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what foods must i eat?

2006-10-11 03:18:23 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diet & Fitness

24 answers

Master Cleanse Instructions
I have personally done this cleanse more than 15 times from 2003 onward for periods ranging from 10 to 28 days. I have counseled my wife 3 times, 30 year old son twice, many people on the phone, and, on the Master Cleanse bulletin board, 110 in January 2004, 228 in January 2005 and 365 in January 2006!

Please believe me when I say that the Master Cleanse (or the Lemonade Diet) by Stanley Burroughs is, in my opinion, the fastest and most effective way to regain your vitality and to feel the joy of living again, never mind that it will help you lose weight and give you astounding energy.

Click on any one of the book or CD pictures to learn more.

Below is a brief summary of points for doing the Master Cleanse, but I recommend you buy Lose Weight, Have More Energy & Be Happier in 10 Days as it will answer such questions as:

What can you expect on the cleanse?
Which days are the roughest?
Is the salt water flush essential?
What does the cayenne pepper do?
What to do when it seems nothing is happening?
How does the Master Cleanse affect women?
What is the best indication that the cleanse is complete?
What are the five detox symptoms and why are they important?
What tends to cause headaches on the cleanse?
What quantities of the ingredients do you need to buy?
Why should the maple syrup be organic?
Can you exercise while on the cleanse?
What about quitting smoking?
It also includes a daily journal form, shopping list, table of contents so you can quickly and easily find what you want,and a section entitled "The 12 Most Common Pitfalls Preventing People from Succeeding on the Master Cleanse / Lemonade Diet." This knowledge has helped hundreds of people have an easier time on the cleanse.

Brief Summary
For a minimum of 10 days, drink:

2 Tablespoons (1 fluid ounce) fresh-squeezed lemon or lime juice (approx. ½ lemon),

2 Tablespoons (1 fluid ounce) organic Grade B maple syrup, not maple-flavored sugar syrup or syrup from companies that use formaldehyde to harvest their syrup,

1/10 Teaspoon or more cayenne pepper (hot red pepper), and

1 Cup (8 fluid ounces) purified or spring water, NOT fluoridated water.

For diabetics, there is a section in some editions of The Master Cleanser on using molasses rather than maple syrup in the beginning of the cleanse. Any diabetic should read the book and consult their doctor before beginning the cleanse.

Drink six to twelve glasses of this lemonade mixture daily. No food is eaten nor any vitamin supplements taken during the cleanse. If you get hungry, have another glass of lemonade. After all, this is also called the "Lemonade Diet."

If you are overweight, you may use less maple syrup. If you are underweight, use more maple syrup if you wish.

If you are worried about losing weight, Burroughs says, "The only things you can possibly lose are mucus, waste, and disease. Healthy tissue will not be eliminated."

Do not vary the amount of lemon juice per glass and be sure to drink at least six glasses of lemonade a day. You can drink more water, if you want.

I also strongly recommend you take probiotics AFTER the cleanse to replace the good bacteria you lose when you clean your colon thoroughly. These good bacteria manufacture vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B12, and K and help control bad bacteria, such as Candida. By the way, don't waste your money taking probiotics during the cleanse. They'll just get washed out. Do it after the cleanse.

You can read more about what probiotics do for you here.

Enhance Your Elimination
This is a cleanse as opposed to a weight loss diet. So, you need to ensure you are eliminating the toxins that are being loosened in your system. Cravings, aches, pains, mental irritability and tiredness will turn on as your toxins are mobilized. To eliminate these unpleasant sensations, you need to be sure you have two, three, or more bowel movements a day.

Drink a laxative herb tea each evening. You can find it in your local health food store. I recommend senna tea blend with senna being about half of it by weight. (Senna is an herb that promotes bowel movement.) The kind I've bought warn you not to drink more than two cups per day.

Each morning on an empty stomach, add two teaspoons of non-iodized sea salt to a full quart of water. Do not use ordinary iodized salt as it will not work properly. Drink the entire quart of salt water first thing in the morning. "Chug" this — drink it as fast as possible. Within an hour several bowel movements will likely occur. (You'll need to be by a toilet for half an hour to an hour.) If you do not have several bowel movements, try a little more salt in the water the next day until it works.

Drink the herb laxative tea at night to loosen and the salt water each morning to wash it out. If you can't drink the salt water in the morning, drink the herb laxative tea at night and in the morning.

Want to get all the ingredients easily?
Click here to visit our web store.

Breaking Your Fast
Breaking a long fast is very, very important. You should ease your way back to solid food after one or two additional days of juices, orange or grapefruit. If you are going back to raw fruits and vegetables, you may do so on the afternoon of the second day.

If you have been a meat eater and/or milk products consumer, shift to cooked vegetable soup on the afternoon of the second day and a salad for dinner. Keep the lemonade drink as your breakfast drink after that. Of course, you would do better with the least amount of meat and no milk products as they are very productive of mucus and hinder digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Detox Symptoms
Detoxifying literally means removing poisons from your body. Once these poisons are gone, you will feel energetic, vital, happy and healthy. It is the poisons that make us feel tired, mentally confused, irritable, unhappy, depressed and ill. Consequently you should look forward to detoxification.

Unfortunately, when the toxins are mobilized, they will bring about those unpleasant feelings and tempt you to quit the cleanse before you are through. So, you need to understand the symptoms of detoxification and ensure that you drink your laxative tea and salt water to stimulate elimination of those toxins.

My experience with the cleanse and with various people doing it has taught me that whatever symptom I experienced one day, it would be gone the next morning with my bowel movements. It is nevertheless helpful to know when you are detoxifying because it helps you to get through that symptom to know it will be gone tomorrow.

I have grouped the detox symptoms I and others have had into five groups:

Cravings — I have only known one or two people to be hungry on this cleanse. Drinking more lemonade or water handles that. I have, however, observed that people on the cleanse crave what they are detoxifying. Proof that this is true is that the cravings usually go away the next morning with bowel movements. You can crave anything when detoxifying, but most likely you will experience cravings for the most toxic foods, such as pizza, hamburgers, barbeque ribs, etc.
Tiredness — When your body fights toxins, whether from detoxifying or an infection, it diverts energy into healing and away from the energy you use to work and play. On my first 20 day cleanse, I was not tired except on the fifteenth day. The next morning, I experienced heat in my bowel movements, an indication that acidic toxins were being eliminated. I also lost all sense of tiredness.
Irritability — This includes the desire to "just chew something solid."
Physical aches, pains, nausea, vomiting, etc. — These are the most severe reactions and only occur where a person is severely toxic, only a small percentage of people experience these. Fortunately, these have gone away after only a day or two in every case I have heard about.
Hot bowel movements — Your body wastes are acidic and when you eliminate the most toxic ones, they actually feel anywhere from warm to burning. This experience is very infrequent, but worth mentioning because hot bowel movements after a day of heavy detox symptoms will confirm that you just eliminated significant toxins.
A Special Note on Headaches
In talking to people doing the cleanse, I've learned that people with caffeine addiction (coffee, soft drinks, etc.) may experience headaches for the first 2 to 4 days.

Water Fasting


Ron Lagerquist

Water fasting is a complete contradiction to the high-octane rush of the North American lifestyle. Think of water fasting as a stripping down time, a period of brokenness, humility and profound inner reflection.
Due to a high metabolism, I find fasting on water difficult. Water fasting for me is crawling under the covers in warm flannel pajamas, entering deep into that inner place of prayer with bible beside my bed. The world around becomes obscure and far away. Everything goes in slow motion and the things that yesterday were all too familiar, become strange and unimportant. Values systems make quantum shifts, what was impossibly urgent becomes frivolous. It is a deep dreamy state, an altered consciousness.

Not everyone finds water fasting so. Those who have slower metabolisms find fasting on water a breeze. They can walk for miles, exercise and generally feel energetic. But for all, water fasting is a profound experience. Mystics down through the ages have discussed its spiritual qualities. Jesus fasted 40 day in the desert on water preparing for the confrontation with His arch-enemy Satan. We, like Jesus, need to be prepared for battle. Water fasting is a preparation to face the world with all its entrapments with a brand new perspective. It becomes a point of comparison, for in the state of water fasting, everything is stripped to its bear essentials and the things that really matter come to the forefront, love, our connection with God, our goals and worthy dreams, what we are becoming and who we have become. Material possessions reduce in value when fasting. The inner spirit, relationship with God, and who we are in Christ, rise to view. They become the nourishment to a groaning body.

Humble Yourself
Our position with God is unchangeable, forgiven, perfect and pure because of the work of Christ on the cross. It is our posture that must change. Surrounded with all our false props, we often become a proud independent people, where God becomes an appendage to our lifestyle, until trials hit, demanding us to go deeper. Fasting is a posture of humility, falling prostrate before God in silence. It is a time to remember just how dependant we are on Him. We are weak frail flesh and during water fasting you will taste your frailness. Think of water fasting as a Humility Maintenance Program. Don't be alarmed by the word humility, many of the most powerful people in history were the people of great humility. Moses was considered the meekest man on all the earth but also one of the greatest leaders we have ever seen. Pride and independence are weakness, a cover-up for spiritual famine within. Fasting strips away cover-ups and shows us our deep need for humility.

The Deep Detox
I have been on a thirty-day juice fast where I accomplished more, worked harder and experienced a greater sustaining energy than I did in a non-fasting state. When day 20 hit, it was like fireworks. My co-workers couldn't keep up with my zipping and zinging here and there, joyously whistling as I worked, every cell energized with fresh juices. I did have some detoxification dips, but they were not immobilizing and after an enema and an extra ration of carrot juice, I was fine. Not so with water fasting. For me water is one big long detoxification, the deep detox, where all the toxins in my body become fuel. The body is fully focused on burning up and clearing toxins. Blood is saturated with carcinogens, mucus, trans-fatty acids and other byproducts of the North American diet. We recommend juice fasting to those who have never fasted unless they have a calling by God to water. And this is an important point, God leads people to water fasting in the 21 century and he will sustain you during a called fast. But you can also call yourself to a fast from being sick and tired of your spiritual apathy, pressing in to make serious life changes.

Preparation for Water Fasting

Water fasting demands mental preparation, don't enter into day to by planning a ski trip. If you are fasting for the weekend clear the calendar, the fast will be an event enough. The less pressure and responsibility you have during a water fast the better. Think of it a holiday away form the normal patterns of living. We also recommended the week before your fast, you drink fresh juices and eat mostly raw fruits and vegetables to cleanse the body so that the detoxification during water fasting will be less aggressive.

Water Fasting For Healing

Water fasting cleanses the body aggressively removing toxins rapidly. Water fasting can be more beneficial than juice fasting in combating more persistent forms of cancer, cleansing the tissues more aggressively.

Water Fasting for Weight Loss
If you are juice fasting, a few days on water occasionally will intensify the fast and assist with weight-loss if you have a slow metabolism.

Water Fasting Tips

1. Avoid water straight from the faucet. Distilled water is the best for cleansing because of its inherent, magnetic properties and ability to absorb and suspend large quantities of toxins, flushing them from the body. The perceived value of mineral water is misleading because the inorganic minerals are like huge boulders to the cellular membranes, making them impossible to assimilate. Plants are able to break down the minerals from the soils, allowing them to be completely absorbable to the cells of the body. The best water is distilled, secondly, spring or filtered. A Brita Filtration System is inexpensive and effective, but change the filter regularly.

2. There are no calories or nutritional value in water. On a water fast you have given your body no options but to turn to its Life Bank for fuel. This can create a problem when you have spent years depositing counterfeit fuel. Living exclusively on dirty fuel during a fast takes tremendous courage, strength and prayer. To ease into water fasting, we recommend juice fasting with periods of water fasting. For example 3 days on juice, 2 days on water, 5 days on juice, then 3 days on water. You can juice when you have to work and water fast on the weekend when you can rest. This is my preferred method of water fasting.

Water Fasting Concerns
It is not advisable to water fast under the conditions of hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, schizophrenia or a chronic heart condition—but God rules over hyperglycemia, diabetes, schizophrenia and chronic heart conditions. Hence, if you are called by the Holy Spirit to go on a water fast, in spite of how foolish it may seem to the world, we encourage you to be obedient.

DIZZINESS: Be careful of dizziness and black outs. The heart is resting as much as it can during water fasting. Before you stand up, take one or two deep breaths to get the heart pumping. If you start to back out, sit down or crouch down on one knee. This will immediately stop the dizziness.

Here are some links about low calorie foods.

2006-10-11 03:36:47 · answer #1 · answered by croc hunter fan 4 · 0 0

It depends on what you are willing to do and what kind of shape you are in. But aerobic exercises and running are the fasted and most effective way to lose weight. I did a program where I ran 1/2 of a mile every other day until I could do 5 miles. So at the end of 2 weeks I had burned off all the fat around my waist. Because when you run pyruvic acid is released into the muscles which breaks down fat cells. You can actually feel fat melt away when you get to the 3-5 mile mark. But like I said aerobics or running is the fasted and you can see significant results the same day depending on what you do.

2016-03-28 04:51:20 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you want to lose it fast and not necessarily keep it off do no carb/low carb. I can drop about 20 pounds in 2 weeks when I do this. Just remember the first couple days you'll feel horrible because your insulin is adjusting. After that it gets easy because you stop craving carbs. Read labels and try not to do all the cheese and bacon. Just remember as soon as you start eating carbs again you will start to gain it back!

2006-10-11 03:30:58 · answer #3 · answered by Loren T 2 · 0 0

I've lost 33.5 pounds since July 15, 2006 by adding Stack Body Tune Up.

If I can be of further assistance, let me know.


2006-10-11 03:27:47 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Lean proteins and high fiber veggies, cut out sugar and anything with hydrogenated corn oil or syrup. Also, you'll want to start exercising...ugh, it's hard work I know, but you have to start somewhere.

Good Luck.

2006-10-11 03:27:03 · answer #5 · answered by madeleinesurfs 2 · 0 0

Could do what wrestlers do, dont eat drink water, and work out. you'll pee and sweat off the water wait and the water will fil your stomach. YOu can drop pounds in a day or two

2006-10-11 03:27:21 · answer #6 · answered by HookemHorns21 4 · 0 0

fresh herbs can really zing up a healthy meal try growing some in the kitchen using a strawberry pot preserve the flavor by adding fresh herbs at the end of the cooking process

2016-04-10 00:15:31 · answer #7 · answered by Darrin 3 · 0 0

Replace chips with salad to cut carbs

2015-05-04 02:52:29 · answer #8 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

Use 3 bite rule have three small bites and put fork down each time

2016-03-29 02:00:34 · answer #9 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

2 hour walk at a moderate pace

2016-03-13 18:46:52 · answer #10 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

1. swimming

2 drinking tea after meal - help u to digest

3. never eat after 8pm

good luck! and never give up!

2006-10-11 03:30:16 · answer #11 · answered by chloe 5 · 0 0

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