If you are a government worker, report it. You work for the public trust.
If you work for an Enron like company, do the same, the stockholders are at risk.
If you work for 7-11 and he's stealing a candy bar nightly, shut up.
the world won't come to an end. It is not right but consider the backlash to yourself...your on your own when it comes to retaliaiton. Who is going to protect you over this minor infraction.
I am being realistic, not moralistic. Be smart about it.
2006-10-10 15:09:07
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Wow, that really is a tough call. Being a tattle-tale is so bad-mouthed that it would be really hard to do. I'd certainly let him know that you know, and that you are disappointed in him (state it as strongly as you feel necessary), and that you think you should be telling the boss, but if he finds a way to make it up, or at the very least swears to stop doing it, it might be all right. It would depend to some extent on how major the theft was. If you found out he's stealing pens from the supply room in an office, I'd have to admit I wouldn't much care. But stealing computer components or stereos or cash, that's different. You would be in serious trouble yourself if it became known that you knew about it and did not report it, and you should certainly point that out to your "friend."
I suppose you know why I put quote marks around the word friend here. Ain't much of a friend who would put you in this spot. Ain't much of a person worth being friends with if they steal.
2006-10-10 22:03:03
answer #2
answered by auntb93again 7
I don't know for sure how I would go about this. How did you find out that he was stealing? What proof do you have? If someone else told you or if you saw documentation that proved that something was going on, or if you saw him do it, then you have something to work with. I would talk to him and say that there are some rumors around the office about this and that he needs to really watch what he is doing because others are watching him. Tell him that you can not disclose who all you heard this from, but tell him that you are his friend and you don't want to see him get into any trouble. That may take care of the problem.
2006-10-10 22:09:34
answer #3
answered by Sage g 2
Good friends are tested in times of need. Stealing can be a disease, but most often it is just greed. Your friend needs you here. Don't squeal on him. Remember the good times in the last 10 years.
Best to have a deep chat with him and say that you know he's stealing and ask him to stop it. If he values your friendship he will. Give him a month. If you find him stealing again (and I hope it's not just pinching) report him to the police (collect evidence in that one month).
2006-10-11 08:06:03
answer #4
answered by blind_chameleon 5
You want thieves for friends? What happens when inventory reveals a thief; any chance YOU could be blamed? Now that you know what's happeneing, you share the guilt.
Be a leader. Tell him to cut the crap and earn a living. He's putting you in danger. Tell him if he does it again in front of you you'll turn his dumb a$$ in.
But watch your back; a thief will turn on you in a heartbeat. He'll vandalize your stuff, cause you problems...he thinks he's Mr.Cool, but I can tell you he is a loser. Always stay far away from losers, they always get you in trouble.
2006-10-10 22:04:09
answer #5
answered by n0witrytobeamused 6
If he is a friend, be a friend and tell him of the consequences of his actions. if he isn't really a friend keep your business your business, and stay out of others business. that is why there is so much governmental (out of) control with this country, everybody is to far up every ones u know what. this person will or won't get into trouble all on his(her) own. leave policing to the police. nobody likes a rat
2006-10-10 22:39:10
answer #6
answered by derf 4
That's a tough one. It depends on his personality and how you think he would respond. Personally, I would confront the friend and ask them why he is stealing, and why he doesn't know better? Ask him did he think about the SEVERE consequences involved. Hopefully, you can talk him back to his senses.
But NEVER lie if confronted by a manager. A true friend wouldn't involve you in criminal activity.
2006-10-10 22:00:48
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
If you have worked with him for 10 years then you probably know him pretty well. Talk to him and tell him you know what he is doing and your very uncomfortable with his behavior. Ask him to stop or you'll have to report him. He is contributing to the loss of merchandise in your store and that is what drives up prices. That could contribute to your raises or lack there of. I would watch him close now that you know.
2006-10-11 08:27:32
answer #8
answered by purrfectsandcastle 3
If in fact he is stealing and he's informed you of it, then you are complicit it that theft as well - morally. It just depends if you can approach this person without him going off on you. Is it safe? Then discuss it. If it's not safe, just say you think the boss put in some surveillance cameras - maybe then he'll knock it off.
2006-10-10 23:10:02
answer #9
answered by Lake Lover 6
Then, i woui would confront the person and tell him I was going to report him so I was not an accomplice to the theft
Within the next minute I would do the reportingh so he had no time to hide te evidence or make it look like I was involved.t
2006-10-10 22:00:34
answer #10
answered by nora7142@verizon.net 6