device below ground and now the international community is concerned that they may due something rash. China has even expressed sanctions against N.K. who in turn said that if there are any sanctions brought against them they will continue down the nuclear path. They want bi-lateral talks with the U.S. alone but that's just an excuse for them to make and then break any deal with the U.S. because they view the U.S. is an enemy- therefore- it's just a delay tactic. The Chinese want N.K. to continue in the 6 party talks but the N.Koreans are resisting.
Kim Jung Il is a nut job and it would be a blessing to the rest of the world AND the north Korean people if someone were to just take him out! (sorry- that's just personal opinion in the last line- the rest is factual)
Have a great day!!!

2006-10-11 04:09:36 · answer #3 · answered by Coo coo achoo 6 · 1 0

North Korea has claimed to have performed a nuclear test and also threaten that they will continue to do so. These tests are done deep underground, and they purpose of them is to set off an nuclear bomb to determine whether or not it works correctly. And since North Korea is a cimmunist regime, they are no friends of the U.S. In fact they are part of the "axis if evil" that President Bush referred to after 9/11.
Needless to say, we don't want our enemies to posess nuclear weapons, and there was a U.N. resolution passed several years ago banning such tests. So we are now threatening to impose economic sanctions on North Korea if they do not desist in their nuclear testing.
This problem appears to be getting worse--I just heard that North Korea said that any further pressure by the U.S. for them to stop their nuclear testing will b considered an act of war.
Keep in mind, many political strategists feel that all this tough talk and nuclear testing by Korea is merely "sabre rattling" so we will take them seriously and listen to some of their demands on other ploitical and economic issues.

2006-10-11 04:08:57 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's like North Korea have reached a certain age and discovered masturbation.

There's lots of people in the world doing it. But behind closed doors. North Koreas neighbours (South Korea, China etc) have found out and aren't comfortable with the knowledge of what's going on "next door".

North Korea are embarrassed because they're secrets out but can't decide whether to stop now or go "all the way" and set their weapons off not knowing how much mess it'll make.

2006-10-11 04:11:52 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

N. Korea is a LITTLE country. Like little men, N. Korea has a Napoleon complex. The leader thinks he is mightier than he is. So, he is puffing and strutting like a bandy rooster. Even though they have the world's largest standing army, they lack the technology to do anything. They are like a spoiled two year old child, throwing a fit to get attention. At this point, even China has become tired of the monster they created. The best hope for N. Korea is for their current leader to die (of natural causes) and they get somebody with a brain who will bring N. Korea into the 21st century and get Korea re-united.

2006-10-11 04:27:30 · answer #6 · answered by Spirit Walker 5 · 0 0

North Korea announced that they tested a nuclear bomb. This has been confirmed. The world has united against them in this and proposed tougher sanctions they are even talking about a blockade. North Korea told everyone all along that they intend to make the bomb and test the bomb. UN told them no, no. They built the bomb. U.N. said I am very mad at you I will not work with you nicely. Korea said sorry. I am going to test the bomb. U.N. said No. No. Once again Korea tested the bomb and then told everyone we tested the bomb. U.N. said I will not work with you nicely. Korea wants to be a big power and not subject to envasion. They are very very dangerous and quite cruel to South Korea. Plus, they could very well move that bomb easily to some location close enough to do some serious harm to us.

2006-10-11 10:20:32 · answer #7 · answered by BParker 3 · 1 0

They are just testing nuclear bombs and the USA is in their target list.

George Bush cant invade North Korea because this is the Real thing. Iraq was a Big Lie just like what they did at the World Trade centers.

2006-10-11 06:39:03 · answer #8 · answered by caramoanboy 2 · 0 0

two times. the 1st time could have been an angel. i used to be in an in depth deadly vehicle accid. i became as quickly as now not carrying my seat belt and was once previous due for paintings. I heard a small voice say. "positioned your seat belt on". i presumed it became my own theory. I skipped over it. I heard the equivalent message 2 extra x's each louder than before. I had never experienced something like that before so I skipped over it. another motor vehicle ran a stop sign, i became as quickly as hit, my vehicle hit a hearth hydrant and went airborne, then my motor vehicle hit a construction. i mandatory I had listened to that voice. that have waiting me for the 2d time I heard God's voice. as quickly as extra I had some doubt with what I heard so I had a communication or maybe shown God. He advised me that i could immediately meet the guy i could marry. the guy I met became as quickly as the furthest from my theory whether has been greater than i ought to have ever imagined. We each comprehend that it ought to suited have been God that has extra us together. fortunately Ever After for 11 yrs now.

2016-10-16 01:57:24 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

North Korea is conducting tests of a home built nuclear device. Intel collected so far appears the the test was not a success. They may however try again.

2006-10-11 04:12:13 · answer #10 · answered by lana_sands 7 · 0 0

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