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I just bought a 40 pint dehumidifier for my 400 sq ft efficiency apartment, which is actually in a basement.

The dehumidifier has a setting for humidy % desired, as I'm sure they all do, but I don't know if it will shut itself off immediately, or if I need to get a hygrometer to regulate the RH of my home.

I understand that they shut themselves off when the water container is full, but does anyone know if it is typical for a consumer-grade dehumidifier to shut-off when it reaches its desired RH%?

If not, how long should I run it at a time?

2006-10-10 12:56:59 · 2 answers · asked by nickdanger22802 1 in Health Diseases & Conditions Allergies

2 answers

I also have a humidifier which I can set for either 2hrs. or 4hrs. The machine (mine) shuts off at which of the 2 settings I use. If your humidifier doesn't have this feature then just run it for either 2 or 4 hours per 24 hour period. I also can set the humidity % desired in addition to the timing. I can't see the need to run your humidifier any longer than 4hrs. per 24hrs. at any rate. Just experiment with the humidity % desired and the timing and I'm sure you will get a good feel for what is comfortable for you. By the way, mine is for a small condo and is in a bedroom. I'm sure that your machine will shut off once it has reached the correct humidity level but atleast you have a ballpark figure of 2-4 hours now. Good luck to you and I don't think you need to spend money on a hygrometer unless you really want to.

2006-10-10 20:21:41 · answer #1 · answered by marnie 3 · 0 0

as long as nessary

2006-10-12 19:32:54 · answer #2 · answered by Knight H 4 · 0 0

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