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Is it because of the way Islam and Muslims have been portrayed by the media, certain Governments and organisations? putting fear into the people of terrorism and attaching it to Islam.
Plus, those Muslims are not helping, those extreme few who claim to be Muslims, yet they kill civilians, blow up planes, buildings, kidnap others.

isn't it about time the intelligent non-Muslims should start reading up on this religion from the Islamic scriptures??? and not rely upon the media and actions of the few extreme Muslims and non-practising Muslims who are also extreme.

2006-10-11 02:08:33 · 28 answers · asked by Abu J 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Answers from intelligent people, not narrow minded, gullible media and G.B./T.B followers

2006-10-11 03:19:03 · update #1

I mean those who think they are intelligent, fair and just should answer.

2006-10-11 03:20:32 · update #2

28 answers

It is misunderstood because people don't take the time to try and understand it.

I was offered a free copy of the Koran from a mate, but there was one sight drawback - it was in arabic and therefore could not understand it. I plan to buy a copy in English in the near future.

One thing that facinates me about Islam, is that the Koran contains similar stories and proverbs that are found in the bible or the torah. I guess it orginates from the same part of the world.

I agree that the media does not help. Its like blaming the whole Irish nation or all Catholics for the Brighton bomb or Omagh - its not on.

2006-10-11 02:19:07 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Islam is only the fastest growing religion "now". It wasn't' in the heyday of Judaism, or the Christianity. Hard to say if it is the fastest growing religion yet! However, it is Islam's time that's for sure.The problem is not Islam vs Judaism vs Chritianity. The is Abrahamic religion full stop. You see what we are seeing is no different than the Christian street preachers, high priests, crusaders and conquest of centuries ago. And before that it was the Judaic party. Only now, Christianity has had its day, everyone's bored of it and denounces it. This is an Islamic crusade just like the Christian one, and Abrahamic religion is just a weapon of the oligarch applied as such. Islamism x Judaism x Christianity: a dastardly holy trinity. Doesn't it all seem to be being applied, surreal even? That's because it is. Christians are no longer pious, islamists are. Oligarch needs religion for control. After Islamic reformation, renaissance, March to freedom etc it will start again, cue Judaism.

2015-10-21 08:37:39 · answer #2 · answered by ? 1 · 0 0

I am not an expert, but it is my understanding that Islam, without a strong leader, such as a pope, results in very flexilbe interpretations. For a person with a very specific problem, Islam rules can be interpreted very specifically for a specific person. Thus it's a very customized religion.

This is also what makes it so very difficult for "outsiders" to understand it. Since the interpretations by Imams (I don't know if they get capital letters, I don't mean to offend) can be very differet, the religion seems convoluted. There are so many interpretations of the text, just like in any religion.

I think the best way to draw people to any religion is by individual contact and example.

Islam is also a more aggressive religion. And the concept of "turning the other cheek" is a very difficult one to sell.

I don't think non-Muslims should have to start reading about the religion from the Islamic scriptures. I have enough time keeping up with science news.

2006-10-11 02:17:04 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Beauty needs no ornaments.
Islam is a religion who tells rules for life for all peoples of world but who beleive in God and his last prophet (Mohammad) they are called muslims.God sent many prophets to this world in diffrent times with different books and laws that time peoples (some followed them and some didnot).
I want give u one very common expl If u want to buy any product u will like to buy latest one for u not oldone .Then why dont u follow the rules for life from God which are latest and complete for everyones life.Many laws for many countries are same as in Gods last book (ALQURAN) This is ISLAM which gives rights to every kind of humans more than any other religion or society. Just the peoples who can think and can choose good things for life they are comoming to islam. SO islam is fast growing religion even western media is trying to tell negative picture for islam.

2006-10-11 04:28:41 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I find your use of YA for proselytism deeply offensive.

The problem is not with "extremists." The majority of Muslims sympathize with these so-called "extremists." Just watch the popular reaction in Muslim countries -- as opposed to the official government reaction -- whenever such events occur.

Further, the opinions of the so-called "extremists" are perfectly in accordance with the opinions of classical Islamic scholars of fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence). They are not acting against the traditional form of their religion; they are acting in accordance with it. Christians used to be similarly barbaric, until their faith and culture were transformed by the Enlightenment -- that glorious epoch which bequeathed us the political and intellectual and spiritual liberties which are now the hallmark of the civilized world -- and more or less completely lacking in the Islamic world.

Islam refuses to engage in the self-criticism and reform that Christians have been engaged in for several centuries. Scholars who subject the Qur'an to critical textual analysis are issued death threats. No one will relativize and criticize the received traditions of the Sunnah. Yet these steps are necessary if Islam is to join the world of civilized modernity. Until then, Islamic cultures will continue to stagnate in the darkness of political oppression and zealous religious bigotry and intolerance.

And I would like to see some legitimate sociological research to confirm your assertion that "Islam is the fastest growing religion." I doubt it's true. And if it is, it's a sad comment on our times that people are so insecure that they would rush to embrace your benighted medieval barbarism rather than labor to sustain the freedoms of the west which have given the world every social and intellectual advance of the past half millennium.

2006-10-11 02:19:09 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

As an intelligent non-Muslim, I have not the slightest intention of reading anything about Islam.

I don't care much for false prophets, people who live by outdated rules or who feel the need to believe in God because they are incapable of thinking for themselves.

Karl Marx was probably right, when he suggested that "religion is the opium of the masses".

Give me science anyday.....at least scientists are humble enough to admit when they can't find all the answers.

Religion is usually about people who know nothing, deluding themselves into thinking that they actually do, and then trying to convince other people that only they know best.

It's bollox!

2006-10-11 03:08:39 · answer #6 · answered by musonic 4 · 1 0

Good question. I have been raised to believe in Christ. My belief is Islam is the fastest growing religion due to the strictness of the Islam laws and the poverty levels of the nations where Islam is taught. I have been in Iraq for two years and have seen horrible things done in the name of Ala.

Honestly, the people who do these things for their religion, I think really have political agendas and hide under their God. Yesterday four of my good friends were wounded by a car bomb in east Baghdad. This is a never ending question you have asked. If you are Muslim, all you can do is practice your religion the way it is written, not the extremist way. No religion teaches death to human kind..........Read Ron L Hubbard and see what you think.....

2006-10-11 02:23:42 · answer #7 · answered by 6ft5inallman 2 · 3 0

Personal experience has led me to believe that most people are decent common people, no matter what. I base my everyday values and standards on that fact. I don't need to read anything about your religion to understand that the actions of a few morons does not reflect the people as a whole.

However, what I would like to see is some responsibility taken for these actions. As far as I can see, this is no different than christians who say they are different and shouldn't be confused with other christians who destroy cultures and other religions using the excuse of "saving" their souls. The "oh no, you have us confused with them over there" mentality isn't going to effectively change the perception of common people, no more than it would work for me to say to you, that I don't care one wit what my government says, what the media says or anyone else. I make up my own mind, something allowed me as an American Woman.

2006-10-11 02:21:06 · answer #8 · answered by tjnstlouismo 7 · 2 0

a million) Islam isn't a race is a facist ideology 2) Christians have been persecuted by making use of Rome, muslims have been given extra unfastened homes, education and benefitsthan the different faith team (see place of work of national information) 3)The Koran states to kill non-believers and not actually have a pal who's a jew or Christian 4)Islamic terrorism is worldwide, from non violent India to England. awaken watch the information. 5) I dispise you on account which you have faith what you prefer to have faith not what's rather happening. For the undesirable to win all it takes is for stable human beings to do not something. what proportion cases have you ever protested approximately chrisitians, jews, hindus, buddhists being killed in the call of Islam? 6) and what somebody else mentioned is stable, try brazenly proclaiming christianity in a muslim us of a and spot how a strategies it gets you.

2016-10-19 04:58:37 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The speed of growth of a religion is no true indication of it's validity.....especially when it's proponents will threaten you with imminent death if you don't convert as they did with the two news reporters that had been kidnapped then released after their "conversion".
It is time for the peaceful muslims to follow the example of the people of the state of Florida......an abortion doctor was shot to death by a Christian anti-abortionist. he was tracked down by Christian policemen, tried in court before a Christian judge and jury, and now resides in a prison guarded by mostly Christian guards.....
Muslims need to take a more active role in bringing to justice the malevolent, extreme, hostile people that give their religion a bad image.

2006-10-11 04:39:23 · answer #10 · answered by ROBARRE 2 · 0 0

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