I believe it is proper to take off your shoes, but not everybody holds with this. It depends on the person whose house it is. Some people will say yes, and some will say no. If it's my house- it depends on the season. We have hardwood floors so cleanup is easy, but in winter- who wants to track in all that slush and water? not everybody feels this way. i once offered to take off my shoes since they were wet, and the lady whose house I was visiting looked at me like I was nuts.
Hypothetically, in your house, if it was your wish that people not wear shoes in the house, I'd leave my shoes at the door, no matter how clean they were if I came to visit.
2006-10-10 17:04:39
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Some people house are kept so clean and spotless til yes you have to take your shoes off but its just a floor not a piece of furniture its the floor made for walking on. If it's raining or snow then there should be some place right inside the door to leave your shoes. I guess i feel its fair to use common sense but some people want you to take off your shoes off no matter what and i disagree with that and i don't visit people that have that requirement.
2006-10-10 18:05:21
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I do agree with you, wearing your shoes inside a house will definitely bring in all those things you step on. Although some people suggested to walk carefully, but how much can you be sure of that?
2006-10-10 16:43:07
answer #3
answered by Jasmine Ird 2
Yes in America. In Japan, it is very rude to wear shoes inside, even worse if you have smelly feet.
Always take your cues from the owners, if they take off their shoes, then do the same. Or if the carpet is light in color, looks VERY clean or you just don't want to track anything on their rugs.
2006-10-10 16:44:43
answer #4
answered by Pandora 6
It is BEST not to wear shoes inside a house. The cleanliness of the floor/carpet will be preserved. Shoes especially highheels will also damage floorings.
2006-10-10 21:12:42
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
No,I dont wear shoes inside the house.
2006-10-10 17:19:09
answer #6
answered by hopeless 5
human beings have been wearing shoes in the abode considering that till now there have been no properties so stop being an asian taking your wood sandals off. additionally you may have small feet to placed on a million% of a sock
2016-12-08 12:34:03
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
We take ours off and wear socks around the house.
Some people have "inside" shoes that they only wear indoors and they can slip them on. I appreciate it when company comes over and takes off their shoes esp. if it's snowy or raining. I do the same.
2006-10-10 15:54:27
answer #8
answered by Lake Lover 6
No, you shouldn't wear shoes in the house. If you don't, you'll cut down your cleaning time considerably. Not to mention, it's more comfortable to walk around in socks all the time.
2006-10-10 18:58:59
answer #9
answered by XP 4
at my house its like a law to take your shoes off. We tell our guests to do so too. We dont mean to be mean or rude but if they want to come to our house the shoes have to come off and their feet better be clean!
2006-10-10 16:59:12
answer #10
answered by Anonymous